
Sunday 23 September 2007

I have always read The Guardian


It's a quality newspaper with a forward thinking and intelligent editorial team, thought provoking and uncompromising journalists, and a well read and attractive readership. And clearly they know a good thing when they see it. [Cough cough] scroll down a bit

So for all the new readers who have arrived here from The Guardian here are some of my favourite stories and advice for restaurant patrons...

  1. First post, Fat Man & Thumb Stubber
  2. Advice, Sending your food back?
  3. More advice, Late Supper eh?
  4. There is sheet in ma water!
  5. Some people talk more than they think
  6. Sometimes even I want to cry...
  7. Obvious? Not to the dining public
Ah there is so much more, but you can find it yourself. Now to delete that post where I may have said something unpleasant about the some of the Guardian's Readership.....

29 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

Jenny said...

Yes, er, what WAS that post about? Congrats! You're on your way to Number Four, aren't you?

Old Knudsen said...

The Guardian huh, that explains a lot.

Megan McGurk said...

When the MSM takes notice, you're going places, Manuel.
You deserve it.

Ms Robinson said...

I'm only here to piggyback on your success since that's the kind of self-centred bitch I am.

Oh yeah, congrats..whatever...

Toast said...

Congrats lad!

Manuel said...

Anonymous Boxer: No, not a chance....well for a month at least. This blog got mentioned in The Guide section of one of the better newspapers. I'm very very chuffed...

Old Knudsen: But you got mentioned in the Larne Mail didn't you?

Medbh: Awh shucks...thanks...

Ms Robinson: You can piggyback anytime...

Toast: Cheers Toast, like I say I'm buzzing bigtime....

ellie said...

Well done! (no pun intended). I'm made up for you. x

Manuel said...

Ellie: Thanks! I think this is my 15 minutes nearly over.....

I have scoured the city for a copy of yesterday's paper but I cant get one anywhere.....

ellie said...

I will ask about and see if I can get one for you, bound to at least one Guardian reader at work! ;)

Gayé Terzioglu said...

Manuel, sorry about using your blog post comment section for my very own agenda, but i need help. I published a PLS HELP post on myirelandadventure blog, I need advice from your loyal readers on a good, no great steak restaurant in Dublin. Pls help y'all. Love and kisses, G.

PS: I was thinking I was the mad one keeping 3 blogs, even though they are not super busy, how you gonna do it? You're truly mad Sir, you are. Cheers to the madness! All the best!

Old Knudsen said...

Do I have to tell you about the time I was the buzz on a BBC message board with my Johnny Adair is ghey post? I was getting over 300 hits a day.

Whats wrong with the Larne Mail? you've changed lad.

Old Knudsen said...

When the MSM takes notice, you're going places

when Old Knudsen does a tribute blog yer going no where.

hyperhan said...

Congrats Manuel - truly well deserved!

Steve said...

Congrats Manuel. I think your blog is better than mine (and others) because you post just about every day, and almost always have something interesting to say.

If only I had worked at the liquor store a few more years...

Manuel said...

Ellie: cheers!

Gaye: I'll add a bit into my next post...

Old K: Larne Mail? Still better than the Larne female. I liked WDMillie, classy...

Hyperhan: Thanks dude..

Steve: Liquor store v Science? You made the right choice...

John Cav said...

The Guardian eh? Very impressive acclaim garnering. Congratulations!

Manuel said...

John: Nothing like the Old(ish) Journalism...thanks man.....

Mike said...

The Guardian eh? So you're a bit of a celebrity now. I'm impressed!

fatmammycat said...

Claps loudly, even does small cheer.

Sassy Sundry said...

Well Done, Manuel!

Manuel said...

Mike, Sassy, FMC: Thanks!!!

savannah said...

OMG!!!! how exciting for you..and vicariously for me...since i have a badge from you!!!! well done, sugar!

livesbythewoods said...

I remember when this was all fields.

Hurrah for you and your fame and glory. Just make sure you get all the negatives and any royalities owing you.

Unknown said...

You schmoozing smoothie! The Manchester Grauniad, of all things! Go on, tell us, who did you bribe with a free pudding? We know it's all payola in that business!

ellie said...

I have good news and bad ....

The good news.... I don't work with any Guardian readers!

The bad news..... I haven't managed to get you a copy of Saturday's paper! Sorry.

Manuel said...

Sav & LBTW: Thanks!

Ellie: Thanks for trying, now hunt out the Daily Mail readers, grrrrrrr

Conan Drumm: Chocolate cake goes a long way with journalists.....

D said...

Hey, Congratulations! Well and truly deserved!

Manuel said...


Anonymous said...

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