Deviation is the road to unhappiness
Life can be easy if you want it to be.
Book your table, be on time, order well, eat, pay, tip, leave.
Do that and your dining life will be an enjoyable one. Deviation is the road to heartache, tables with bad views, slow service, cold food and mouthy waiters.
Tonight's guests followed the path to dining enlightenment. They were particularly enlightened when it came to the 5th tenet of dining enlightenment, tipping.
Enlightened to the tune of £140 that's 280 of your America dollars!
Frickin sweet for a Monday night.
I'm feeling very fucking zen like right now
Do that and your dining life will be an enjoyable one. Deviation is the road to heartache, tables with bad views, slow service, cold food and mouthy waiters.
Tonight's guests followed the path to dining enlightenment. They were particularly enlightened when it came to the 5th tenet of dining enlightenment, tipping.
Enlightened to the tune of £140 that's 280 of your America dollars!
Frickin sweet for a Monday night.
I'm feeling very fucking zen like right now
22 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
Slipping a wallet out of one of their coats is not, strictly speaking, tipping.
Give it back.
BBB: bwahahahaha I charmed it out actually.......taught by an old Indian man......
I can't add anything to the discussion, actually I came here for a loan. Does $280 sound right?
Of course, I'm forgetful about repayment.
the tip was 280usd???? wtf was the bill, sugar????
And, adding a zero to "14" doesn't mean they won't figure it out... eventually.
Actually, I bet I know what you did to get that tip......
I hope you're putting the cash in your shoes when you leave at night, Manuel. I know plenty of waiters who got rolled going home in uniform. Scary business.
Blessed be the generous.
What are you going to spend it on?
Holy shit! Result!
someone gave me a box of ferrero rocher yesterday which is the biggest tip I ever got at work.
You put a jew to shame lad, no offense to any hooked nosed money lenders.
Food whore.
Where did I leave that number for the inland revenue...
One word Manny....'pool'!!!:)
pgeek: no problem...see fat tony soprano for terms.....
savannah: about £600.......freaking magic moments
boxer: I'm like a wallet charmer........
medbh: straight into a walking no risk....Blessed be the generous, for theirs is the kingdom of the restaurant...
mj: hats! and razors!
sam: couldn't have put it better....
conortje: did you have to give 10% to someone else?
old k: schlep.....
sheepo: I'll deny everything!
quueenniiee: liver? black? swimming? ...of emptiness?
Manuel hit the Mother lode...woohoo!
Hah! You know what I mean...sharing is caring, do you not pool yer tips?
Urgh, now got horrible thoughts of Blackpool...why does anyone go there?
Yours, Quernie.
Ha, now I've got your number, Manuel! You always claim your big priority is giving your diners a good time, keeping them happy etc, but really it's only the tips you want isn't it? TIPS TIPS TIPS! And to think I once prayed to Saint Manuel every night for guidance. You've broken my heart.
bigger tits=bigger tips. were you wearing that low cut apron? tied just right?
nice monday night haul... spending it on peelers i hope!
I thought you worked in a restaurant, not a lapdancing club?
gypsy: and spent it too
queenie: yes we do, but I was on my own so I split it with various shops in town...
nick: sorry I gave you that impression....I'm all about the money! and a wee bit about the love....which generates the money...
voices: peelers in Belfast are the cops! yes I had my tight apron on.....very tight!
quickie: I do! but I know how to shake my booty!
Aw righ'! Free money, gud, velly gud indeed, I'm all for that.
hmm... peelers in canada dance around poles and take you to little private booths, for um....
we call em strippers in the states, but to me its more exciting when i think they are "peeling" their clothes off.... my bad. so what did you do with the money?
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