More arse relief for those who have a problem in that department comes in the form of these handy wipes from the very politely named, Believe me I hesitated for a moment before I clicked the link.
The bumpf on their site says,
"Don't Suffer In Silence... Heat rash and prickly heat is one of the most common problems in hot, humid work environments. For kitchen staff standing over a hot plate or oven all day the rash can manifest itself in those most personal areas, sweat ducts become plugged, causing red papules, or bumps, to appear on the skin causing a very uncomfortable condition known in the trade as Chef's Bum (no it's not, it's chef's arse and that's that - Manuel), which if left untreated can become complicated by a subsequent infection."
Nice! Suffer in silence? Chance would be a fine thing. The shower dodging cooker monkeys never shut up about it. Still, I've ordered some for the chefs at work. It pays to keep on their good side. Wonder if it works on their mouths too, mmmmm nothing could wipe those particular orifices clean.
pain relief for chefs...
still no relief from chefs though

still no relief from chefs though
All praise and salutations go to Slouchpod for the info.
13 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
Now let's hope they was their hands after they wipe their arse with them.
I will second silverstar's concern. The idea that chefs are wiping their bunghole mid-shift is deeply, deeply disturbing.
Plus, the product seems rather counter intuitive. When you are sweating your balls off do you really want any additional moisture down there? How do the wipes dry your ass out?
Would some baby-wipes and talcum powder not suffice?
OK, I didn't need that image in my head.
If you use a wipe to wipe yer arse then yer hand gets automatically wiped too and donc clean.
Its a fun idea but wont andrex moist wipes do the same??? Also may I recommend a side order of this. It really does work wonders.
I think you should become their spokesman and do ads on telly and on billboards.
If its a choice between them using the wipes or the table linen, I know which one I would rather they use...
Perhaps you should buy some of these as well
just make sure that they're in a good mood before you go handing them out.
But if they stop complaining about their arses, will that not free up some verbal time to complain about something else? Maybe something that makes 'chef arse' sound like something you would discuss with granny over sunday lunch? Blech....
Manuel-I found your blog sometime last week, as I was surfing the 'net at work (nothing to do, seriously). I have taken every opportunity to catch up on this thing! It is all I can do not to laugh out loud at the office ("Did you hear that? That muffling noise coming from Busbus' office? Weird young lady..."). Keep it up!
busbus: welcome! cheers for that, come back soon and bring friends.......friends with money at that.....
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