Dueling waiters......
It was a "funny" old weekend. Whilst some people barely spoke a word some some people clearly have no idea when to shut the fuck up. I mean we all like a bit of chat and what have you, personally I can wax lyrical about all sorts of stuff and things but I like to think I know when to give it a rest. But some people seem to be missing the part of the brain that controls the flow of words from thoughts to speech. It's very unnerving and more than a little bit ear slicingly annoying.

In the shut the fuck up corner there was an old man, quel surprise. Now don't get me wrong I like old men, not in a cuddle up to them late at night sort of way, but rather in a I hope to be one some day kind of affection. Despite it being ten past twelve on a Sunday afternoon he was Mr Wide Awake and ready for action. Probably been up for hours. Whilst I was still lamenting the fact that I was actually up and yearned for the comfort of my still warm bed he was in full flow.
"So young man, how are you today? Beautiful day so far. You been watching the Olympics? Fantastic stuff isn't it? Did think they'd pull it off you know. But they did, they pulled it off. Proved me wrong, that's right proved me wrong. Lunch then is it? Lovely. Ah yes Sunday lunch. Fantastic." And he said it just like that, no stopping for answers, no stopping for air. He was like a Gatling machine gun.
Mother of all that is right in the world what the fuckity fuck fuck was this? Do old men take coke now? Is that what was going on? Had he spooned a couple of grams over his cornflakes instead of sugar? It was all too much too early for my liking. My plan to palm him of to the other waiter was a non-starter as her first table had that other Sunday morning nightmare, kids, on board. And given the choice I'll take a cracked up old man over murderous looking rug rats with neo-nazi haircuts and mischievous looks. Actually mischievous is the wrong word, it makes them sound like fun little imps when they were far more Machiavellian than that.
Grandpa Charlie wasn't on the coke. He was just an old man with a spring in his step and a lust for life. Oh how I resented his lust for life on a sunday afternoon when I felt grim and full of begrudgery. But I really didn't need his minute by minute commentary on everything that was going on.
"Hey up, lots of kids over there. Three boys is it? Three boys and a girl. Ah that's nice for them. And that couple there by the window, they must be young lovers don't you think? Married at all are they? Probably not. It's the way of the world though now isn't it? No odds to me, I say no odds to me just as long as they are happy. It's all each of us wants isn't it? Just to be happy. Yes I'll have the roast beef."
And it wasn't just when I was actually at his table either. I watched him as he ate, he never said a word. But it was like something in him was triggered if one of us walked within two tables of where he was.
"Lovely. Lovely. Oh that's just great. Great food. Compliments to the chef. Yes tell him I said it's great. Keep up the good work. Did you see that car outside? Big car, very expensive looking. Lot's of money. Not worrying about paying the rent those folks. Oh you're with somebody else. Fair enough."
It went on like that ad nauseam. But I was three double espresso in by now and was feeling up for the challenge. I was gonna try and beat him at his own game. The others watched with baited breath.
"So did you enjoy that? Eh did you? Great beef that isn't it? Locally reared...."
Damn it, I was only getting warmed up when he got in with...
"Cant beat the locally reared stuff. Best farmers in the world here. Irish beef isn't it? Eh great stuff that. I used to...."
I hit back before he could finish...
"Aye great stuff that. The pork is good too. You should try that next week. All locally reared pigs too. You want a pudding then eh? Great puddings here. All fresh made this morning they come with..."
"Ach I love a good pudding...." Bastard he snipped in before I could list them one by one, he was clearly well schooled at his art.
This was like dueling banjos but without the threat of rape and with less genetic freakery going on. (Debatable - LMM) It was a battle for the last word. He had his old man lust for life I had (comparative) youth and espresso on my side.
"...my old mother, may she rest in God's peace (queue sad face), made a great apple tart. No apple tart here though eh. I say no apple tart. Ah but you have Pav-a-lova. (as old people like to call it) Lovely I'll have that with cream. No ice cream. No cream. Yes cream. And coffee. With milk. No cream. No milk. Yes milk with the coffee."
I was beaten. So many words.
"Pavlova it is then?"
"Yup pavlova and coffee. Oh and would you look at that another one of those big cars. Lot's of people with lots of money......"
He was off again. I didn't stay to listen. He paid the bill about a half hour later and as he left I was determined to get the last word.
Childish? Yes.
Did that stop me? No.
He came towards me at the door. "Well goodbye then for now. God willing I'll be back next week. Thanks for lunch. Lovely lunch. Great stuff. Pay the chef my compliments. Great lad he is, I say great lad he is. Bye bye for now."
But before he could get out the door I countered with, "You take it easy now young Sir. Enjoy the rest of the day."
And with that the door closed before he could respond. And I turned and walked away having secured the smallest of victories. Until....
"Young? Ha ha ha very good. Bye now." There he was with his head through the door laughing.
"So young man, how are you today? Beautiful day so far. You been watching the Olympics? Fantastic stuff isn't it? Did think they'd pull it off you know. But they did, they pulled it off. Proved me wrong, that's right proved me wrong. Lunch then is it? Lovely. Ah yes Sunday lunch. Fantastic." And he said it just like that, no stopping for answers, no stopping for air. He was like a Gatling machine gun.
Mother of all that is right in the world what the fuckity fuck fuck was this? Do old men take coke now? Is that what was going on? Had he spooned a couple of grams over his cornflakes instead of sugar? It was all too much too early for my liking. My plan to palm him of to the other waiter was a non-starter as her first table had that other Sunday morning nightmare, kids, on board. And given the choice I'll take a cracked up old man over murderous looking rug rats with neo-nazi haircuts and mischievous looks. Actually mischievous is the wrong word, it makes them sound like fun little imps when they were far more Machiavellian than that.
Grandpa Charlie wasn't on the coke. He was just an old man with a spring in his step and a lust for life. Oh how I resented his lust for life on a sunday afternoon when I felt grim and full of begrudgery. But I really didn't need his minute by minute commentary on everything that was going on.
"Hey up, lots of kids over there. Three boys is it? Three boys and a girl. Ah that's nice for them. And that couple there by the window, they must be young lovers don't you think? Married at all are they? Probably not. It's the way of the world though now isn't it? No odds to me, I say no odds to me just as long as they are happy. It's all each of us wants isn't it? Just to be happy. Yes I'll have the roast beef."
And it wasn't just when I was actually at his table either. I watched him as he ate, he never said a word. But it was like something in him was triggered if one of us walked within two tables of where he was.
"Lovely. Lovely. Oh that's just great. Great food. Compliments to the chef. Yes tell him I said it's great. Keep up the good work. Did you see that car outside? Big car, very expensive looking. Lot's of money. Not worrying about paying the rent those folks. Oh you're with somebody else. Fair enough."
It went on like that ad nauseam. But I was three double espresso in by now and was feeling up for the challenge. I was gonna try and beat him at his own game. The others watched with baited breath.
"So did you enjoy that? Eh did you? Great beef that isn't it? Locally reared...."
Damn it, I was only getting warmed up when he got in with...
"Cant beat the locally reared stuff. Best farmers in the world here. Irish beef isn't it? Eh great stuff that. I used to...."
I hit back before he could finish...
"Aye great stuff that. The pork is good too. You should try that next week. All locally reared pigs too. You want a pudding then eh? Great puddings here. All fresh made this morning they come with..."
"Ach I love a good pudding...." Bastard he snipped in before I could list them one by one, he was clearly well schooled at his art.
This was like dueling banjos but without the threat of rape and with less genetic freakery going on. (Debatable - LMM) It was a battle for the last word. He had his old man lust for life I had (comparative) youth and espresso on my side.
"...my old mother, may she rest in God's peace (queue sad face), made a great apple tart. No apple tart here though eh. I say no apple tart. Ah but you have Pav-a-lova. (as old people like to call it) Lovely I'll have that with cream. No ice cream. No cream. Yes cream. And coffee. With milk. No cream. No milk. Yes milk with the coffee."
I was beaten. So many words.
"Pavlova it is then?"
"Yup pavlova and coffee. Oh and would you look at that another one of those big cars. Lot's of people with lots of money......"
He was off again. I didn't stay to listen. He paid the bill about a half hour later and as he left I was determined to get the last word.
Childish? Yes.
Did that stop me? No.
He came towards me at the door. "Well goodbye then for now. God willing I'll be back next week. Thanks for lunch. Lovely lunch. Great stuff. Pay the chef my compliments. Great lad he is, I say great lad he is. Bye bye for now."
But before he could get out the door I countered with, "You take it easy now young Sir. Enjoy the rest of the day."
And with that the door closed before he could respond. And I turned and walked away having secured the smallest of victories. Until....
"Young? Ha ha ha very good. Bye now." There he was with his head through the door laughing.
23 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
I don't want to get old. Ever.
Boxer: on no, it's only ambition.....
as the MITM always says: don't fuck with an old man, you'll always get the shit kicked outta ya!
savannah: you cant beat em! no point in even trying
Good try, but there was no way you could have won against someone with that much more experience than you :)
The old man in the seat ahead me on the bus this evening had bugs crawling on his jacket.
I hate public transit.
When I grow old I'm going to wear fur, like Gamma, and drink gin all day, like Gamma, and be ferociously snooty to people, like Gamma, and well, I'm just going to turn into Gamma. Fuck, all I need is a stoop and a blue rinse.
The old boy probably lives alone and hasn't spoken a word to anyone since the last time he was out to lunch. Literally, not figuratively. Nope, can't win against that.
LOL, pav-a-lova. Old people crack me up.
I usually leave them to talk at me until they run out of things to say and end up running circles around themselves in confusion of what their original point was.
ali: yup cant be beaten
mj: ah every journey is an adventure!
fmc: bwahahahaha
silverstar: I thought that too but he did mention that his wife was away for the weekend.....bet she needed that....
byw: did you go to tedfords? did you love it?
maxi: huh, that's what happens to me now.....
"no, it's only ambition....."
Me too
and to win a gold at the Olympics, seems easy.
I always have to have the last word - annoys Mr B. no end.
When I'm an old lady, I will follow the excellent example of my great aunt by dying my hair a shade of red unknown to nature, intimidating everyone despite being a wrinkled old prune, saying what I like, when I like and generally embarassing my family by revealing long-lost family secrets or stirring up feuds at clan gatherings. Can't wait.
Just as long as I don't get a hump on my back as my own dear grandmother did, I will put up with old age if it means I can smoke and drink as I like.
Bless his wee cotten socks!
Surely you'd rather have a chatty old geezer in the restaurant than the 2 coked up yuppies or even Mrs Cuntish McBastard?
Raaaar, yes Tedfords! My partner and I both had the goat's cheese and asparagus brioche to start then for mains I had the grilled seabass
and he had the monkfish, although to be fair I ate most of his main course...and my own..
boy_wonder: apparently so especially if you are in team Geeee Beeee
jen: oh god me too....minus the incontinence...I can live without that....
medbh: it;s good to have a plan...
dave: without question....
byw: isn't it the best eh?! I cant wait to go back.....
I've always hoped that when I get old I'll be that old lady wearing too much makeup and lipstick on her teeth, so that I can embarrass the hell out my family. That is what I am looking forward to, if I can just kill a grandchild via embarrassment my life will have been complete.
Maybe this is why I don't have a family right now?
c.watson: aim high! that's what i like!
I've been reading your blog for a while now and I just want to say thank you very much because I laughed out loud at this post.
A little bit embarrassing since I'm in a Chartbusters and I got some looks from people!
dot: welcome dot! cheers for that. Now can I get some tanning stuff, a bag of popcorn, and a copy of Uncle Buck please....?
That had me laughing this AM. Thanks for the great start to a great morning. It's a great morning isn't it young lad? I love the morning, don't you? I need another coffee with extra crack in it please. Yes extra crack, thank you very much. Hats off to the chef for the crack, yes?
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