The Time of Judgment be upon us....Crikey!
The wonderful, beautiful, intelligent, well read, charismatic, funny and all round good eggs from the Irish Blog Awards (that'll do darling-LMM) are now inviting nominations for this years awards. Different format this year as the winners will be decided by a panel of judges as opposed to a popularity vote. I wonder who the judges could be......[wavy dream lines]

Judging Panel A - Judges from 2000AD
- Judge Dread - firm but fair - likes well organised blogs with tidy sidebars and that follow a strict adherence to blogging etiquette such as linking back and despises multiple personalities. Catchphrase, "I am the law....on all things related to Wordpress and Blogger blog systems. But not Typepad." Catchy....
- Judge Judy Janus - being a psychic she probably knows the results already - tends to favour blogs about horoscopes and earth stones and other such keek. Catchphrase, "I knew you were going to write that."
- Judge Death - no sense of humour being dead and all - but is known to enjoy the musings of Twenty Major and Old Bitter Balls - also known to really enjoy stories from Iraq which he thinks are just hilarious. Catchphrase, "Deeeeeaaaaaatttthhh to bad blogs...."

Judging Panel B - Judges off the TV
Judging Panel C Various Types of Teenagers
- Judge John Deed - Former Professional turned Judge, big fan of the ladies and would tend to throw his weight, and anything else, behind blogs by the ladies. But he would probably upset the people from the Irish Blog Awards as Judge John Deed plays by his own rules, a rebel with a wig and gown. Catchphrase, "I find you guilty....guilty of being sexy." This got him into trouble when he judged this years small dog's section at Crufts.
- Judge Judy (didn't see that coming eh!) - Takes a no nonsense approach to judging - favours blogs that, like herself, are plain speaking and that didn't have an affair or run out the day the baby was born. Beware, if you put your blog in front of her to be judged you might end up paying half of your hits to the eventual winner in blog alimony. Catchphrase, "Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's a blog."
- Judge Reinhold - Also known as Billy - he is a nice guy, this makes it very difficult for him to make a fucking decision, and he falls down a lot - being a born again (wasn't once enough?) Christian, Billy takes a dim view of blogs with any nakedness, swearing, blaspheming, evolution, drink and drug references, music other than the God rock of Resurrection, books other than the bible, derogatory remarks about GWB, questioning of the War on Terra, and anything related to Richard Dawkins. All things considered he probably shouldn't get involved. Catchphrase, "Only God can judge you on the last day blah blah blah....."

- Emo/Goth Kids - They were actually a surprise hit at this years Ireland's Beautiful Baby Contest and helped sway the panel towards the 3 year old with the cross eyes and three giant freckles. They tend to favour blogs on the darker side of life. The actually wanted to vote The Samaritans website as last years winner but withdrew that idea when they were convinced it wasn't a blog. Catchphrase, "What's the point, no but really, what's the point?
- Indie Kids - They were they first person to read your blog, and stopped when it became popular. They are always on the cutting edge, not like the Emo/Goth kids who are actually on the edge of cutting........themselves. The Indie kids prefer blogs left of centre and despise the populist blogs. And if their mum's read it, then there is no chance of them voting for you. Catchphrase, "Like that was so last year/I read that when he had only 5 hits."
- Ned's/Scallies/Spides/Knackers - They probably wont take part and will just rob the bowl of fruit, do your pockets, steal your lap top, and beat you up for money for Buckfast. And beware if they do vote you as winner make sure you leave somebody in your house when you go to get your award as they will know you're out and will come round and do your house over. Catchphrase, "Blog? Are you a fruit or wah?"
Or of course they could just be well respected members of the community who have donated their time to judge this years award, but secretly I hope its Judging Panel A......
23 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
You are sooo whoring for an award Manuel. I got your back :)
Me? Whoring? Award? never........
Virtual trophy slut you. I put you under best food/drink blog?
not really I've seen the blog if you must....
It is my new mission.
Making you famous.
Very exciting, Manuel.
You're sure to win one of them, you rock star.
Is there an award for most squeezable sugarloaf?
I heard they were going to be re-named the Twenty Major awards.
i gave you a nod anyway. figured you need the positive affirmation after your recent arse-grabbing trauma. i was wondering if it'd be crass to mention the awards on my blog and decided yes - then yourself and twenty do it...
look at you all, only in it for the glory.
where's the love?
Oh go on then, you can have best newcomer.
But I want the Irish language one.
don't worry, OneFor, i gave you a nod too.
Never mind you, how do I get Judge Dredd to visit my blog?
He was (and is) my all time hero and role model.
Boxer: awh thanks boxer....
medbh: settle.....
mj: yes.......i've one it for the last 5 years on the run
old k: it's a challenge to us all......a bit like Derby v Man United
rosie: I thought the same.....then Gimme did a bit and twenty I just copied the big boys
oftr: if i get the votes there'll be plenty of love
gimme: all yours.....
rosie: vote giving hussy.....
lbtw: well that's not weird....
You better be prepared to travel, I'm nominating you for stuff too.
I voted for you for Best Newcomer.
You deserve it.
Judge Death? You wouldn't last a second mate.
Awardsssss are meaninglessssssssss.
A very many good wishes to you and yours for the new year.
I still don't see what's wrong with putting ya under food/drink blog? Ummm Waiter? Food? Drink? Well at least I made your votes diverse. You should have mentioned that in your entry in the first place(vote for me as newcomer bitches). Subliminal crap doesn't work on my ant sized brain. Maybe I should have pulled out the magic wand I have shoved up my ass :)
Since commenting I've been asked to be a judge for the awards, do you want my paypal details now or later?
Ok, this has nothing to do with your post, but I just bought a CD that I think you'd like given your top music list of 2007 (maybe you even listed it, I don't know). Anyway, the band's name is Sea Wolf, and the album name is Leaves on the River (or something like that). It's great stuff. Just thought I'd pass that on.
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