
Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Everybody Hurts, and with good reason......

Todd, the Toucher, was in again on Sunday for lunch but he wasn't his usual self. He was less demonstrative, less touchy handsy feely crotchy rubby than normal. [shudder] He seemed sad, well sadder than usual. Actually it's not accurate to describe him as being some sort of a sad sack as he is anything but. He is quite the dapper Dan in both appearance and outlook. If it wasn't for his less than appealing and constant crotch touching I think I would quite like to spend some time in the old duffers company. But he's a toucher so that ain't ever gonna happen.


No, something was up with Todd the Toucher. Even his perfectly tied Windsor knot seemed less tally ho than normal. I was in two minds whether or not to poke it out of him. I mean one could have been asking Pandora what she has in her secret little box. But fuck it, I went charging on in, out of concern you understand.

"Hey Todd, you okay today? You seem a little down?"

"Ah yes Manuel you noticed. How kind of you....", began Todd whilst clutching his sweaty hands. This was weird. I was wearing my Sunday shirt which is a little tighter than the rest of my work collection and normally this has Todd in a frenzy of under the table fiddling activity.

But not today.

"...It's my friend, he has past away, gone to the other side, Valhalla has called for him and I am alone once more with my thoughts and my sadness." His hands were gesticulating now like a Shakespearean actor.

Woe is me, and Todd, obviously.

Oh that's what you keep in your box Pandora. How nice. I just had to ask. I just couldn't have brought him a Gin and Tonic and a jug of water like he asked for. Oh no, not me. Because you cant just recite the specials and walk away can you? Well not after hearing that.

"'m so sorry to hear that Todd. Had your friend been ill?", that's right, delve a little deeper and see if you can get yourself an invite to the funeral.

"Yes, yes the old chap had been suffering for quite a while now. His bowels had gone, lost all control of them Manuel. Lost all control. You'd be out for a walk, we used to love a good brisk early morning walk and lo and behold he'd shit himself. Terrible stuff I can tell you. Just terrible. Didn't even know he had done it either, poor old chap."

" yes......terrible indeed". Sweet mother of Gordon Ramsay what had I done? All I could see in my mind, vividly at that, was a shit covered old codger and Todd the Toucher trying to help him. I nearly did a sick in my mouth.

"It's the end when the bowels go Manuel, the end. You have to treat them right and look after them. It's the end otherwise."

HELP! Proctological advice from Todd the Toucher? Christ no no no no. I nodded my head in a sombre fashion and tried to excuse myself from the table but I had opened the box myself and the pain and anguish was flowing, presumably like his late chums bowels.

"Wasn't that old either, just seventy last August he was." A little tear escaped from Todd's right eye. He was clearly still very upset at the loss of his friend. I felt bad for him.

"Seventy? You don't say. Still seventy is a good innings eh?", cliches are just fab when consoling the grieving. I followed this up with, "He's in a better place now" and "Well at least his pain is over." Good old cliches, because what the hell else do you say?

"And did your chum leave any children or family behind?"

"Yes, yes the old boy had quite a frisky life of it, not sure how many kids he had but there was at least fourteen at the last count", and then he winked at me. This was as unnerving as it was creepy.

"Sorry, fourteen?" Okay then, clearly Todd has had more than cornflakes for breakfast.

"Yes fourteen, that I know of. Well I suppose I'll have to get another one now", says Todd dabbing at his teary eye.

"Another gin?", odd because he hadn't even started on the first one yet.

"Gin? No, another dog! Probably get another Collie, lovely dogs Collies. Do you have dog yourself Manuel?"

"A dog? Your friend that died was a dog?"

"Yes, a border collie, lovely old fella he was too. Kept shitting himself though. Had to get the vet in, you know the old sleeping injection."

I walked away. I just walked away without saying another thing. I will never speak to him again let alone serve him, the creepy sleazy crotch rubber. Fucker had me all concerned for him and everything. The dog truly is in a better place now and all......

29 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

Anonymous said...

Oh that made me chuckle- wasn't expecting that at all....

Tee hee!

He sounds like a right scary man!

Manuel said...

sooz: you weren't expecting it?? I nearly shat!

Anonymous said...

Nearly shed a tear meself then, he's right though, once you start messin in your keks you're better off out of it.

Manuel said...

the cousin: just like winston up the street eh? shat his keks and hasn't been seen since.....!

Ms. McDermott said...

Manuel, I can't believe it. Say it ain't so! I would've taken you for a more compassionate being. My daughter was beside herself when her 18 year-old cat died. Your 'toucher' dude obviously has no human friends; for a lot of us auld wans, animal friends is all we got.

Anonymous said...

Where's your compassion man? He's lost his confidante, friend, trusted companion and ball-licker.

Manuel said...

Ms McDermott: See the thing is I don't want to talk to him at the best of times but he had me feeling sorry for him.....if he had been clear from the start that it was his dog, things would have been different......

Manuel said...

bbb: god! yes but....ach you have to meet him to understand.....

Megan McGurk said...

That made me feel sad for the self-fiddler dude.
Our neighbour's dog lost all control of her bowels at the end and down she went.

B said...

I didn't read/can't remember the older story, but that was even more depressing... beign that depressed about his dog.

Rafa Benitez said...

Manuel, Shame on you. You should have preyed on Todds grief and earned your tip. A couple of warm fuzzy hugs would have been at least a fiver tip.

Manuel said...

Medbh: I would have felt more sorry for him and probably bought/give him a coffee if he had made it clear from the start that he was talking about his dog....not his lover....

b: it's linked in the first line...old people and their dogs, always depressing...

fat rafa: is that a FACT? hahahaha....

Anonymous said...

You don't think, given his propensity to touch and all, and of course his love for his friend, that he used to...ah, never mind.

As stories go this one was oddly not as touching as I expected.

Manuel said...

eolai: don't......I've been trying to rid my mind of that thought for days now....

Old Knudsen said...

The fella lost his best friend and you don't give him sympathy cos his friend was a canine? you heartless pretend friend to animals now the world sees yer true face.

No really pull yerself together Todd, crying in public over a dog? what are ya 9?
I bet he never picked the shit up either.
It lost its bowels cos he kept ram raiding it up the Dublin road.

Anonymous said...

Uhhhhhhh...dearie me. I don't know if I can handle anymore Todd the Toucher stories. *shivers*

NextSeatOver said...

These stories of Todd give me the heebies, but even pervy touchers deserve sympathy when their animal friends die.
You did a good thing Manuel by being nice to him, even if it was through false pretence.

Anonymous said...

I can see Todd. He's home alone in the evening, his favourite single rotating at 45rpm on the old hi-fi system he bought his mammy... "And they call it, Puppy luh-uh-uh-uhve..." and he feels that old, hot itch once again...

K said...

Aw I feel sad for him and yet freaked out by him! Poor creepy Todd.

Manuel said...

old k: tow path apparently...more scenic and middleclass.....which is nice....

psychoknitter: oh your not gonna love the Sean the Shuffler story then are ya......coming soon

nso: yes and I'll not be doing it again....

conan: eeeewwwww

kitty: save your sympathy for me not sleazy mcCreepy.....

savannah said...

where to start, sugar?

laughing too hard to talk!

Anonymous said...

His dog. The poor dog probably started shitting himself when it read what Todd would do in your restaurant.Ha

Manuel said...

savannah: it's a touching story.....hehehehe

steve: the two have to be connected !!

fatmammycat said...

Hmm, I feel conflated, on the one hand this fellow dries my gee to dust, on the other I feel bad that he lost his dog.

Manuel said...

fmc: go with your first reaction.....!

The Sexy Pedestrian said...

Ha! I just spat pickled cauliflower all over the place, wrong on so many levels.

Anonymous said...

i now have an image of a poo covered man out walking.. how lovely!

Lisa said...

Can a dog really shit itself when it's out for a walk? Was it wearing pants or something?

Anonymous said...

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