I won one of these blog award things. In my experience, they're kind of a waste of time. I won Blogpower's "Best Post of All Time" award, and didn't get diddly squat out of it. No money, no guest appearance on Letterman, not even a lousy handjob.
I've got none of the qualms of the earlier commenters - I just registered a load of fake email adresses and nominated you for everything. Fair's fair after all :P
19 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
Ahem. I know where you've been.
Here: http://eguinan.wordpress.com/2009/01/07/irish-blog-awards-09-time-running-out-to-nominate/#comment-16650
Who should we vote for?
I nominated you..for best use of Irish language. That's the right category, right?
I won one of these blog award things. In my experience, they're kind of a waste of time. I won Blogpower's "Best Post of All Time" award, and didn't get diddly squat out of it. No money, no guest appearance on Letterman, not even a lousy handjob.
I wanna nominate you and 3(maybe 4) others, but have no idea what to categorise anything into.
food/drink(cos I dont read any others with anything close to that)? personal? humour? specialist?
nominated you under "best photo blog" because your art rocks... that was the right category, wasn't it? :-)
I nominated you, but the PayPal cover charge was sort of steep.
If you win do I get airfare from California to Belfast? One way is fine.
You were robbed, Manuel.
It was a blast to meet you though!
Which category, dammit?
Remember the cock up last year?
I've got none of the qualms of the earlier commenters - I just registered a load of fake email adresses and nominated you for everything. Fair's fair after all :P
You heading down?
"Cock up"
"Heading down"
er.I'm definitely going now.
I've nominated you, luv. Can do no better. You're the best, Manuel/
Ah, the Blowards (or the Blogards if you like)... who decides who wins?
ta ta everyone... vote for for who you want and in what eve category you want.....
darragh: should do...
conan: who knows man, who knows? the nobel committee?
Medbh: it was the highlight of last year for me......well that and Paris.....
Wait a second... You're Irish? That changes everything!
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