Blogger brain freeze
I don't know what is wrong with me. I think it's just that I have been writing so much lately, and not just on here, that I am all tapped out. My brain has froze. I'm sat here gazing blankly at the screen and I have nothing to say. Which is odd as I'm still typing. I stopped there but you wouldn't have noticed that.
It's not that there haven't been things going on it's more that I haven't the energy to write them up! That cant be good can it? I mean you shouldn't be beat out at 35 should you? What I think I need is some good quality stimulus. Something I can really get my teeth into, something that I cant wait to get home to write about. Something like, eh um er, something like about ten tables of teachers. That should do it. A bit drastic I know but there you are.
Oh wait what have I booked on Thursday?
Is it?
Could it be?
Oh I think it is!
Teachers, all day, lunch and dinner, hundreds of them! A veritable school full of teachers, actually many schools.
Fantastic! I never thought I'd ever say that. All that finger snapping, hand waving, fine print reading, getting on like they are teenagers is just what I need for a good long bitter rant of a post. And say what you like but I know it's what you all want. Fluffy stories of lovely customers being lovely and saying lovely things and tipping lovely amounts is all fair and well but you want the pain and the angst of Manuel. You want me to put the rant into restaurant. Admit it.
And you know I love it too.
So don't wish me good luck with my day from hell, wish bad things for me. Pray to the deity of your choice that the teachers are true to past form and they shout at me and refer to me as "you lad" and ask me to conjugate the verb "to go" and give me 100 lines for not clearing their plates quick enough. This blog needs it, I need it. I think I'm becoming a sadomasochistic, "Oh be rude to me, be rude me. Oh I love it when you snap your fingers."
Oh wait what have I booked on Thursday?
Is it?
Could it be?
Oh I think it is!
Teachers, all day, lunch and dinner, hundreds of them! A veritable school full of teachers, actually many schools.
Fantastic! I never thought I'd ever say that. All that finger snapping, hand waving, fine print reading, getting on like they are teenagers is just what I need for a good long bitter rant of a post. And say what you like but I know it's what you all want. Fluffy stories of lovely customers being lovely and saying lovely things and tipping lovely amounts is all fair and well but you want the pain and the angst of Manuel. You want me to put the rant into restaurant. Admit it.
And you know I love it too.
So don't wish me good luck with my day from hell, wish bad things for me. Pray to the deity of your choice that the teachers are true to past form and they shout at me and refer to me as "you lad" and ask me to conjugate the verb "to go" and give me 100 lines for not clearing their plates quick enough. This blog needs it, I need it. I think I'm becoming a sadomasochistic, "Oh be rude to me, be rude me. Oh I love it when you snap your fingers."
So come on teachers gimme your best/worst.
Manuel wants it, Manuel needs it!
Manuel wants it, Manuel needs it!
25 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
May they make ask for the bill as the sine of cos*tan squared divided by 2!
oh baby1 i'm getting excited just thinking about it..or rather getting it..wait, that's not what i mean...or is it?
may all your tables have calculators and credit cards! (that sounds so mean...i hope they have cash, really, i do!) xoxox
yikes, is brain freeze contagious?
dave; that's the spirit dave!
savannah: yes yes that's what I need......bean counters! I'm not sure, hope not......
maybe a table of Ballet teachers will come in. Then you can impress them with your well-honed footwork.
harried dad: bwahahahaha good linkage to last weeks post.....I hope so too....
Love that frozen brain pic, Manuel.
Maybe you should carry a ruler to smack their hands or legs if they act out or become rude?
A dose of their own medicine, I say.
medbh: bwahahahahaha I might just do that....for comedy effect....!
You need another vacation.
I hope each and every one of those teachers pinches your bottom and you come home with a bruised sugarloaf.
Buy a bathroom reader. Seriously. Lots of short snippets of interesting stuff. Keeps you stimulated without overwhelming you! :)
But I think the old blogging mojo tends to wax and wane... it's only natural. Hang in there!
Ah, god bless end of term, eh? You'll get the twice-a-year drinkers out this week too.
Just throw paper aeroplanes at the back of their heads. They're used to it.
Dare you to give them all a note saying the dog ate their lunch.
Write the menu on a blackboard, give them three mins to make notes, then rub it out with a duster and ask them in a menacing fashion what they want.
boxer: you know what.....i agree
mj: yes, yes, yes!
deb: are you suggesting i buy porn? crikey......hehehehe
sheepo: bwahahahahaha......
anfearbui: again, that's brilliant!
conan: these are just too good......
Well done for getting over the brain freeze! I got it about, oh two years ago, sitting in front of my blog and just went...nah, fuck it, I can't be ARSED any more. I have stuff to write, I just don't have the energy to type it up for complete strangers.
I've yet to unfreeze, but maybe I will someday. OR maybe I'll just eat chocolate in bed and watch Oprah instead.
Mmmmmm.... brainfreeze. I had that this morning.....after a night of no sleep!(and not for a GOOD reason) I hope your teachers bring their rulers and pop you when you don't arrive promptly with their Irish Coffees! (Just not on the sugar loaf!)
If one of them drags you over the table by the neck and hits you with the sharp end of a ruler on the knuckles, call him a cunt for me would ya buddy?
I agree with Deb about the blogging mojo. I sometimes struggle to think of something to post a couple of times a week and you're posting pretty much every day!
Teachers... generally strange breed. Although my friend is an RE and Philosophy teacher, which means she gets to do things like show 'The Matrix' to her pupils and say 'Discuss'. I think that makes her the one groovy teacher you always remember fondly...
i should make sure super nana comes over and reads this...she's a teacher, english teacher, too! xoxoxo
mj, they aren't worthy to pinch his sugarloaf.
I can't believe somebody called "you, lad" at you. Put a booger in their pudding, Manuel!
"and not just on here"
you're writing a novel?
I bet Bukowski's already done it!
I had it myself a couple of weeks back and it's tough!! It's true we all lose our blog mojo every now and again and like the others said you post so regularly I don't know how you do it and you still got a post out of this one:) Bravo!!!
Good Job! :)
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