Lucyfer assured me she told me yesterdays story in complete faith. I didn't believe her at first but I heard her tell her boyfriend that it was bogus. Still I feel stupid for not checking it.
Any way I don't want to dwell on it, I'm still red faced.
Any way I don't want to dwell on it, I'm still red faced.
One day left, or rather one twelve hour double shift on a bank holiday Monday with the best part of ten thousand people booked for lunch. Alright maybe I'm exaggerating........five thousand. No? Well it doesn't really matter how many it will be as it will still feel like a thousand. The closer you get to the finish line and all that....
The weekend has been a hum-fucking-dinger. It was a gem. The guests were great. The food was superb. I was on top form! Seriously I was the Ronaldo of the restaurant, the good one not the one that gets caught up in sex scandals with three cross-dressing prostitutes.
There were a lot of very high maintenance punters in this weekend but they didn't mither me the way they usually do with their hang my coat up feed me grapes and chop chop sort of attitudes.
My favorite guests of the weekend where the hippy circus performers from the Festival of Fools. They were easy going (stoned) and without pretensions (like I say they were hippies so they dressed accordingly). Their only problem was our lack of vegetarian options, we have about four. I have a feeling that if we had 24 it still wouldn't have been enough.
But the best thing about them were their names, Zoot, Poppy, Sherbet, Tom (who was female), and Dave. Seriously if you call your kid Zoot then you can expect them to become "street artists". And the way they juggle anything that comes close to their hands at anytime made me giggle. Although less so when one of them dropped a salt cellar and I had to clean it up. A laugh is a laugh but not when it means I have to bend down. Too old for bending down......
The weekend has been a hum-fucking-dinger. It was a gem. The guests were great. The food was superb. I was on top form! Seriously I was the Ronaldo of the restaurant, the good one not the one that gets caught up in sex scandals with three cross-dressing prostitutes.
There were a lot of very high maintenance punters in this weekend but they didn't mither me the way they usually do with their hang my coat up feed me grapes and chop chop sort of attitudes.
My favorite guests of the weekend where the hippy circus performers from the Festival of Fools. They were easy going (stoned) and without pretensions (like I say they were hippies so they dressed accordingly). Their only problem was our lack of vegetarian options, we have about four. I have a feeling that if we had 24 it still wouldn't have been enough.
But the best thing about them were their names, Zoot, Poppy, Sherbet, Tom (who was female), and Dave. Seriously if you call your kid Zoot then you can expect them to become "street artists". And the way they juggle anything that comes close to their hands at anytime made me giggle. Although less so when one of them dropped a salt cellar and I had to clean it up. A laugh is a laugh but not when it means I have to bend down. Too old for bending down......
The word of the weekend was k-ching......k-ching, k-ching, k-ching.
Such a lovely word.
Oh and here's to my love, Little Miss Manuel who despite having an ear infection is running the Belfast marathon today.
Go get em honey!
I have a sore finger but I'm not gonna go on about it.
Such a lovely word.
Oh and here's to my love, Little Miss Manuel who despite having an ear infection is running the Belfast marathon today.
Go get em honey!
I have a sore finger but I'm not gonna go on about it.
10 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
Three things.
1. Don't beat yourself up about the last post. I really don't think anyone should be expected to fact check a story that you are told by a friend. You were only sharing what you were told.
2. A major HUZZAH to Little Miss Manuel for hauling ass in a marathon while plagued with ear troubles.
3. Are you telling me that hippies are generous? For reals? That was never my experience.
i love hippies! and hippie circus performers? the best!
congrats to LMM on the run - remind her that she needs to spend one day per mile run recovering! make sure she stays off those feet for 26.2 days!
Is there any relation between your k-ching and Old Knudsen's Ka-Chow?
All the best to LMM.
What's your London itinerary?
I have nothing but admiration for LMM, do you relaise how long the Sydenham Bypass is when your walking/running along it? I hope you will be home on time to run a hot bath for her, perhaps a foot rub and a nice meal would earn you some brownie points.
Hope it all went well for LMM yesterday!
well done, LMM! and you, too, sugar...holiday work is sooooo tiring! xox
I have a taxi book to collect me at 4am.....seriously I need to pack.....
You make it sound like sex scandals with three cross-dressing prostitutes are a bad thing.
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