Waiter cannot live on baps alone...(and roundtable)
I'm pooped
I'm knackered
Busted even
I'd like a little sleep
I'd like a whole lot of sleep....
....and food, really nice food.
It's ironic really considering that I work in a restaurant but I've been living off Crunchy Nut Cornflakes and Belfast baps for about a week now.
But my eight night stretch is finally over.
So now I'm gonna eat, maybe in alphabetical order, A is for a Ribeye, B is for Bloody Ribeye, C is for Crunchy Nut Cornflakes whilst I'm waiting for the ribeye to cook.....
Well you see were I'm going with this
but mmmmmmmmmm
I intend to eat and sleep like a three month old child, that's to say eat then sleep for about four hours then eat and so on. I'm gonna do that for about, well, um, about 24 hours.
Amuse yourselves....
Here's week 18 of the Roundtable
Amuse yourselves....
Here's week 18 of the Roundtable
Raging Server has been on the night shift express as well. Ah he's just so happy about life isn't he? Waiters get your little knives and meet me round the back, El Vermino Boulevard has been robbed, lets kick ass. Or maybe just scare them a bit! Clusterfucked is my new favourite word and I intend to use it at least 50 times over the next 24 hours. Where did I get it? Over at Missies. Quality. Now for something a little more civilised, Restaurant Gal. Or maybe not. She is, the punters aren't. Well we knew that didn't we? Didn't we? Waiter has been evoking not only waiter karma but the taxman karma too. Oh that's gotta hurt......
Is the beef local? Are the vegetables in season? Is the wine from Europe? Is the fish fresh? Shut the fuck up and eat. Ah don't ya just love Upset Waitress?! Tony at Dine in or Take out is reinventing himself or something. Must have something to hide. And then there is me, I'm a whinging so and so. But what would you do when kids are stealing your cash, Swiss people are mocking your accent and the robots are trying to take your job? Fuck em, that's what but even when you think things cant get any stranger some muppet books their Christmas party.
Is the beef local? Are the vegetables in season? Is the wine from Europe? Is the fish fresh? Shut the fuck up and eat. Ah don't ya just love Upset Waitress?! Tony at Dine in or Take out is reinventing himself or something. Must have something to hide. And then there is me, I'm a whinging so and so. But what would you do when kids are stealing your cash, Swiss people are mocking your accent and the robots are trying to take your job? Fuck em, that's what but even when you think things cant get any stranger some muppet books their Christmas party.
If anybody needs me I'll be sleeping beside the fridge.......
16 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
Grab that rib eye and eat it in bed - you'll be grand in the a.m.!
Sleeping beside the fridge beats sleeping under the bridge.
What, no Honey Nut Cheerios like Omar craved?
Have you finished The Wire? Can I send you an email to rave about what happened yet?
Enjoy your cow!
Quickie: ribeye, two eggs, olive bread, and a mug of tea.....life ain't too bad....
witchypoo: jesus! is that a threat or a premonition?
medbh: no, seven days from today....age of empires, work, the it crowd, and a sore arm have all got in the way.....
anything in the post yet, sugar? enjoy your rest..and that delish ribeye!!! (now i'm jealous)
Could you grab me the pickles?
Better than sleeping beside the toilet... I had one of those hangovers recently.
Brave man taking your beef that rare!
@Dammit, I hope you enjoy that steak. Where's my seat at the Round Table? *pokes out lip*....
Savannah: not yet......so excited...about the post.....okay and the ribeye
boxer: no.....no sharing....
sheepo: ah aren't they the best? You feel like a real winner when you wake up....
flirty: it's the only way.....
shripmy: oh I'm so sorry! So very sorry! I'll do a special post for you tomorrow!
While you're sleeping I'll take the opportunity to fondle your Belfast baps.
mj: tee hee hee
Oh I could really go a Belfast bap about now.
Enjoy the rest!
That sounds perfect - drag the fridge through so it's next to the bed and just reach out for the next snack before pulling the duvet back over your head. Could definitely work out a good system here...
Enjoy your day off - especially the bit that involves that steak :-)
sam: I'll pop you one in the post....
jen: steakS, as in two of......mmmmmmm
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