If you came here looking for an amusing but sweary post pertaining to Manuel's daily adventures in waiting then sorry, no dice.
Manuel is knackered.

But if you came here looking for little dog in St Patrick's day hat and collar
then huzzah for you!
proper post tomorrow
14 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
cute dog? more like hairball...
take a night off... we'll be back!
You made my day and I'm taking this little guy over to my blogee to live and be with the other dogs!!!
daisyfae: I'm so beat tonight....13 stinky hours.......bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
boxer: hahahahahaha he may prefer it over there.....you wanna take me too?
AIiii so cute! They are SO much like slightly bigger, slightly more bulgy eyes Guinea pigs it's unbeleivable.
So sweet.
*pats passing waiter on head*
What a disgrace, treating a sweet little doggie like that, putting it in that ridiculous clobber. I'm phoning the RSPCA straightway, they'll get you, Manuel, see if they don't.
If you came here expecting a comment...........
Can the wee doggy bring me a Guinness?
Oooo look. I'm under Knudsen.
"knackered" has two meanings in australia.....
yoyo: if you pat it you've bought it.....
nick: come n get me.......
old k: and if you........
mj: boom boom.......
knackered: as it does here.......and like I said I'm knackered.......
Poor Manuel.
I hope the chaos is kept to a minimum and you get through the weekend unscathed.
i've been napping all day long, sugar...gaw, i'm getting old! ;-(
medbh: chaos will be at the maximum but the precious cash will take the pain away.....
savannah: I'd love a little snoooooooooze
Oh what a cute puppy. I wonder if AB will see this super comment. Maybe you can do something about Paco with those rocking PS skills you have?
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