Manuel's diets
Today I will mostly be vomiting
and sweating
and sweating
Well done to the winners, big hugs to the losers, and hello again to everyone else. Well done in particular to Lorraine from the Italian Foodies, and to my favourite winner on the night Fat Mammy Cat. She deserved that and more! Cheers Damien for a great night.
When I can get my head out of the bowl for long enough I'll write more. Until then.........aaaaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh or something like that......
When I can get my head out of the bowl for long enough I'll write more. Until then.........aaaaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh or something like that......
19 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
And here I was going to be so impressed that you had stars in your vomit.
Does that come with chips?
minnow: I think if I carry on with the puking there will be stars soon enough......
mj: can do......
Hey Manuel! Thank you for the little badge! It's tres cool.
Lovely to meet you, hope your head's ok. I'm skuttered.
hope the graphic doesn't reflect your actual posture. with gravity and all, puking upwards is generally a bad plan...
aoife mc: shakey n sicky........and not in a good way was a great night....
daisyfae: in reality I'm much more bent over than the graphic suggests.....
Sorely disgusted mate, yet another 'Golden Hand Of God' result, you may be a hungover loser but yer a winner to me. Copy and paste and YouTubes for next year.
Old K: I cheered when frank.... was called out....I was on my own it has to be said...Cheers it's the taking part n all that....
Hola Manuel--
You were looking very well the last time I saw you!
I won't cry for you, but only because you asked me not to.
Ridiculous that true merit does not prevail.
And by that, I mean you and Knudsey.
other manuel: appearances can be very deceiving....
Pgeek: What doesn't kill us makes us better bloggers......
Thanks Manuel!!! So dissapointed I missed the night, next year!! Sounds like it was a good one!! If it's any consolation I was cleaning up after a sick baby all night:)
i wish i'd known you could watch the awards online, sugar!
Oh dear....I do so hate to drive the porcelain bus. Those stars were pretty.
Beaten by a pizza. There's no justice. The Well Done one. I'm starting a campaign now.
Lorraine: Funnily enough I was cleaning up sick too......
Savannah: If I had known!!!
Gypsy: carrot coloured they were too.....
BBB: get t-shirts printed and I'll do the walls of Belfast with suitable slogans. I blame securicrats.......
Do you mix your drinks?
Bad idea.
Boxer: yes but only with tonic.....I was on gin all night, that's it! I just cant handle the drink like I used to......
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