I got nothing, well nearly nothing
Honestly folks I've got nothing today.
I considered counting the ceiling and floor tiles then realised we don't have ceiling and floor tiles. It's not a Pizza Hut you know. So times like these call for desperate measures..........it's meme time......(it's a life saver when you have nothing proper to write about)
Ellie tagged me last week....
Here are THE RULES:
Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself. Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a notification on their blog.
Random eh? Hows this for random.....?
1. The contents of my pockets tonight
Random eh? Hows this for random.....?
1. The contents of my pockets tonight

2. Curiously strong mints
3. 3 pens, 2 pencils and 1 pencil sharpener
4. Wallet with cash "bursting" from it, this is pretty much all the cash in the world I have...
5. Order pad, unused6. 2 packs of lovely Drum, 4 packets of Rizla, and 3 lighters.
7. Say hello to my waiters friend
8. iPod Touch......I take it to work as I don't like to let it out of my sight. If I could take the iMac with me I would.......
LMM hates going through airports with me. I'm back and forward through the xray jobbie like someone doing the hokey cokey.
2. My favourite tattoo, on me that is....From March to Fuzz, Mudhoney's Greatest Hits Album...

Check out my manly man arm. Designed to carry three plates at a time......
3. My second favourite thing from a movie/toy that I own...

It's Kaneda's bike from the film, Akira. I got it during my Japanese phase. My fish was raw and my movies made no sense. Have you seen Tetsuo: The Iron Man? Crikey that was odd. Happy days.....
4. These are my favourite man doll things....
Buddy Jesus form DOGMA and Jam Master Jay from RUN-DMC. I bought that figure the day before he was shot in the head and died. I never bought a man doll again. Saying that, I wonder if they make Bono dolls.....
5. I'm really piss poor at taking photographs. (see above) Digital didn't help either, it's just means you get to see how bad I am quicker. At least with film I could blame the developers....
6. I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky.......nah I'm not mental. R Kelly is though. Have you seen his hip hopera? It didn't make me laugh, it made me cry a little. Okay it made me laugh but I died a little after.....
7. I have never seen The Goonies, any of the Indiana Jones movies, or any of The Back to Future movies but I have seen that bloody Trapped in the Closet shite, in fact I have it on now....random? I'd say......
I'll not be tagging anyone
proper post tomorrow.....
4. These are my favourite man doll things....

5. I'm really piss poor at taking photographs. (see above) Digital didn't help either, it's just means you get to see how bad I am quicker. At least with film I could blame the developers....
6. I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky.......nah I'm not mental. R Kelly is though. Have you seen his hip hopera? It didn't make me laugh, it made me cry a little. Okay it made me laugh but I died a little after.....
7. I have never seen The Goonies, any of the Indiana Jones movies, or any of The Back to Future movies but I have seen that bloody Trapped in the Closet shite, in fact I have it on now....random? I'd say......
I'll not be tagging anyone
proper post tomorrow.....
17 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
Oh you brought me back Manuel. I used to smoke drum back when I was single, but it used to freak guys out. Even worse when rolling greener things. Dudes don't like it when a lady can roll a better joint than they. What can I say - I lived an hour from Amsterdam during my... uh... formative years! Sorry to hear about the slow night!
Hee hee!
I bought Mr. M a Buddy Jeebus figurine a few years back because it made us laugh so much.
Love your tat, Manuel.
As far as man doll type things go, it's all about The Homies, my friend. It's to the point now that my mother is even buying them for me for Christmas.
Nice tattoo, man.
No Mandarin lettering that says 'I am something of a dick' then?
Three identical lighters, one with a bit of editing, were they perhaps .... acquired.... ahemmmm from work? I know how you fell about your ipod, mine goes everywhere with me.
Ipod ..check, keys ..check, phone..check, cash ..check ....I'm good to go.
Never seen The Goonies!???
You've had a deprived childhood. Rent it out the next time you've a night off and settle down with LMM and a bucket of popcorn.
Also required is a bottle of 2007 Pinot Grigio, packed with grapefruit and green apple flavours with underlying tropical flavours such as mango, all wrapped up with a zesty crispiness that keeps the finish dry and refreshing.
I see The National takes pride of place in your CD collection...
Dave's right, you gotta see the Goonies, but you have to lie stomach down on a rug infront of the TV, like you did when you were a kid, with cheap fizzy drinks and an assortment of sugary shite strewn infront of you (including refreshers, cola bottles and wham bars). Either that or sit upside down on the couch with your head almost touching the floor.
Man do I need to do some dusting........
Debs: Slow would have been ok......this was worse than slow....
medbh: It really is very good....
minnow: do fluffy cows count? uhem not that i have any....
gimme: nor any Maori stuff or dolphins....
ellie: Fricken Columbo!
Dave: download it is......
sheepo: have to lie stomach down on a rug infront of the TV---- fuck that made me laugh....that is just the tip of the cd iceberg...
Now that I think about it, that film had kids looking for the treasure from one-eyed Willy.
Sheepo, am I alone in thinking that sounds just a little disturbing?
Sush Dave, don't corrupt it for me. Don't make it go the same way as Rainbow and Button Moon... *shudders*
"Sloth love Chunk"
Manuel, I fear you may have told a little porky....I think you have watched Back To The Future, but to refresh your memory I would do as Sheepworrier said and get loaded up on sugary stuff and get down on the rug
peace out...your sister!
No man doll collection is complete without Earring Magic Ken.
The goonies is a great film. Dirk Kuyt is brilliant in it. 'hey you guys'
#1 I Can't believ the size your pockets must be..TWO packets of Drum?
#2 'Jam Master Jay from RUN-DMC. I bought that figure the day before he was shot in the head and died. I never bought a man doll again. Saying that, I wonder if they make Bono dolls.....'
Ahhh hahahhah!..oddly enough I have that doll too and you're the ONLY person I've ever known who had it too..I also have the other two...I'm assuming they're still alive?.
#3 I CAN'T believe you've never seen 'The Goonies'?...
Dave: Disturbing eh? Interested all of a sudden....
Sheepo: ?
Sister: no I didn't....you're thinking of out other brother Jorge....
MJ: Got it....
Sweetchuck: bwahahahahahah
Is it? Big pockets....sell me them, sell me them now!!!!! I'm getting the bus tomorrow, how long does it take to get to Galway, I start work at eleven mine....
I was on holidays in Spain a few years back and found a 20 pack of pre-rolled Drum cigarettes- written right there on the front was: DRUM... FOR LAZY BASTARDS
(I shit you not!)
Excellent inkings! Must get some colour on me somewhere, it looks deadlee.
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