
Thursday, 29 November 2007

Possibly the greatest tip ever.....

From The BBC...

Relatives of a wealthy property owner who left most of her £10m fortune to a Chinese restaurant owner are challenging her will in the High Court.

Golda "Goldie" Bechal, who lived in Mayfair, London, died aged 89 in 2004 leaving most of her estate to friends Kim Sing Man and his wife Bee Lian Man.

But five nephews and nieces claim she was suffering from dementia when the will was made.

The Man family, of Essex, said they had had a long friendship with Mrs Bechal.

The widow's husband Simon Bechal died in 1971 and her son Peter Bechal died, aged 28, in 1974.

The Bechal family are asking a judge to rule that the will is invalid and that they should therefore inherit under an intestacy.

The judge, Sir Donald Rattee, was shown a photograph album dating back to the late sixties to counter any suggestion that the Man family did not "arrive on the scene" until the 1990s.

Penelope Reed, counsel for Mr and Mrs Man said: "It was a long-standing and very close, affectionate and loving relationship."

Counsel pointed to pictures of Mrs Bechal and her husband Simon at the opening of the Man family's restaurant - started by Mr Man's father in 1969 at a property owned by the Bechals in Braintree, Essex.

There were photos over the years of many get-togethers - at Mr and Mrs Man's own restaurant in Witham, Essex, and on holidays, at Mrs Bechal's invitation, in Jerusalem and Cannes.

"Mrs Bechal virtually became part of the family - she appears in the photographs as if she is the grandmother," said Ms Reed.

Counsel said there was evidence to show that Mrs Bechal's relationship with her real family had deteriorated.

Ms Reed said one of the issues in the case was whether the final will, dated August 1994, was made in "suspicious circumstances".

Mr and Mrs Man, who have three children and who went bankrupt in 1992, gave evidence that they were not present when the will form was filled in, nor when the will was drawn up.

Recalling his friendship with Mrs Bechal, Mr Man said she was "an upper-class posh lady" who always dressed well and "always enjoyed her Chinese pickled leeks and bean sprouts, which I bought for her".

Asked whether he had expected to be left virtually the whole of her estate, he said he never talked to her about her will.

The hearing continues.

New standards in tipping have been set. I expect all restaurant customers to take note and act accordingly. To save hassle though could you let your kids know in advance. Scenes of court room anguish really upset me......

11 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

Megan McGurk said...

I bet her rotten relations never even visited the poor woman and just looked at her as their nest egg. She can leave her money as she likes.

Anonymous said...

I'll leave you my led zep collection Manuel, or does it have to be cold, hard cash?

Anonymous said...

Oh don't worry Manuel, I've left my entire estate to you, in recognition of all your invaluable tips about getting the best out of waiters and restaurants. Mind you, the estate will probably consist of a £20,000 credit card debt, but it's the thought that counts....

Mudflapgypsy said...

Nick, what a great idea!

Manny, you hereby are granted any debt I have when I pop me clogs.

Bundle it up and sell it on to a hedge fund.
All the banks are doing it...

Jenny said...

Oh, I'm feeling a little bad about the 20% I left last night at my favorite Vietnamese place.

This is why people should start doling out the Estate when they are alive. Thieving relatives.

**dialing Aunt as I type**

ellie said...

My debt is yours also x

Anonymous said...

What a nice lady.

Sam, Problem-Child-Bride said...

What an ugly business, squabbling over an old woman's money.

I hereby bequeath to you, Manuel, my entire estate. I'll have them pack it back in the Lego box and sent to you directly when I cark it.

Manuel said...

Medbh: Thats it. Fair play to the old dear......wish I worked there all the same......

Sheepo: Oh save em sheepo, I have em all as it is......originals precious.....

Nick: Hahahahaha

Muddy: As above but with extra bwaha

Boxer: I will leave nothing but broken and hearts and biscuits......

Ellie: Thanks!

OFTR: Nice? Nice? Oh she is the greatest......

Sam: Oh just send lego......I love lego....

fatmammycat said...

Nasty little shits probably got quite the shock when they realised they'd been cut off. Good for her. People should be free to leave what they own to whomsoever they like. My children can have my collection of Elle Decoration and hair brushes with broken handles.

Anonymous said...

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