
Monday 15 October 2007

Coming this Fall on WDFTV...

Oi Trumper, do one
Manuel's got it covered...

I've been watching and loving The Restaurant on BBC2. It's essentially The Apprentice but for budding restaurateurs and has thankfully none of the bad hair do's and shite catch phrases. Over the last 8 weeks 9 couples have competed for the fantastic opportunity to work with Raymond Blanc, the eventual prize being a restaurant of their own financially backed and supported by Monsieur Blanc. The final episode is this week. I am working of course thanks to Keith Urban(e) playing nearby and the restaurant being busier than normal on a Wednesday night. But LMM will record it for me, or there'll be trouble. (You gonna take the love away? Oh no boo hoo hoo. HA! - LMM)

This programme impressed me as it focused on the service as much as the food, which is very unusual. The waiters in most of these types of shows are nameless blanks or are set up for a bollocking from the celebraty chef so that they look tough and hard. They never show the waiter giving it back to the pompous cooker jockeys. It must have happened at least once.

There aren't enough waiters on TV. I'm not advocating the rise of the celebrity waiters, but we do deserve more than we currently get. That in mind I have decided to "air" my own (twisted) reality TV show.

Eight trainees must serve it out over the next 8 weeks to see who will become THE WAITER and secure themselves a glamourous position working alongside Manuel! The trainees will have to serve interesting celebrity guests and the general public alike with style, class, professionalism and good humour under the ever watchful eye of Manuel. Cash is king and the trainees with the lowest amount of tips earned each week will be put to the public vote and lose their chance to be (pause for dramatic effect) THE WAITER! Can you wait?

The first episode will "air" on Thursday 12am(GMT) and there will be 2 episodes a week. Full details will follow over the next day or two including the list of eight contestants, and details of the behind the scenes show that will uncover what goes on when the cameras go off. THE WAITER will be a cross between Big Brother and The Apprentice but for aspiring waiters. Each of the trainees will share a cramped living space which will accurately reconstruct the living conditions of your average struggling waiter.

Will there be waiter friends by the end of the 6 weeks? Will anyone have the skills to impress Manuel? What will happen when 8 contestants with large personalities have to share a small living space? Sex, lies, and service cloths, THE WAITER has it all.....

(p.s. any TV executives interested in buying the rights to this show can email me at

18 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

savannah said...

i hate reality tv, but dammit, sugar, THIS i'd watch!

(btw, what happened to the he-who-shall-not-be-named picture caption contest?)

(also, thank you for the kind words at my place)

Manuel said...

Savannah: Entries are being judged by my team of independent judges from the Nobel committee. Results soon.....

Jenny said...

Your own TV show? Well at least it's not another blog.

And, I will be watching. Count me in.

Old Knudsen said...

You do watch some shite, what about Stargate? I hope they find Trumps plane out in Nevada.

Anonymous said...

will rampant alcoholism, cocky barmen that only serve 'the ladies' and the occasional humiliation of a kitchen monkey be televised, just to give it that authentic edge?

Dea said...

How about Waiter the musical a la Twenty's recent post? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Being a property billionaire with a much younger attractive partner might seem enticing but it's not worth the flick over. If only Bobby Charlton's hairdresser had been so imaginative.

Save yourself before it's too late.

Cycles Goff said...

Unlike Savannah I live and breath rt. I'm excited. Aroused, in fact.

Manuel said...

Boxer: There might be.......but there's not..

Old Knudsen: Settle there is every chance you are in it...

Sheepo: all that and more...

Deborah: More like "Waiter: Behind the notepad",a grim but uplifting docu-drama

BBB: I am sans hair as the French might say....

Gimme: Good, there is every chance you are in it too...

Megan McGurk said...

I knew you were going to branch out to television!
Manuel conquers the world.
Very exciting.

Manuel said...

Medbh: I'm not even lord of my own bedroom you know.....

Anonymous said...

That song is now stuck in my head.
When the police arrive to arrest me and turn off the stereo to prevent the building from continuing to bounce out of it's foundations, I shall blame YOU,Manuel!!

Is it just me? said...

I'm very Very VERY excited! Its a brilliant idea!

fatmammycat said...

Who will sleep with what utensil! Ohhhhhh. Will anyone realise there's a hidden camera in the washing up area... eeeeeeeee. can't wait.

Mudflapgypsy said...

Manny, you could be a tv producer. that idea will so work.

Can we also have spin off tv series that follows the staff on a night out, that would be interesting?!

In fact, let me a judge, I feel and evil streak comin' on. Whoops, did I say evil? Of course I meant an angelic streak of impartiality.

Anonymous said...

And I'm loving it already!

Manuel said...

Yoyo: Just here to help...

Is it just me?: Yes, yes it is but it will be poorly executed...

FMC: You, that's who....

Muddy Flaps: You wanna buy it from me? $1m, please...

FreshBlade: Settle, I can only disappoint you...

Anonymous said...

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