
Saturday, 12 July 2008

Wrong Wrong Wrong....

This has nothing to so with the never ending delight that is working in a restaurant. But it has everything to do with some people being so full of shit they make me vomit on my own shoes in revulsion. And I really like my shoes.
Vomit inducing self serving waste of skin number one is Tory MP, David Davis. So concerned was he about the government's recently passed motion to extend the limit to the period terrorism suspects can be detained without charge (from 28 to 42 days) that he resigned as an MP. This forced a by-election which he stood in. He did this, apparently, to force a wider debate about civil liberties and to give the "ordinary" people an opportunity to have their say.

He of course won the by-election. He was never likely to lose. None of the other major parties put candidates up against him. He described his victory in his usual hyperbolic manner as being "stunning". Eh I'm not sure stunning best describes it as he was up against The Greens, The Monster Raving Loony Party, David "Son of God" Icke and the Church of the Militant Elvis Party amongst other political notables.

Here's the blurb from his ever so humble website, "David Davis For Freedom".

"42 days imprisonment - without knowing the charges you face - is a draconian measure that both undermines our fundamental freedoms, and jeopardises our security. But the issue runs far deeper. Whether it is talking tough on terror, the rise of the database state or the growth of a surveillance society, the size, role and reach of government is now out of control. This government increasingly treats our fundamental freedoms with disdain. I believe it is time to take a stand."

All sounds very well meaning doesn't it? A politician with principles say some. Others say he is brave and others again said it was a powerful thing to do.

Phooey to that. Phooey to that with bells on. Now don't get me wrong I'm completely against 42 day detention. They tried that here with internment and it failed, it failed it the most bloodiest of ways. There is never justification for locking people up for so long without charge. Never.

Mr Davis says 42 days is wrong. Mr Davis says its' a "draconian" measure. Mr Davis says it flies in the face of the Magna Carta. He claims he is The defender of Civil Liberties.

He is a fucking hypocrite.

He voted FOR 28 days detention.

He voted FOR ID cards which he now says is intrusive.

He voted AGAINST the repealing of Section 28.

He voted AGAINST the equalisation of the age of consent for gays.

and the coup de grâce?

He is a huge great big fan of the death penalty. And if there was ever a greater assault on civil liberties than the death penalty then I've never seen it. The death penalty is wrong in all circumstances. No discussion, no debate, no "but what if" or any of that it's wrong.

Mr Davis is a self serving egotist. And a hypocrite to boot.

Next merchant of hyperbole, a man so despised by "ordinary" football fans, is Sepp Blatter head of FIFA. He said footballers were working under the yoke of "modern slavery". Footballers like Manchester United's Ronaldo. Ronnie the poor lamb wants to leave United and go play for Real Madrid. But having signed a contract Man United are very unlikely to let him go. They will in the end for something akin to the debt of a small African nation. How's that for hyperbole?

So lets who is really the slave....

In one corner you have Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro who earns £120,000 a week. That doesn't include sponsorship deals obviously. He lives in a lovely house. He drives a lovely car and has lots of lovely dinners no doubt.

And in the other corner you have Mende Nazer who was a former modern day slave. She was just 12 years old when she was snatched from her family by slave traders in the middle of the night. She was made to do domestic chores in her "owners" home. In an interview she said...
"...worked from first thing in the morning until late at night, washing, cleaning and ironing, without any pay or days off, sleeping in a locked shed in the garden."
Take your pick. Sepp Blatter you are an arse, an idiot, slime of the greasiest sort.

18 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

Anonymous said...

28 days is criminal. 42 days? criminally worse. Try 6 fucking years. That's how long "detainees" at Guantanamo have been imprisoned - and tortured for information - in Guantanamo.

You're right about your Mr. Davis. Sounds good on the surface, but his record belies his hyperbole.

You can put icing on a dog turd, but that doesn't make it a wedding cake. Just a frosted dog turd." - Stephen King, Cujo (yeah, i know. but the quote has stayed with me for two decades...)

Megan McGurk said...

Excellent post, Manuel.
You eloquently called bullshit on Davis' slimey attempt to deny his record and claim some degree of being a champion for civil liberties.
Fuck him.

Manuel said...

daisyfae: I;m thinking he needs the attention...attention grabbing whore

medbh: cheers.......sleaze does what sleaze does......

The Mistress said...

A politician with principles?

Ha! Oxymoron of the day.

Manuel said...

mj: so very very true.....

Anonymous said...

Well said on both counts! Half the world has no clue how the other half are living.

Manuel said...

sam: some peoples diamond shoes are too tight.....

savannah said...

well said, sugar! thank you for the reality check! ;-)


(re the MITM, i'm ok, not happy, but ok)

Anonymous said...

Brilliant post Manuel. Makes you sick doesn't it. It's always surprising when you look at outspoken politician's voting records. Most of them are hypocrites.

100% agree on the Death Penalty. I was a big campaigner against it when I lived in the US. In university we actually helped free an innocent man from Death row. One of my finest days. I don't get it on a moral level or any other level. I know if someone hurt one of my daughters I would rather he suffer the rest of his miserable life in prison than take the easy option and die. Argh. But there's so much to be said. I won't even go there.

Anyways, brilliant post, dugg, stumbled and nominated! :)

Sharon McDaid said...

Oh god, your man talking about slavery is just so disgusting. I've read accolades on Davies, but he's just a smarmy hypocrite, as his voting record shows.

Nice to read your spleen venting on non-customer matters!

Anonymous said...

I've often felt that our own politicians should be forced through a bootcamp that exposes them to the full force of indecencies and indignities that innocent civilians can be exposed to without any proof whatsoever.

For example, the VAT man does not need a warrant to enter your premises. Suspicion by the investigator is sufficient reason to have some heavies come into your house, take anything that LOOKS like paperwork (including all computers) and impound for 3-10 days.

Detention on 'suspicion' is a given, but detention without charge, is another nasty.

Then there are the redirects, delayed bank transfers, spurious unpaid bills that get "sold" to debt collectors etc.

All of these are completely legal and bypass the fundamental Innocent until proven Guilty.

But if someone on the "inside" wants to make your life hell, it is ridiculously easy.

Anonymous said...

This is the same Sepp Blatter who in the early 70's was elected president of the World Society of Friends of Suspenders, an organisation formed to protest at women replacing suspender belts with pantyhose.

Complete gobshite

Anonymous said...

In 2004 he also suggested that Women footballers should wear tighter shorts; this is the from the Custodian of world football.

Manuel said...

savannah: know where we are......

debs: wow what a thing to have done! well done you.......

sharon: I've got so much spleen to was dinner last night?

harried dad: couldn't agree more...

anfearbui: yes, yes you are right.....and I'm so annoyed I didn't remember......

Anonymous said...

Wholeheartedly agree with everything you say (even stuff you haven't said yet ;-) ) What a bunch of numpties!! I'd forgotten about that David Icke guy, he is certifiable. Most of the bullshit he comes out with is about the level required to get to operating thetan as a scientologist, minus the $30,000 sign up fee obviously.

Sharon McDaid said...

Well keep some spleen left over for whatever it is they do.

Dinner was great; had an Indian take away as there wasn't a place open. Then took a taxi home, and thought of your post when the taxi driver took a weird route, taking us right past 2 bonfires, leading to diversions instead of staying well away.

Anonymous said...

I agree and disagree with you here, Manuel.
Sepp Blatter...yes, he's an idiot of the highest order. A disgrace to FIFA.
Death penalty? I agree with it only in extreme circumstances. Take Ian Huntley for instance...Hell, I'd even push the button for his 100000 volts myself. Save the taxpayers a bit of money.

Anonymous said...

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