This week I was Mostly...
This week I was mostly watching the feast scene from Big Night over and over and over again. It's absolutely captivating. It's been a very long time since I watched a film from start to end with a big smile all the way across my normally gnarly and angry mug. The feast scene, in particular, is incredible. I like to watch people eat, not in a hands down my trousers sort of way you understand. I mean it's not as if I'm standing outside restaurants shuffling myself into a frenzy as people stuff over cooked pasta and soggy salad down their pie holes. Mmmmmm, pie.
Where the hell was I?
Oh yeah, but I do like to watch people eat. I like to see their faces light up as the fork full of tender meat or what have you gives up it juicy flavours. Theses initial reactions cant be faked, they are instant and they are real. The feast scene is full of these reactions and more and is simply beautiful to watch. Thank you for recommending it to me and if you haven't seen it then I heartily recommend it. I laughed out loud, like the kids do, at this scene....
This week I was mostly concerned about my nicotine replacement lozenges, Niquitin. I can't function without them. Seriously I found myself rooting through pockets, bags - both man and regular, on desks, under desks in search of one, just one, the other evening. I eventually found a half sucked one in an old work shirt pocket. These ten minutes of frantic searching put me in mind of the dark but pleasing days when I smoked. That's not good. I have to say that I think I have just swapped a smoking problem for a Niquitin lozenge problem.
So I turned to the internet, it would have the answers. Turns out they are addictive. I mean what the fuckity fuck is that all about? That really is taking the piss. Sake! And, you'll like this, prolonged usage makes you fart like you have just a full evening of Guinness and raw steak. Which does go some way to answering that particular issue. I thought I was trousers trumpeting more than normal but when people started opening the window when I entered the room I knew there was an issue. So obviously that's the end of the nicotine lozenges. It's cold turkey and swearing from here on in folks. Manuel will not be slaved by nicotine for a moment longer. Well I'm gonna finish this packet first, be rude not too. And from then I'll be free...and less smelly.
So I turned to the internet, it would have the answers. Turns out they are addictive. I mean what the fuckity fuck is that all about? That really is taking the piss. Sake! And, you'll like this, prolonged usage makes you fart like you have just a full evening of Guinness and raw steak. Which does go some way to answering that particular issue. I thought I was trousers trumpeting more than normal but when people started opening the window when I entered the room I knew there was an issue. So obviously that's the end of the nicotine lozenges. It's cold turkey and swearing from here on in folks. Manuel will not be slaved by nicotine for a moment longer. Well I'm gonna finish this packet first, be rude not too. And from then I'll be free...and less smelly.
This week I was mostly less than amused at this shit right here. Well spotted by Keith. Who the fuck thinks like this? Who?
This week I was mostly less jolly than normal, so I sent Little Miss Manuel to the butchers, obviously. Have a swell weekend folks, stay safe and sing up United.
29 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
That Westborough mob, I hope they come. They'd only need to book one way tickets though, poor misguided (and shortly about to die and pass directly past St Peter and down the express waste shute to Hell) souls.
And sending your missus in for the offal, you big jinny-anne.
bbb: actually watching them get seven shades of shite knocked out of them by some big antrim fellas would be ever so cool.....
yes, but , well....those little butchers do my head in.....
Were you thinking about the scene from "Big Night" with the risotto order the other night with the Spides of March?
I'd wait until after the weekend to kick the nicotine treats.
No need to make it harder on yourself.
Medbh: actually most of my nights are like that....I had a chap order new boiled potatoes with noodles again tonight.....I mean what? sake.....Aye but next week is a real tough one with Lionel Richie, twice, St Paddy's day, Mother day, and I'm gonna finish this then that's it....
The Lionel Ritchie crowd? What do they ask for?
bbb: it;s not what they ask for....they want it all night long....boom boom...
One, two, testing - anyway what's the difference between a man bag and an ordinary one? Is it a carrier bag or what? I feel the need to know (could the chardonnay again mind you)
georgina: the difference? about £ bag is a cool brown leather number the other is a carahart shopping bag....
Niquitin my arse.
Don't buy the fuckers and don't light the fuckers.
Before you know it, you're a non-smoker. Magic!
Good advice from an ex-smoker.
bock: haven't really smoked since minor hiccup but that's it....
In that case, you don't smoke.
Never say you gave them up. You didn't. You gave nothing up.
You took up a better life and they're no fucking loss.
bock: done.....! it's a good point.....
"sometimes the spaghetti wants to be alone"... *snort*
thanks. you brightened a difficult week for me! oh and "she's a criminal" *cackle*
Nicotine is addictive? Seriously? Nobody told me that at age 7.
Have a wee herbal ciggie, that'll do you the world of good.
So all this time my arse has been squawking due to lozenges, and no the vindaloo's?
I feel elated.. which is miles better than inflated.
daisy: brilliant line okay eh? eh?
dave: no, get behind me smartass......
jimmy: it's good news eh?! well sort of....
Ever seen Babette's feast?
It's about twenty years since I saw it but I left the cinema hungry...
an fearbui: no, but I'll have a peek.........
actually hungry & sated in strange sort of way
an fearbui: oh my.....
There's no chance the WBC will be allowed to protest here - for their own safety.
Utd fans - like rats. You're never more than 3ft away from one of 'em!
Guinness and raw steak?
I've always thought Irish farts smelled of Guinness and cabbage.
Sending LMM to the butchers?
Ya big Jessie.
I fucking hate cabbage.
On the bright side, at least you're not addicted to heroin.
This week was finding this new term to use:
"trousers trumpeting"
God hates those Westborough crazies.
Well, I don't know that for a fact, but probably.
I gots a new food blog. Check it out if you like!
I saw Big Night on what had to be the most awkward date of my entire life. Ugh. I know it's a great movie, but I haven't been able to watch it since.
Good luck with the quitting. Let me know if it works.
Oooh...have been reading some things about dangers of loss and other stuff. Still better than smoking though!
By the way, I was having dinner with friends and one of them mentioned eating at the Fat Duck...I said "the place where all those people got food poisoning??". Thanks Manuel, for making me an edu-cadated person here in backwater Baghdad. hehehe :)
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