This week I was mostly...
This week I was mostly trying a bit of the ol jebus woo and shazam on my Naga chilli plant. But I have finally admitted defeat with it and no amount of magic, fertilizer, water or gentle stroking of it's twigs will bring it back to life. Which is so utterly disappointing. I really loved that plant and it's fiery fruit. If only there was a website or blog where I could learn how best to garden and grow plants in an urban environment. Hmmmm. Oh wait! There is! And it has the best blog name I have stumbled across in an age, Ditches and Hoes. See what they did there? Well worth a look see.
This week I was mostly listening to Yeasayer. Actually to be accurate, I was exclusively listening to Yeasayer. I bought the Dark was the Night album upon the recommendation of Nialler9. Seriously, I will get anything he tells me to. No joke. And the Tightrope track by Yeasayer has just blown me away. Here have a wee pop yerselves...
Oooooh it's just so super smashing great I wanna take it out behind the middle school and get it pregnant or failing that just hug it all up 'til all the tears have gone. I thoroughly recommend Yeasayer and whilst we are at it the Dark Was The Night album. It's for chariteeee so there's nothing to lose.
This week I was mostly in fear of my computer and the mighty mighty power contained therein. A lovely man arrived on Tuesday and brought lovely new go faster stripes for my Mac in the shape of 50mb broadband. Oh crikey mummy it's just so lovely. I'm done with jittery and unsatisfactory you-tubing and gone are the days of overnight downloading and stop start streaming. Huzzah for the man with the lovely go faster stripes and huzzah for the woman who phoned to see if I was happy with everything. I really was. Now we just need to get the leak under the sink fixed. If only.
This week I was mostly delighted to realise that Well Done Fillet is now two, today! Awh bless it's little bloggy socks. Two years eh, wow that's a lot of time sitting in front of a computer screen. Then again what else would I have been doing? Ta ta for reading and commenting. Your continued support both surprises and warms my cold and bitter heart.
Manuel hearts his readers....seriously.
This week I was mostly in fear of my computer and the mighty mighty power contained therein. A lovely man arrived on Tuesday and brought lovely new go faster stripes for my Mac in the shape of 50mb broadband. Oh crikey mummy it's just so lovely. I'm done with jittery and unsatisfactory you-tubing and gone are the days of overnight downloading and stop start streaming. Huzzah for the man with the lovely go faster stripes and huzzah for the woman who phoned to see if I was happy with everything. I really was. Now we just need to get the leak under the sink fixed. If only.
This week I was mostly delighted to realise that Well Done Fillet is now two, today! Awh bless it's little bloggy socks. Two years eh, wow that's a lot of time sitting in front of a computer screen. Then again what else would I have been doing? Ta ta for reading and commenting. Your continued support both surprises and warms my cold and bitter heart.
Manuel hearts his readers....seriously.
36 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
Happy Blogday!
I think that's what they say!
raptureponies: awh shucks thanks......
Chardonnay has made me brave and sent me straight to comment, scary moment, congrats on 2 fine years of blogging
Georgina: yes well done you and the wine good?
Tis extremely tasty and making me forget that I have to work in the morning
It seems longer. I mean that in a nice way.
Georgina: ooooh it's a magic chardonnay...nice....
99 words: that's what LMM says....what did I do before it..? Hmmmmmm thanks though
Two? *Really*? Well done YOU, sir.
eguinan: hard to believe eh.....i mean i gave it a month at the start....
Nice 30 Rock reference.
Happy Blogiversary!
Medbh: heh you like that...second time I've done that......I was watching some old Curb last night and noticed Frank from 30 Rock in it......nice
cheers Medbh, you're one of the people that keeps me blogging...for reals....
happy blogaversary, sugarpie! xoxoxo
savannah: awh shucks cheers Savannah....It's been rare for me to go to sleep before I get a comment from you....
Always on the lookout for new music I say yea to Yeasayer, thanks!
Happy blogiversary!! I've only recently started reading WDF on a regular basis and have been playing catch up on the archives, which has been a lot of fun. Keep up the good work.
penelope_CA: cheers! sweet of you tosay....get the yeasayer so good....
Well done Manuel on the two years. That is great and you set the bar as far as I am concerned on how good and entertaining a blog can be. Your efforts are an inspiration.
Our little waiter is all grown up.
Without your sweet sugarloaf I would have thrown in the blogging towel.
Now bend over to receive your blogiversary spanking.
Two years at it huh? Good on you Sport and thank you muchly for keeping me entertained time and time again... not a dud post amongst 'em. You must be so very proud!
Aaaaaand, give it up for go-faster stripes. I think my weary old mac could do with a set of those too!
If I had known, I would have brought a gift for your blog-day.
24 months of bloggin? You don't look a day over 11 months.
:-) I heart you.
2 years and the posts are constantly amazing ............
Amazing you have any readers after 2 years.
Get an adjustable pipe wrench,check and see if the two connections are on tight, if an old fitting it might have rusted a hole, undo the two connections and bring the u-bend in to B&Q to get it replaced and get plumbers tape for the threads then put it back on, a piece of piss for someone with half a brain as you have.
Happy birthday and cheers for the link manuel
happy bloggingtons. We all heart you too...
you managed to get fruit off a Naga chilli? in the icy wastes of Belfast? Truly you are a garden wizard, who can strike his staff upon the ground and make oak trees spring up instantly... *bows*
steve: ach stop it......cheers man
mj: oh my.....!
the mutant: cheers dude......get the go faster in the fast lane man!!!
boxer: ha! I feel about 50...
old k: no.......not gonna do that......
ditches: cheers, no problem !
mrs Toast: it was amazing.....I had so much fruit off it I was giving it away....naga's aint the easy beasties to cook with.....but it's just a twig now and I'm back to buying chilli from the fruit and veg man.......huh
PRyin: cheers dude....
Ah the terrible twos. You'll be up all night with system crashes, spyware problems and whinging commenters...
Congrats Manuel - this is consistently one of the best blogs in Ireland, you should be proud.
Happy blogday!
Happy, happy blurtday!
You must be out of nappies now, which is a mercy for the customers.
I'm not sure how long I've been reading your blog, but I've enjoyed it immensely! Congrats on 2 years!
I love guardening because it's a way of not having to do house work!!!
A sure sign that I've been blogging too long...
I dreamed about you last night.
In the dream, I asked you this question:
"What, in your opinion, would be a waiter's utopia?"
I await the answer. Either in tonight's dream or here in the comments section.
2 fucking years.. if you had of behaved more, you would have been out in 3 months.
I'll be across to fix that U bend in a minute.. unless of course it's raining, I'm drinking, or you're gonnae be paying me by cheque.
Well done old chap I hope I last that long.
Happy Blogiversary!
Happy Blog Birthday my lovely!!
And your readers heart you too Manuel! Blog on, my man, blog on.
cheers folks......your words, they warm me......send cake......need cake....srsly...
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