I cant work with this script anymore....
I was taking the order for a table of eight the other night when I became very aware of something that I do. I've always known that I do it, I just never really thought about it.
I approached the first person at the table, a well dressed lady with a huge laugh that sounded something akin to the crash bang wallop of the coal lorry. Coal lorry? That's right the coal lorry, I'm that old.
In her best Belfast accent she said, "I'll hawve the lawmb shank wi the chawmp so ah will."
"Beautiful madame", says I as I translated what she asked for onto my order pad/napkin.
I turned to the next chap who I assumed to be her husband due to the obvious passive aggression emanating from them.
"I'll hawve.....eh.....where was it now......eh...Mary, what was it again", he was lost in the menu, lost with no conceivable way out.
"Sake....", snapped the lady beside him, "....he'll hawve the liver an bacon so he will, with chaps."
"Beautiful choice sir."
The next person to order was a young lady, it was her 21st birthday and the reason why everybody was out. She was sporting the new necklace her parents bought her to mark this significant moment. Nothing says happy birthday daughter more than a shiny hologram pendant thingy with your dead grandparents on it. Seriously.
"I'll hawve the rissatto wi just a wee bit of salad.........so ah will."
"Rissatto? What's rissatto? You nat gettin a steak?", asked her mother in complete horror at the thought of risotto.
"She finks she pash", added the brother.
"Grease yer heels 'n slide on wee lad", came the fantastic response from the risotto ordering sister. I nearly peed with laughter.
"Oh no the risotto is a great choice, just beautiful", I added to reassure her.
And off I popped round the table securing orders from all the diners, translating into to English along the way. I love the Belfast accent but crikey it does offer a few challenges.
I got to the last person, a young man wearing a fetcing pink and grey sweatshirt with the very obvious remnants of his baked bean flavoured lunch. Nothing says happy birthday sweet sister like not changing your sweater. For some reason he was sniggering, in fact the whole table was sort of sniggering. I assumed I had missed something or it was an in-joke that I wasn't involved in.
"Now sir what can I get you this evening?", I asked with pen poised over my order pad, such as it was.
"I'll hawve the steak, nae sauce or any of that there salad or anyfing like that....just the steak awnd chaps."
"And how will you have it cooked sir?", I had already written down "well done" but it's only polite to ask.
"Vary well done mate", says he smiling at me.
"Very good sir", and with that I collected the menus. But I could see them all nudging each other and struggling to control their laughter.
"Was his nat beautiful?", asks the daughter, "Mines was beautiful.... so was my mummy's"
"So was mines and his too", jumped in the Aunty whilst pointing at her husband.
"HA! Yeah I do that, sorry, it's just a force of habit. Your steak will be beautiful too sir", says I reassuring the young man. No it bloody wont though is what I was thinking. But by this time the table had descended into a cacophony of laughter with the mother's coal lorry laughing practically drowning everybody else out whilst they told each other that their shirts were beautiful and their bottles of beer were beautiful. Crikey!
I do it all the time. I comment on the order as I get it. There are lots of, beautiful' and lovely' and good choice' as I write the order down. But try as I might I just cant say anything positive when someone orders a well done steak. I just cant. Anyway I escaped from the table leaving them to their hearty laughter. At least they were laughing and having a good time, pity it was at my expense.
"Why you so red?", asked the boss.
"Got pwnd by the table of spides over there"
"Ha!", says he, "Well you should have been more careful"
"Eh?" replied I confused to what he meant.
"Always beware the spides of March"
"Beautiful", thought I.
I approached the first person at the table, a well dressed lady with a huge laugh that sounded something akin to the crash bang wallop of the coal lorry. Coal lorry? That's right the coal lorry, I'm that old.
In her best Belfast accent she said, "I'll hawve the lawmb shank wi the chawmp so ah will."
"Beautiful madame", says I as I translated what she asked for onto my order pad/napkin.
I turned to the next chap who I assumed to be her husband due to the obvious passive aggression emanating from them.
"I'll hawve.....eh.....where was it now......eh...Mary, what was it again", he was lost in the menu, lost with no conceivable way out.
"Sake....", snapped the lady beside him, "....he'll hawve the liver an bacon so he will, with chaps."
"Beautiful choice sir."
The next person to order was a young lady, it was her 21st birthday and the reason why everybody was out. She was sporting the new necklace her parents bought her to mark this significant moment. Nothing says happy birthday daughter more than a shiny hologram pendant thingy with your dead grandparents on it. Seriously.
"I'll hawve the rissatto wi just a wee bit of salad.........so ah will."
"Rissatto? What's rissatto? You nat gettin a steak?", asked her mother in complete horror at the thought of risotto.
"She finks she pash", added the brother.
"Grease yer heels 'n slide on wee lad", came the fantastic response from the risotto ordering sister. I nearly peed with laughter.
"Oh no the risotto is a great choice, just beautiful", I added to reassure her.
And off I popped round the table securing orders from all the diners, translating into to English along the way. I love the Belfast accent but crikey it does offer a few challenges.
I got to the last person, a young man wearing a fetcing pink and grey sweatshirt with the very obvious remnants of his baked bean flavoured lunch. Nothing says happy birthday sweet sister like not changing your sweater. For some reason he was sniggering, in fact the whole table was sort of sniggering. I assumed I had missed something or it was an in-joke that I wasn't involved in.
"Now sir what can I get you this evening?", I asked with pen poised over my order pad, such as it was.
"I'll hawve the steak, nae sauce or any of that there salad or anyfing like that....just the steak awnd chaps."
"And how will you have it cooked sir?", I had already written down "well done" but it's only polite to ask.
"Vary well done mate", says he smiling at me.
"Very good sir", and with that I collected the menus. But I could see them all nudging each other and struggling to control their laughter.
"Was his nat beautiful?", asks the daughter, "Mines was beautiful.... so was my mummy's"
"So was mines and his too", jumped in the Aunty whilst pointing at her husband.
"HA! Yeah I do that, sorry, it's just a force of habit. Your steak will be beautiful too sir", says I reassuring the young man. No it bloody wont though is what I was thinking. But by this time the table had descended into a cacophony of laughter with the mother's coal lorry laughing practically drowning everybody else out whilst they told each other that their shirts were beautiful and their bottles of beer were beautiful. Crikey!
I do it all the time. I comment on the order as I get it. There are lots of, beautiful' and lovely' and good choice' as I write the order down. But try as I might I just cant say anything positive when someone orders a well done steak. I just cant. Anyway I escaped from the table leaving them to their hearty laughter. At least they were laughing and having a good time, pity it was at my expense.
"Why you so red?", asked the boss.
"Got pwnd by the table of spides over there"
"Ha!", says he, "Well you should have been more careful"
"Eh?" replied I confused to what he meant.
"Always beware the spides of March"
"Beautiful", thought I.
27 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
New adjectives?
I could use some.
I use fabulous and fantastic far too much.
oh Medbh I am really bad for it...but it;s such a habit now I cant stop...everything is tremendous or beautiful......it's all very repetitive...
But it's not the sp(ides) of March, yet. That's on the 15th, if I recall.
I think a "Very good, (sir or madam) is adequate. Especially when they ruin a perfectly good steak that way.
silverstar: yeah it's the fifteenth but it was still a good line....
Ah, humans. Always so refreshing to see the absolute class that our establishments bring in....
that was HILARIOUS!, the script part was funny, their reactions funny, but the last lines?
P R I C E L E S S!! xoxoxo
you are absolute aces, sugar, for telling these tales on yourself!
When you went down to take the order you should have said "aye mate whats yours?". and when you brough down the rissatto was there no one saying "here bees me im having the rissatto?" such a lovely post!!
beautiful post manuel, simply gorgeous
"Superlative choice young lady, the Risotto is especially pulchritudinous tonight; and Sirs choice of the leatherized fillet will be simply flagitious"
morti: it's not easy i can tell ya......that said they did tip well and were good fun......sort of
savannah: awh ta ta! i am hear to amuse...
lmm: heh.....awh. you're lovely.....
penelope ca: bwahahaha.....yeah thank you...
silent koala: flagitious.....tremendous word! welcome old bean, welcom
that was a kinawesome post, I very much enjoyed... no-one wants to be pwned by spides!! I love the way you capture the Belfast accent, I can totally hear it as I read, chainsawing its way into my ears...
You suck.
I thought this was about the Spiders of March, something akin to the Darling Buds of May, cept with arachnids.
I'm never tweeting with you again!
You gotta love the spides! A list of waiterly synonyms is called for.
Oh and, 'et tu Brutal' to the boss.
"Steak, well done sir".
or less politely and as a challenge "Well done steak, very common dish sir". Make sure you walk away from the table quickly though.
Today I have been mostly telling people to "grease their wheels and slide on", absolutely magic wha?!!
I think we should get a spide instaed of a dog, can we ? can we ?
Why don't you start throwing them off and say things like "crap choice" or gagging a wee bit?
That was a good one the spides of March but why is it people have to ruin a good steak ordering it well done?
I say 'excellent' and 'fabulous' all the time. Can't stop meself. Awesome-o :-)
That's just beautiful.
I feel very sorry for you!!!
Thanks for the link, know what white trash is. I love watching white trash in restaurants that have real napkins, they are so fun to fuck with. They hate it when they know-that you know-that they know-they are "low-life trash". I've been reading this blog awhile, have never been to Ireland and need to know what "nat" means. Thanks.
You're embarrassed 'cos you're nice, Manuel? Sake. I wish every waiter in every restaurant was as friendly...
Ooh, I want all 'of all the bars in all the world' there for a min...
I went, not I want. Obviously.
rubbishknitter: ha cheers....I knock out a good un every so often......but yes the belfawst accent is a charming little thing......
sweary: we'll see.....
conan: does that mean I can pop a knife in his back? cool
99 words: aye and get cracked with a salt cellar.....
crispy: quality eh.....
the cousin: I'll go to the spide pound and get one tomorrow
psychoknitter: bwahahahaha that would eb superb...
steve: it;s beyond me...!
jen: it is...awesome-o!
minnow: sweet
killer: which reason?
fmcgmccllc: nat? for nat read not...
english mum: yes but even my niceness cab grate after a while.....seriously
Ha! Brilliant Manuel!
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