
Saturday, 14 February 2009

You know What I love?

I'll tell you what I love, I love taking my shoes of after 13 arduous hours of plate schlepping. I am even quite partial to the sweaty leathery bouquet that is unleashed when I kick my manly size sevens to the floor. It smells like effort, like a job well done, the stench of success even. It also smells like meaty off cheese but what ya gonna do?!

That is what I love.

I am a simple chap with simple pleasures......

20 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

Anonymous said...

size 7? Fairy.

Manuel said...

anaperenna: yet another different spelling pfft.....better size seven than some circus freak with planks for offence n all that

Anonymous said...

A good healthy scrubbing with 13 hours worth of tips should sort them out.

And about this Jack Russell...why don't you just get a rat and paint it brown and white? Same thing.

Manuel said...

99 words: it helps, that's for damn love for jacks eh...? shocking ....

savannah said...

no, no, no!!! tomorrow, for you, on my site! too tired to make sense now...look when you wake up or thereabouts!! please xoxox

Manuel said...

savannah: okie dokie....

The Mutant said...

Hmmm, I reckon you ought to strike-out that "manly size seven" before you cop a boot to the arse from all the circus freaks with planks for feet (Hell, I'm a midget and I've got size nines!) But, seriously is there any better feeling than kicking your treads off at the end of the day and letting the waft escape, like spirits fleeing an exorsism!

Anonymous said...

13 tables of 2 tonight and $155. Just a run the whole night. By the way I carry a size 15.

Twenty Major said...

Size 7?! Are you a Chinese girl?

A.C said...

What do you think of the new Morrissey album?

Anonymous said...

You know what I love? Being off work on V Day for the first time in 10 years. Not for the luuuurve you understand, but for not having to look at the mouth-breathing, chicken eating, well-done-steak ordering, Rose drinking, skin gathering shower that frequent any restaurant on this day. yeeoooo!

Gregarious said...

I'm about to enter in to a 3pm-3am've inspired me to tramp my feet in to the ground, just for the satisfaction of taking them off! then i'm back in at 9am...the torture of being understaffed!

Killer said...

Yes I do see what you mean:)

Anonymous said...

being an engineer, i never have to work harder on valentines day. come to think of it, i never get asked out, either?

Anonymous said...

In that case, I'll have to invite you over to experience the smell of our shoe cabinet :)

If you still like the smell after that, then I tip my hat to you.
Or whatever the phrase is...

Megan McGurk said...

Give them a good soak before you walk into the shit tonight, Manuel.

savannah said...

damn, when i wrote that my tomorrow was your today...did you look? will you do it? pleasepleaseplease! xoxox

Tuesday Kid said...

Casanova loved cheese that had wee beasties crawling in it. Man after your own heart?

Native Minnow said...

Did you just say "manly" size sevens?

Anonymous said...

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