Robert Downey Jr and I have practiced our loser faces....
So, everybody is away to the Irish Blog Awards then eh. I have never felt more alone in all my life, sniff sniff. But never fear I'll man the internet and what have you whilst the rest of the world wide web's greatest heros stuff their little faces with cocktails sausages and free bubbly. Maybe I'll twit to myself for amusement or most likely I'll just cry into my pillow........again.
So for all those about to rock, in a twitterish/wordpressy/bloggery kind of way, I salute you! And remember it's got fuck all to do with taking part and making new friends and contacts, it's about winning. So with that in mind will somebody give Twenty Major a playful thump on the arm from me when he gets his award, for he still deserves it the most. It's like I told Robert Downey Jr the other day, "You cant beat a dead guy who wore lipstick and gurned like a mentalist for an hour or two and you cant beat The Major."
If you are going have a great time.
Best of luck to all my blog chums, you know who you are, and I hope you win. If anybody needs me I'll be cursing my luck and crying worse than an Oscar winner.....
17 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
I wouldn't be disheartened. I mean, Cork, bit of a fucker by public transport from the big smoke.
And you wouldn't be able to order drinks at the bar anyway, they wouldn't understand a thing you say.
And, think of all the Saturday night regulars you call names behind their backs. You'd miss that.
Always good to have a plan B though, just in case. You have lined up Kate Winslett to pick up the award if you win, haven't you?
Best to turn to a cocaine habit now and forget about it.
So we'll miss each other again this year eh? I thought Twenty wasn't going to accept any award this year...
you're a winner in mah book, sugar! xoxooxo ;)
there's a great one of catherine tate losing to mitchell and webb that someone got removed off google.
You should be getting an award Manuel for your blog as far as I am concerned. You are a waiter with great literary attributes!
Best Sugarloaf in the Hospitality Industry.
Don't feel bad, just remember all the people who didn't vote for you are idiots.
Yeah I think you're a winner anyway. As a new blogger has there ever been an almighty scrap at the awards?
Ah, I'll be sorry not to meet ya Manuel. I don't know about giving Twenty Major a playful thump on the arm, though. He might take it the wrong way!
I'm sorry you'll be so lonely, but I do think you'll win something.
Manuel, Manuel.... you get the MiketheWaiter Award for clever/ concise/ witty writing style. Why would you covet any others? We love your stuff in Indiana, USA.
Eat well. Drink well.
I was just thinking of all the cheap heartburn-inducing cava you're missing out on that the good girls from will neck on your behalf!
Hope both of you win - yiz richly deserve it
You and Devin were the two I most wanted to meet. I was devasted when I heard you couldn't come!
ooh conortje my chagrin is even deeper now.....
We toasted your name and regretted your absence.
For reals.
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