
Sunday 15 February 2009

I blame Marks and Spencers....

St. Valentines Day eh? What a crashing bore, all that anticipation all that effort. And for what? Guess how many tables no showed and win a prize. It will probably be something like a virtual hug or good wishes, anything that means I don't have to bother with the joy and wonder of the post office and the officious delights therein. Oh and in case of several correct answers the tie breaker is, how many couples had started arguing by the time I left work at half eleven?


14 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

Anonymous said...

7 no shows - 3 rows.

I was thinking about this last night, and remember i used to live near alton towers, he used to say that the best time to go was the bank holiday, people would avoid it like the plague convinced that it would be some kind of hell, i reckon last night people thought 'San Vals + Saturday Night = dinner at teh hellmouth' but it was probably grand... i dunno i made a pie.

Anonymous said...

i have never lived near alton towers, i'm not even completely sure where it is, that was a story about a fella i used to work with... but a bit of it fell out...

Anonymous said...

10 and 4.

Be grateful the other 6 managed the row before they got to getting out.

Nil Zed said...

1) half of them
2) the rest of them

my true love was out of town, lecturing in Holland on Friday. His flight left late on Saturday, so he didn't get home until 8 pm. He brought me a bunch of tulips.

From Tesco.

P.S. I love him even so.

Anonymous said...

6 no shows, 5 rows.

I am not a fan of going to restaurants on valentines - tend not to feel very romantic when surrounded by pink things, teddy bears and other glum couples...

bloody nice pie it was though! :)

Anonymous said...

5 no shows and 3 rows. The others asked for the bill quickly before dessert so they could argue in the car. I am fortunate this year because I work in a place that doesn't take reservations.Of course when you are guaranteed to be full what would be the point.

Anonymous said...

Five no shows, two louder outright rows and at least four couples exchanging death stares/going the passive-aggressive route. Plus one enbarassed young couple out for their first dinner together and being all awkward/shy and whatnot.

Anonymous said...

4 no shows / 3 rows / and only 4 smiles the entire evening...

for what it's worth? my date and i smiled and played (not food throwing or swapping body fluids) and our server seemed to enjoy the difference - as we were surrounded by mortuary stiffs, propped at tables...

Native Minnow said...

6 no shows - 2 Arguments

Personally, I'd be delighted if 100% of them argued, but that probably didn't happen.

Megan McGurk said...

We stayed in to avoid the drama scene.
I'll go with 8 and 5.

liederess said...

I would guess 5 no shows and 4 rows. I thought of you yesterday when I tried to tip the cashier at Panera since they don't have waiters. I was told politely that they don't accept tips. Ah me. So I bused (bussed means kissing?) my own dishes. Happy day after!

NorthernWhinger said...

Ten? A nice round even number.....

Manuel said...

c'mon now northernWhinger....the answer is in the post above this one...but thanks for guessing.....

Anonymous said...

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