Filums....(as we say round here)
There are no good movies about the restaurant business at all, none. Here's the latest offering, "The Slammin' Salmon". I would say all the best bits are in the trailer and even they are awful. That said there is one good bit at about 1 minute 39 but that's it. It's about a restaurant owner who owes money to thew mob and yada yada yada needs to get the money or he'll get killed or something and all that sort of jazz. You get the drift. This depresses me, the lack of a good movie about the biz, not the impending death of a fictional movie character. Meh....
It's not safe for work
hell it's not safe for DVD
hell it's not safe for DVD
Seriously if anybody has any good recommendations for films about the restaurant/waiting/bar game then I'm all ears. Actually I'm all sausage right now but that's another story. Oh and minus ten points if you even think of mentioning Cocktail.......Bleurgh.
31 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
NO RESERVATIONS comes to mind, but then I remembered... it was crap movie. BUT.. WAITRESS is a sweet watch, but not really about a restaurant, more about pie.
boxer; exactly! whilst they are set in and around restaurants they rarely focus on the job......sake...
I meant to send you this from the paper yesterday about a restaurant in Montreal that lets customers set their own prices for food to keep the place open:
Manuel, you need to check out Ober (Waiter). It's Dutch film.
medbh: Thanks! oh I've seen that about for a few weeks now in a few different cities.....oooh crikey I can see that ending in tears...
99 words: dutch eh? does it come with mayo? hee hee hee. I'll put it on the list
Yes, and in a paper cone.
99 words: whoop whoop!!
ack. that kinda blows. i walked out on the trailer...
Here is my idea. Let's have a reality show of a waiter miked up working in a restaurant.That would be fun to watch. Movies just don't do waitering justice cause there always has to be some stupid story. Just give everyone the real stuff.
the original NO RESERVATIONS was really good, not the one with catherine zeta jones. also, BIG NIGHT was really good. BAGDAD CAFE was excellent...i love the sound of that filums xoxo
ps. so it's new york city for you & LLM?
Not a fillum, but sopranos... the artie bucco scenes, the small talk with the customers "they way you two are looking at each other, I'm gonna have to get a high chair for next time!"
i loved artie bucco
daisy: but doesn't it just!?
steve: oooh yeah.....
savannah: yeah booked for October......Big Night, I have it but still haven't watched's meant to be good eh?
toast: ah Artie......quality, also Curb Your Enthusiasm, when he open the restaurant? awesome-o
There's some good restaurant scenes alright, like the restaurant scamming bits of Choke. And there's films where it's part of the action like Eat Drink Man Woman, and then there's Big Night as already mentioned - and I'm a big fan of Stanley Tucci, who should play you in the biopic.
As Good as it Gets? Jack would definitely remind you of some of the OCD weirdo's you serve...
Dinner Rush ! I don't remember if it is actually about the waiting game, but it is set in a restaurant.
Manuel you should check out Kitchen (British film with Eddie Izzard) - seriously disturbing at times, but some scenes are so true it'll have you squirming!
Let me second (and third) Big Night and the wonderful (ly weird) Bagdad Café.
Outside of those, I always liked the put upon Artie Bucco in The Sopranos. Whaddafuckyatakkinabou?
see? you ahve GOT to see BIG NIGHT! and i agree w/conon...stanley tucci is sooooo you! but seriously, watchthedamnmovie, sugar! ;) xoxox
so it's october? i'll be out in napa last week or so. i would LOVE to be up in nyc when ya'll are there. i'll start getting my list of restos! xoxox
I loved "Waiting" with Ryan Reynolds.
get the fuck outta here...
that's what I did with this trailer. So sad.
and I agree with Waiter Extraordinaire, Waiter Reality.. def the way to go.
*seconds Savannah's choice of 'Big Night'*
Silence of the lambs. Coyote Ugly. Die hard 2. Alive. Mystic fucking pizza. Coming to America.
Its bad when you need the help of the greatest ex blogger there is (except in the Irish market but anyone with any brains got out when the tatties went bad)
hello!!!! long time no comment - waitress,waiting,big night, no reservations was shite. love you!
The spaghetti sauce scene in 'Seven'. So very Belfast
Waiter! There's a fat guy in my food.
Ah Manuel, where have you been.
Try "Tampopo" from Japan or the American "Big Night" even "Casablanca" is a restaurant film as also is "Babettes Feast" and then there is "The Cook the Thief his Wife and her Lover" and should all else fail "Soylent Green" instructs us in how eating people is right.
A friend invited me to watch a Czech film last night entitled, I Served the King of England.
It’s about a small waiter with big ambitions.
Bonus…plenty of nekkid ladies!
This looks like it's going to be terrible, but you never know, it end up being kinda funny.
I was going to suggest Waitress too, but I guess that's more about pies. Heh.
Big Night has been secured and is scheduled......more to follow......
Is it just another evening at the hugely popular Italian restaurant of proprietor and bookmaker Louis Cropa in New York? Anything but as tonight's guests include; a local police detective and his wife specially invited by the owner; on the balcony rival bookmaker gangsters from Queens who want to become partners in the restaurant; in the corner renowned food critic 'the food nymph' is her usual demanding self; and at the bar, seemingly unnoticed, is Ken. As the evening continues enter Duncan, inveterate gambler and sous-chef on-the-line in the frenetic kitchen downstairs, who acts as the catalyst that causes the evening to draw to its inevitable, explosive, deadly conclusion.
Good movie and the entire thing takes place in one night.
Do you dock marks for getting your work in late?
Anyway I'm just gonna copy someone else and say Curb your Enthusiasm, which is the wrong answer anyway as it's not a filum. But it has some of the best waiter scenes I've seen; the whole tipping the captain fiasco and the marvellous Daviday (or whoever it's spelt) and the doggy bag, "we shall see."
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