Manuel and the sticky/awkward situation....
Nothing, and I really mean nothing, quite livens up the atmosphere in a restaurant like the coming together of former work colleagues. Especially when one of those former work colleagues was dismissed in an acrimonious and really rather angry manner by the other.
Oh my.
No amount of grin fucking and false sentiment can adequately hide the dislike and lets be honest down right hostility that still exists many years after the fact.
"Your Sea Bass madam. I really hope you enjoy it", I smarmed across the table.
"Oh thank you, it looks just fantastic.", she replied wondering just what lay beneath the gently pan fried fishy delicacy.
And then we smiled at each other. It would be accurate to say that child abusers and their victims have warmer and more sincere exchanges across the court room.
Meh........she wasn't very good so I still very justified in having let her go. And I'm sure she still feels she was shabbily dealt with. But I wonder who felt more awkward? I know I was squirming for a good hour or two and the way her six foot boy chum was staring at me was making my ass sweat.
Crikey......Ex's in all form are best avoided.
20 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
Which is why I'm glad my ex moved "back home" and I stayed here. Much better this way.
silverstar: heh.....yes....yes it is
Couldn't you get someone else to wait on her? And was she fired from this same establishment that you're working at now? Awkward indeed...
michelle: no this was from a previous employment when they made the mistake of making me manager......oooh, probably didn't want to do that. I wasn't even serving her table but ended up bringing her food out.....!!!
At least now that she knows where you work she's unlikely to come back.
On the other hand, now that her boyfriend knows where you work...
Sweet dreams.
Yes, but do you think she really digested it properly while thinking that some Manuel juice might be in there?
Oh, she choked down each bite.
They're called Ex's for a reason!
I bet she wondered about the food when you brought it out... perhaps she made the boyfriend taste hers first, just to make sure... hehe
Want to know what's awkward? Waiting on your OB/GYN and his wife. Yes that's what I did Friday night. This man had seen me in all my "glory." HaHa
I could deal with an ex better I think.
Yes, hmm, awkward.
I promised a certain Friday night conquest that I would call her the next day,(and didn't)only to find that she was a receptionist at my dentist surgery.
I still floss twice a day.. just to be sure.
I hate sea bass .
99 words: bloody hell........cheers for that
medbh: oooh god I hope not.......I'm a "lets move on kinda guy"
blondie: yup!!
wendy: could be why he looked pissed at em......!
sherry: oh my!
psychoknitter: indubitably
jimmy: heh!
killer: no! sea bass good!
indubitably. i can never pronounce that without a st-stutter.
she probably never noticed how awkward you felt, you being the epitome of waiter cool, sugar! ;) xoxo
it's sea bass. They shit in the water they breathe. Yummy
Try dealing with an ex in the classroom. That goes on for an entire semester, if you want to talk about awkward.
if you live downstream from any city your drinking that towns industrial waste, their fishies pee, the processed sewer discharge which is chock full of human drugs like antibiotics and hormones like birth control.
Plus in the sea the amount of fish pee/poo to salt water is pretty low -beside some other critter feeds off the pee/poo as well
I do anything I can to avoid ex-employees. I'd say she's the one that probably left with the heartburn, but still...
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