
Saturday 31 January 2009

Odd way to save money, but I'll give it a go...

Seems a bit over the top but what the hell.

Restaurants cut busboys to save eh? If that's the case I'm off to slash up a chef. That's gotta be worth a few quid.

Full article.

14 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

Anonymous said...

They always cut the wrong people. They could save much more if they cut one of the management blokes that stand around all day drinking coffee. Who's going to clear the tables? Management? Waitstaff? Customers? If we wanted to clear the table ourselves, we stay home and cook. Next they'll have us washing the dishes.

Anonymous said...

Here's another way restaurants save/steal money....

De Niro's restaurants to pay $2.5 million in tip case.

savannah said...

note to self: when in la, don't eat at chain restos...
thanks for the tip, sugar! xoxxo

Anonymous said...

I had customers tonight that I would like to run into outside of work... Preferably in a 4X4.

Anonymous said...

Oooh that's the actors screwed so.

God I hope there's no Fava beans involved.

Anonymous said...

Bring your fork too...

You might have to pin them down first.

The Mistress said...

Are you ever tempted to ask the customers to take their own dirty plates to the kitchen?

Old Knudsen said...

I always walk to KFC so fuck yer buses.

And they prefer busperson you sexists.

Anonymous said...

I have worked in a lot of restaurants where I was the waiter and busboy. Besides saves on the tip out. You just stay longer at night.Ha

Bock the Robber said...

Oh sorry. Busboys, it said.

Sorry. For a second there I thought ...

Ah, never mind.

Megan McGurk said...

How does cutting bussers save them money? They make a pittance to begin with.

Jenny said...

At first, I thought you were being funny. Seriously?


Anonymous said...

>_< I'm with silverstar on this one. Cut a manager, not necessary staff. When you cut the bussers and reassign duties to the servers, that puts more stress on them when it gets super busy. More stress = more distraction. More distraction = ignored/forgotten customers, which = less people happy to come to your restaurant....

Anonymous said...

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