Heaven knows I'm miserable now....
Waiter down....
send for back up
headache, sniffles, cough, sweats, shakes, Eartha Kitts and Wallace and Grommit's
not hangover before you ask
not pretty either
super virus
yes has to be super virus
no ordinary cold can take me down
can only write in short abbreviated style
must save energy
may not make it through the night
is that you Grandad? You want me to come into the light?
oohh look Irish Independent Site of the Week
go me
perked up a bit
cant write properly
all praise is due to Nialler9, he is like a waiter for your ears...
must sleep now....
if I don't make it through the night mourn me with loud weeping and gnashing of teeth
and lilies
and sad music
but not "knocking on heavens door"
have a little dog sit on my grave in the rain
and avenge my death
avenge me!!
It's almost a full year since this last happened......weird.
25 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
Quiet this weather then? Fancy a long weekend, do we? I get ya'.
the cap'n is down as well! it must be age related, sugar! ;) xoxox
(feel better, sugarpie!)
Oh, do you have ebola?
Stay away from the light, Manuel.
Get better soon.
Hope you feel better soon!
funny i remember you saying you had taken the wrong week off...you should've taken this week...
Switch to the lite ya fat shite. Irish Independent? sounds like an oxymoron I heard they were all dependent on coke.
Let us know how you get on with the dying thing will you?
It's just that the funeral/standing stoically in the rain/swearing vengeance upon the cocksuckers that did this/yet chic enough for cocktails outfit takes some planning.
Obviously hoping you DO in fact recover, like.......
Can I have your readers when you die?
I mean, get well soon.
Get better soon :-)
Oh crap, that was me but as Belly. You probably don't want to hear from bellies right now, it seems like yours has been rumbling quite loudly for all the wrong reasons.
Get better soon!
"gimme a minute" gets your readers? (Assuming you don't, you know, live through this little attention-getting charade.) May I have your visitors who can't read? I mean, they're perfect for MY blog.
...but just think of the obituary you'll get in the Irish Independent if you should go. Maybe they'll get your readers as well. Unlikely, but you never know. I think you should just go ahead and get better. It's the easiest thing all around. Your readers need ya!
recommend more antihistimines, and fewer hallucinogens. seriously....
Melodramatic much?
I hope you get feeling better.
same here, think it's the worst flu ever and this is my 2nd dose:(
Try Coldplay... They'll help you out! I seem to remember that you're particuarly fond of their music. Plus, you can cry while you fondle... What's not to love about that? *winks*
Yay for you, Manuel!
Hydrate and take your vitamins.
Sex, drugs, and bread rolls...
Your life summed up in one line.
Hope your MANFLU soon blows over.
Good luck, friend! I was down for three days and now it's Sunday. I feel reborn but I'm going to sit at home and recoup and send you positive vibes. That sounds so Californian. Sorry. Get better.
Poor likkle wuzzums.
Did that help?
Eartha Kitts as well?
Sounds like you have at least two different virii matey.
Make your will now, no really.
Ach, you'll feel like lukewarm shite for about three weeks and then you'll be wondering what it was all about.
drama queen much!?
Hope you're better soon chappie.
Not knocking on heaven's door, how about the gabrielle song that samples it? Nasty way to go.
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