Famine 2.0
All Irish Pork products have been recalled. Crikey so that's no pork products - sausages, bacon, the ridiculously named vegetable roll and what have you on a Sunday morning in Ireland when most of the country has a hangover?
There'll be fucking carnage, mark my words......carnage.....
Where were you when you heard the news?
There'll be fucking carnage, mark my words......carnage.....
Where were you when you heard the news?
26 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
This is worse than the recession.
The jumbo breakfast roll, staple diet of the masses, will be no more.
Thousands will die of starvation. Countless deli staff will lose their jobs. Shops and garages will close down.
The Sunday fry is only the tip of the iceberg - I call for immediate government intervention.
Yes, I read about this not too long after having some rashers. Oh, dear.
And what about the Christmas ham, that's what I'd like to know. I don't like it much myself, but between it and turkey, unpleasant meat is traditional on Christmas. There's a very real risk that people may replace it with something that tastes nice, like lamb, and then where would we be?!
I assume you're not effected in the North, though?
NO BACON!!!!!!!!??????????? AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's a good Q&A.
Ach remember when the mad cow thing was about and no one ate beef even though it was safe in NI? so they all ate chickens with flu instead.
Irish pigs are infected cos the bogtrotters have all given them STD's.
Pissing hell... and us just after eatng the nicest rasher sambo (good rashers, Brennans bread & real buhher) ever. I'm fecked now for Christmas dinner!
gross. it's enough to make me want to get on board with your vegan chum x
If nobody in the country is to be concerned medically because problems only arise from prolonged exposure - why can't we go ahead and eat those rashers in the fridge and just not buy any new ones until they start producing the non-contaminated stuff in a few days?
I'd love a bloody rasher right now.
Pork is fucking nasty shit anyway.
Had bacon around six hours ago while listening to the recall on the news... am still here... just about!!
Sure the dioxins just add to the flavor right?
On Sky news just now it said Northern Irish pork too. I presume that was a mistake? They did say that fresh uncontaminated stuff will be back on the marked within days.
Funny, I had rashers for breakfast and sausage and mash for tea. I'm going for a lie down...
Market. Damn this dioxin-induced alzheimers.
these are the kinds of issues that we support staff pawn off onto management.
besides, manuel, you could not possibly make enough money on sunday day shift to make it worth it! get some rest.
peace, mtw
Saw it on the telly earlier. Us vegetarians are load of right smug..........supply your own word :-)))
I heard it here first!
This really worries me. I ate almost a full bag of cocktail sausages last night and gave the rest to my dog. I'm too scared to hoaking through the bin to find where the pork came from.
Jeebus Cheee-rist! It's not as though bacon isn't toxic enough? Now they've added dioxins?
I was rooting in the fridge looking for rashers....nearly broke my heart when they were snatched from my shaking hands.
Amusingly I was digging into a full fried breakfast of Irish pig when my mother rang me to warn me off it.
The puddins are gone into the bin. Lovely little puddins that never did nothin to nobody.
How is it, I ask myself - despite all the supposed traceability - that they can't isolate the products from producers who used the contaminated feed? And what about pepperoni pizzas?
I was sitting at home, minding my own. Then all of a sudden, on came the news and all I can think about is a crisp bacon sarnie.
OMG, where have I been? I only heard this on Monday morning after having consumed my body weight (alot) in "Irish Recipe Sausages" from ASDA last night!!!
Balls...I have ham sandwiches for lunch today.....bring it on I say, I'm as mental as a bag of cats anyway!!!
made the papers here in Australia too. As a gesture of solidarity I had three rashers and an egg for breakfast. And then had BBQed spare ribs for tea. You poor bastards.
Just checked my freezer and my 'Irish' rashers are actually the product of the Netherlands. Oh happy day!
Bacon sarnies round mine when you're ready.
I tore down a phone booth I was so upset.
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