Jebus wept, I wept, the chef went nanas.....
Suicide by cop is a suicide method in which a person deliberately acts in a threatening way, with the goal of provoking a lethal response from a law enforcement officer, such as being shot to death. So says wikipedia, so it must be true.
Suicide by waiter is a suicide method in which a person deliberately acts in an boorish and uncouth manner, with the goal of provoking a lethal response from a waiter, such as being stabbed to death with a rusty stabbing fork that the waiter keeps in his apron for such occasions. So says me, Manuel, thus making it not only true but the law.
Fucking ketchup with sea bass, get away and shake yourself you undeserving cretin.
Suicide by waiter is a suicide method in which a person deliberately acts in an boorish and uncouth manner, with the goal of provoking a lethal response from a waiter, such as being stabbed to death with a rusty stabbing fork that the waiter keeps in his apron for such occasions. So says me, Manuel, thus making it not only true but the law.
Fucking ketchup with sea bass, get away and shake yourself you undeserving cretin.
32 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
not even Dijon Ketchup? oh the horror... THE HORROR!
That is the single most disgusting food combo I've ever heard, Manuel.
The death sentence makes perfect sense.
daisyfae: when I went back to the table to clear it the chap told me he didn't use the liar, he just smoothed it out...
medbh: beautiful delicate fish with a blob of frigging ketchup on so bad....
Ketchup and fish ? *gag*
Even my unsophisticated palate is recoiling at the thought.
Why would anyone want to smother fish in ketchup ? That is just soooo wrong. . .
It is a crime only slightly worse than that committed by The Boyo of putting ketchup on his macaroni and cheese. He can get away with that with the Kraft crap, but if I make it from scratch, I have a whole set of knives to use.
My kids will eat almost anything so long as it is smothered in ketchup.
Maybe he doesn't like fish, but his Doctor told him he had to, and so he resorted to his childhood defence mechanism....
Heinz Red was the only way that you were getting me to eat brussel sprouts when I was a little un.
i am weeping in the reading of such an odious act, sugar!
Must have been a Canadian.
We have Ketchup crisps here for fuck’s sake…or Ketchup Potato Chips as we call them.
It puts the ketchup on the fish.
It gets the rusty stabbing fork in the carotid.
Manuel...that is disgusting.Enough said.
Yuck. How old was he? 3? Yanno kids will eat anything covered in ketchup... ;)
that is wrong...but i've seen worse
ketchup on a ceasar salad. check!
mustard on tortilla chips. check!
vinegar on chicken strips. check!
the world is full of weirdo's as such!
Revolting. I generally use ketchup on burgers and hot dogs, and sometimes meatloaf, but never in fine restaurants, and never ever on fish.
echo: well battered fish maybe but not sea bass.....
silverstar: heeheehee nice....
dad: kids eh.....
savannah: it was so so odious....
mj: oh you canadian with your funny ways and dodgy crisps and weird accents and bum fetishism's...
hangar queen: bwahahahahaha love it....
steve: correct....
sherry: oh I'd say about 45....
blue: welcome blue! some people need smacked hard......
fledgling chef: yes, I'm all for ketchup but in the right place and on the right food.....
Ah fuggit, he probably paid an extortionate amount of money for his food, so why not eat it with whatever condiments he so desires? Yes I know it'll ruin the delicate flavours, but its his choice.
Im tired, grumpy and hungover btw.
Loup du Mer with ketchup?!!
I suggest you develop a waterboarding technique with ketchup for such occasions. Squirting it up both nostrils should achieve the required result.
Did he ask for ketchup or "red sauce"? What a twonk!!
My wains aren't allowed ketchup on the table unless chips are being served, they even prefer sweet chilli sauce with their pizza. It's well seeing, their your neice and nephew ha ha.
palette problem. A big one.
I love ketchup. There isn't a flavour in the world that ketchup can't improve. There. I said it.
sheepo: no. no you are was he...lucozade and sausage roll will cure you, if you can find a sausage roll that is. I've just been denied one in clements and am quite miffed.....
conan: bwahahahaha that's fucking ace
crispy: the former, the cunt....good childer
leeroy: fork in throat problem too
sexy pedestrian: welcome, you're wrong but welcome all the same....
Prob best avoiding the piggy goodness of the sausage roll at the moment manuel...
sheepo: never! I wants my pork!!!!
It's 8:30 am in my part of the world and I'm digging in to a nice big plate of BACON and eggs.
mj: i'm gonna cry for a bit.....
ah manuel, you have discovered one of my favorite and most used words in the restaurant.... cretin! It is so, so descriptive.
peace, mtw
mtw: it says everything.....!
Ketchup? whats yer problem mate? did you move into Upper Malone and becum someone important?
If I find out that Heinz ketchup is by royal appointment I'll knock yer shite in.
My children consistently piss me off by smothering my lovingly created home-made food in dollops of Heinz's finest.
He'd have got my wooden spoon round his ear'ole and no mistake.
I've heard worse.
But seeing as the worse was chocolate ice cream and fried egg...yes.
Heinz should do a fishpaste in a bottle, for squirting over tomatoes.
Eeeeeeeuuuu!! We've had a few ourselves:
banana on pizza
coleslaw on spaghetti bolognese and spaghetti meatballs
tuna and pineapple sandwich
tuna and chicken sandwich
Now come on boys and girls , had it been Tomato salsa drizzled in virgin olive oil and shavings of something you would all be drooling . splattered tomatoes are splattered tomatoes
***runs away before he gets stabbed***
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