Don't ask anymore stupid questions.....
"How much money would you have to win to make you resign from work, immediately, no notice, no waiting for them to cover you, just a quick phone call to say you wont be in? How much?, asked waiter chum number one as we cleared the empty bottles, used napkins, discarded party hats and well thumbed glassware from our recently departed table of 18.
"Eh you looking rid of me or what?", I replied feeling a little unwanted.
"You know what I mean. How much?", she persisted.
"Hmmmmmm £30,000 and I'll quit right now and I wont even tell them for a week. You have £30,000 right now?"
"No, I was just wondering."
"Right, you were just wondering."
"You're weird."
"You think?"
"Yup, I'd give you £3o just to stop talking right now", says I.
"You got thirty quid right now?" she replies with a glint of hope in her eyes.
"Nah, well no money that I wanna give to you."
"Touche indeed."
"What would you do if you won the lottery?"
"No, no I'm not playing that game......You can clean this table on your own."
And off I went wondering just how little it would take to make me quit my job for a year. Turns out it's not as much as you would think.
Today is slightly dark Friday, not to be confused with black Friday but still dark enough to scare the b'jesus out me. I wont sleep tonight, mainly dreaming about what I would do with a year off work......
So how much would it take you to win to quit work, even just for a while?
"Eh you looking rid of me or what?", I replied feeling a little unwanted.
"You know what I mean. How much?", she persisted.
"Hmmmmmm £30,000 and I'll quit right now and I wont even tell them for a week. You have £30,000 right now?"
"No, I was just wondering."
"Right, you were just wondering."
"You're weird."
"You think?"
"Yup, I'd give you £3o just to stop talking right now", says I.
"You got thirty quid right now?" she replies with a glint of hope in her eyes.
"Nah, well no money that I wanna give to you."
"Touche indeed."
"What would you do if you won the lottery?"
"No, no I'm not playing that game......You can clean this table on your own."
And off I went wondering just how little it would take to make me quit my job for a year. Turns out it's not as much as you would think.
Today is slightly dark Friday, not to be confused with black Friday but still dark enough to scare the b'jesus out me. I wont sleep tonight, mainly dreaming about what I would do with a year off work......
So how much would it take you to win to quit work, even just for a while?
29 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
When I was 19 and was handed $200,000 I quit working for over a year. Then all the shopping, handouts and keeping a deadbeat boyfriend caught up with me.
medbh: wow! $200k? I'd never go back to work...or something like that.....
I'll go with a million dollars. That'd get me a decent house under 50 years old in a not-crime-infested neighborhood here, plus a little extra for Cup of Noodles.
Considering I'm still in college and working, I'd pick an amount suitable to pay for college, enough for expenses, and a bit for splurges. Since money doesn't buy happiness, I'd only ask for what I needed (well, I guess counting the "splurge" money it would be a bit more than needing).
Enough to pay off the mortage , car loan plus a second vehicle , let's make it easy a million$$
Then I would work cause I want to not because I have to.
It'd probably have to be a million or more. Even then, I don't know if I could give up everything. I'd still probably try to dabble in research. I'd just do it at a slower pace (if that's possible).
I'm expensive. It would take $50 million for me. But only because I want to live off the interest, and the banks are paying shite these days. But since I'm living on Social Security, I'm actually a cheap date, as long as I have a roof over my head.
Oh, about $23000 would pay my expenses for a year ... (dreams)
I'd take enough to pay off the mortgage, cars and any credit card debt. I'd then give up my current career and do a job I actually love, without having to worry about money. To give up work completely, in this day and age, it has to be millions (say 10?) so that you could know you would not need to ever work again.
Even if I won 50 million I'd still go into work the next day. I just love water boarding sandsavages.
Enough to pay off t'mortgage and a side order of startup capital....lets say about 100k. Just for a year like anything more long term and I would need more!
chef: welcome! too much man , too much
vinyl: yeah you cling to that money cant buy happiness thing......i need the money
steve: what's with the millions people...
minnow: more with the million.....I just want about £30k.....enough to get me off work for a bit.....
silverstar: see that's the way.....!
purplegirl: welcome! that's the spirit!
simon: no. it doesn't need to be ten million, or any million now that I come to think of it....
old k: back from walkabout? bad man....
muddy: sounds good to me.....
€15,000.....god if I had that I'd be gone.....
Fuck it Manuel....not cool reminding me how much I hate my job
red hair: I was trying to be feeling inspired now? eh?
some magic beans. that's all it would take.
Yeah, you ask bill gates if money doesn't buy happiness...
To take off work for a year it would need to be £25k, for life prob around 5 million.
A robot double to sit in my office.
Failing that just a year's wages. I'd fuck off and live in India and save a fortune. Or go back to college and learn the secret workings of the world in an LLM.
for a year? not to be greedy, but to have fun and still cover expenses...500k for a year. of course, the MITM would have to decide if he wanted to work if i covered all expenses for a year... xoxox
This is like a reverse auction.
If I had a job I'd quit it for a year for 11,000 euros, unless I was drunk in which case I'd quit it for a grand and a quick shag under the table.
Thanks for the link to my paintings - a shame the site along with half of Ireland is down at the moment.
How much you offerin'?
About €125k would see me right to the end of 2011. I reckon that's when the crash of 2008 will bottom out, or the end of the World as we know it will have begun. (money won't count after that)
We just saw a house which could be amazing - if you ploughed about half a million into it. Over 2 acres of land, tennis court, swimming pool and a 3 car garage. 6 bedrooms 3 public rooms, huge kitchen.
Unfortunately, it's been vacant for ages and is, as present, not fit for human habitation. Damp, roof falling in, nothing IN the kitchen.
I've just spent most of the day persuading my OH that we really can't take it on as a potential B&B.
P.S. Just put my lottery numbers on.......just in case.
125 billion euro, that would see me right.
$500k, because when I quit this job i am never going back. That will set me up in my own business and enough to live on for 5 years while i get the business going.
Ooh, same as most folks, I think - enough to pay off the debts, mortgage etc... Beyond that, enough to bankroll my baking fetish and do some travelling.
But if that dream does come true, I don't ever want to go back. You can't make me!
I used to work with someone who I unintentionally offended because I didn't want to join in with the national lottery pool in work. They used to sit around discussing the question "what would you do if you won the lottery?". It was sad. A friend of a friend of someone in work did win a substantial amount and then they went mad with the thought of "it'll be me next"
40K would do me more than well. For a year. Hell, that'd get me caught up on debt and make rent and teh internets for a year :)
Medbh - WHA!??? God I need friends like yours.
500 k...
simple, easy, round number ... dollars, U.S.
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