
Sunday, 5 October 2008

Nothing's Shocking.....

From BBC News.....

Bystanders who urged a teenager to jump to his death from a car park have been branded "ghoulish" by Derbyshire's Chief Constable Mick Creedon. Shaun Dykes, 17, from Kilburn, fell to his death from the top of the Westfield Centre multi-storey in Derby on 27 September, as onlookers shouted "jump".
More Here...

There aren't enough rubber hoses, electric clamps, pliers, in the world to teach these evil miscreants a lesson. I mean what did they do when he hit the deck? How did they feel?

Fucking savages.....

18 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

Joanne said...

I read that story this morning. It's so hard to believe. Are some people really that callous?? I'm having a hard time getting my head around it I.just.don'

Silverstar said...

Why would you even watch something like that, much less video it or shout for the boy to jump? Should have thrown the lot of them in jail for manslaughter. Disgusting.

Anonymous said...

One good reason to issue the cops with Tasers!
If there was a big crowd and only a few were doing the shouting why didn't others step in to shut them up? - I would have. A riot might have helped to distract Shaun and make him think that not everyone is a buggered sphincter.

Anonymous said...

That's so horrible. It makes me wonder if any of those people had ever felt the incredible despair and hopelessness that accompanies a suicide attempt. Maybe they had and were gutted that they had not succeeded...I don't know. But part of me feels bad for them, too...

I <3 bk's response, though. Tasers for all!

Melissa and Paul said...

That's just - ughh.

Anonymous said...

some people are just animals, part of my job is providing suicide awareness and support amongst young people and you'd be surprised how common things like this are. when people view death as a sport you know society is screwed. i'm all for tasers too...

Manuel said...

joanne: people=shit.......

silverstar: yeah there must be some sort of offence....

bk: tasers? beating sticks too....

masquerade: makes me angry

melissa: i second that emotion...

byw: taser everybody at least once a matter if they have done something or not....

Anonymous said...

But wasnt it Dudley and Moore who sang

Jump you fucka jump
Jump into this ere blanket what we are olding and you will be alright.
He jumped, hit the deck, broke his facking neck....
Cos there was no blanket.
Laugh ? We nearly shat...

Anonymous said...

taser em once a day...keep em on their toes! and extra for each shitty tip you leave!

Anonymous said...

People never cease to amaze me in the depths they'll sink to for a moments entertainment.

A similar story happened a year or two back here on the M50 flyover, a young lad was about to jump and as the cars queued at the toll bridge, they urged him on.


I hope they have nightmares for life.

Megan McGurk said...

People suck.

Lottie said...

Such a horrible reflection of the times in which we live where people take life and death for granted and compassion is hard to come by.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure a simple bullet in the leg would have silenced the crowd.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yea frank b, if I was one of those cops I'd shoot one of the pricks on the leg and say "oops"

Anonymous said...

I read about that.

Fucking apes should be neutered for the world's protection.

Mudflapgypsy said...

Hmmph...harrieddad beat me to it...."arrrrsseOless.."

Anonymous said...

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