A bit sensitive? Probably....
We had a large table of what turned out to be Danish people for dinner on Thursday night. Nice enough sort of chaps if a bit sensitive on it.
One of the party arrived in a bit after the main group and was wandering aimlessly around the restaurant when I found him.
"Hello sir are you okay?"
"Ya, I'm looking for someone", replied the man mountain with such a shock of blonde hair it would have brought a tear to Hitler's eye.
"Aren't we all sir, aren't we all." It's one of my standard responses and it normally gets a delayed giggle. Not so this time. I choose to think it was lost in translation.
"Ya I'm a looking for a large group of my friends."
"Ah right so you must be Swedish then." Says I, to which he replied...
Bear in mind he tried to put on a Belfast accent.
"Ah right so must be Scottish then."
Okay whatever Jesper. And he wasn't joking either.
"No I am Danish, not Swedish." And he sort of screwed his face up when he said "Swedish".
Talk about sensitive.
I might do a proper post later. I might also not bother my gargantuan ass either. Hard to say. Don't forget Well Done Nut Roast is in residence on Saturday. So if you have any questions for our vegan representative just leave them in the comments on Saturday.
One of the party arrived in a bit after the main group and was wandering aimlessly around the restaurant when I found him.
"Hello sir are you okay?"
"Ya, I'm looking for someone", replied the man mountain with such a shock of blonde hair it would have brought a tear to Hitler's eye.
"Aren't we all sir, aren't we all." It's one of my standard responses and it normally gets a delayed giggle. Not so this time. I choose to think it was lost in translation.
"Ya I'm a looking for a large group of my friends."
"Ah right so you must be Swedish then." Says I, to which he replied...
Bear in mind he tried to put on a Belfast accent.
"Ah right so must be Scottish then."
Okay whatever Jesper. And he wasn't joking either.
"No I am Danish, not Swedish." And he sort of screwed his face up when he said "Swedish".
Talk about sensitive.
I might do a proper post later. I might also not bother my gargantuan ass either. Hard to say. Don't forget Well Done Nut Roast is in residence on Saturday. So if you have any questions for our vegan representative just leave them in the comments on Saturday.
23 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
danish people suck. what good thing ever came out on denmark? i actually can't think of anything...
"came out on denmark"? oh my! too much wine!
BYW: bwahahahaha no, no I think you were right the first time.....
*drains the bottle of chardonnay and dares you to judge*
byw: me? judge? mwahahahahah! How well you know me....
Danish people are a bit funny as they are too much to themselves I find.Icelandic people are a lot more fun.
Blondes are pretty touchy.
Er..that's all I got
Old KNUDSEN, I think he is the most funny person ever to cum from Danish extraction. Maybe yer jokes just aren't funny you Belfast man millie.
I get annoyed when someone calls me Irish so I suppose Swedish is an insult too. Oh well said Anonymous.
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
Can't you just throw them some kippers?
"my gargantuan ass"...
You wrote that bit for me, didn't you?
I love Danes. They are great. But I could never have them for dinner, as you did. "We had a large table of what turned out to be Danish people for dinner". I think they would be a bit chewy.
God love them, but our scandanavian mates have never been that strong on the humour front have they. You would think inbetween inventing black metal, hardcore porn and furniture made out of cardboard they might have time for a laugh but they don't. Too busy eating raw bits of herring and looking gorgeous I suppose.
I thought Danes were Swedes.
The American Public School system failed me.
Eh, what about Peter Schmeichel, was he not Danish?
Then again, he did play for Scumchester United, so we can dismiss him.
Also, Lars Ulrich (Metallica), Aqua, Junior Senior, and of course....Whigfield!
Oh, I can hear it now..
"Saturday night, I feel the air is getting hot"
..."pretty baby! i'll make you mine and now we'll take it to the top...be my baby!"
i knew the dance as well.
Seems most of the world is sensitive about something these days.
i have a lemon danish every sunday while i drink my coffee and read the newspaper, sugar! but, then, you aren't taking about pastries, are you? xoxoxo
Whigfield! God damn it that song better not be stuck in my head all day.
Sandy Toksvig - she's Danish, isn't she?
The 'tear to Hitler's eye' line totally caught me off guard - funny.
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