Sucking lemons...
To the bitter, twisted, rancorous, fat headed, mealymouthed, curmudgeon, shit faced son of a dog of a human being who got all bitter about life and went yapping to the tax people about something that had nothing to do with me or any of my waiter chums but then caused an audit which means my tips are being tampered with even more than normal I say, fuck you. Fuck you with big swinging bells and flashing neon signs.
But also....
May your soup be pished in
and all your coffees be sneezers.
May your tuna be tinkered with
and all your wine watered down.
May your lamb be laughable
and all your duck disastrous.
May your salmon give you the shits
and cause your ass to collapse.
May all your waiters have communicable diseases
and sneeze a lot.
May the pizza people puke on your pie
and the chicken people curse you.
May all your reservation be "lost"
and takeaway be your only sustenance.
May you forever dine alone safe in the knowledge that I wish you only bad tidings.
Feel free to add your own....
20 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
That happened me just a year or two ago.
Trust me, it's always the person you suspect.
maxi: oh I know who it's a long story and has nothing to do with us wonderful wait staff, collateral damage I believe it's called.....
Yeah I probably have the same story. They'll get what they deserve though, just like in Scooby Doo!
maxi: one certainly hopes so....some shock about twenty major eh?
It certainly is. I always read, but never commented. It was a community upon itself.
He'll be missed.
All good things....
maxi: Aye....[strokes imaginary beard in a wise way]
By that logic, there'll be no getting rid of the likes of me!
maxi: only the euromilliions could do that you smelly away with you and have a bath....
It is extraordinary how mean people can be.We as waiters are basically self-employed without the tax deductions.Our tips we earn and deserve and need to sustain a life. If people are jealous then they should wait on tables and try it for a day.
I'd be pissed too!
fuck me I thought 20 had died there for a minute... I'll miss his awesome crankiness.
Audits are right up there with galloping knob rot and anal fissures on the list of things I never want to experience
I work for a bomb disposal company, do you want some help?
(I shouldn't say that, people might take it seriously! ha)
steve: and you would think the tax people would have better things to be doing right now than harass the fuck out of me.....
paddy: nice.......well put......
melissa: bwahahahahaha......
bent over, and audited right in the a-hole. Unfortunate Manuel. However I hope you have been squirreling away all the contents of the lost property for the last few years. Help you through the hard times.
redleeroy: I have a mighty collection of umbrellas! Scarves too, but not so mighty....
May the rat be probed with large unripened gourds so that the phrase 'butternut squat' will enter the language and be applied to all the colonically blocked who dare to suck up to tax inspectors.
Even the cash?
how are the tips being tampered with? yous don't use the communist / chefs get a slice system, do yous?
Looks like Maxi's off his meds again.
do you want me to get the boys on them?
conan: cash is safe at the moment.......what they don't know and all that....
sheepo: we do and I am proud of Alistair the Darling and Gordon the Brown want dibs on my credit card mullah.......
mj: he's never been on them.....
byw: yes, yes please.......
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