I may stop speaking altogether......
So Saturday was Gay Pride in Belfast and man were they proud. The short walk to work was more colourful than normal and there were certainly more butch men in tiny pink tutus than one might normally expect to see on a Saturday morning. The look of joy and happiness on the face of those in the parade was in sharp contrast to the contorted faces of hate of the, ironically, religious protesters. But such was the pageantry and uber campness of the parade that they were, well, drowned out. That must have been a bummer for them.
The town was awash with people in fancy dress, I clocked at least three Spidermen, four Batmen, countless Wonder Woman's, and a whole raft Iris Robinson's. Must have been a rough day for her. Her perfectly moral ears must have been burning.
So it was no real surprise that I greeted a 40 year old chap at the restaurant door dressed as the cowboy from Toy Story. There he stood, all 5 foot nothing of him in his yellow check shirt, black and white waist coat, blue jeans, and little hat. He was supping from a bottle of blue alcopops that I don't remember seeing in the movie but everything else was spot on. Obviously such a sight would normally raise an eye brow or two but given the day that it was no one batted an eyelid. Now, I could have just asked how many his table was for but no, not me. Instead I opened with,
"Woody?" thinking that he would be pleased I guessed who he was. To which he replied, sounding like an Irish Alan Cumming who has been on the booze all day...
"Woody? Hell yes, but you'd have wood too if you saw those boys out there in their tutus. Here can I use your toilet?" And he cracked a very dirty laugh.
So obviously I went red, very red, and just pointed to the bathrooms and ran away for a smoke.
Ask a silly question eh.......
The town was awash with people in fancy dress, I clocked at least three Spidermen, four Batmen, countless Wonder Woman's, and a whole raft Iris Robinson's. Must have been a rough day for her. Her perfectly moral ears must have been burning.
So it was no real surprise that I greeted a 40 year old chap at the restaurant door dressed as the cowboy from Toy Story. There he stood, all 5 foot nothing of him in his yellow check shirt, black and white waist coat, blue jeans, and little hat. He was supping from a bottle of blue alcopops that I don't remember seeing in the movie but everything else was spot on. Obviously such a sight would normally raise an eye brow or two but given the day that it was no one batted an eyelid. Now, I could have just asked how many his table was for but no, not me. Instead I opened with,
"Woody?" thinking that he would be pleased I guessed who he was. To which he replied, sounding like an Irish Alan Cumming who has been on the booze all day...
"Woody? Hell yes, but you'd have wood too if you saw those boys out there in their tutus. Here can I use your toilet?" And he cracked a very dirty laugh.
So obviously I went red, very red, and just pointed to the bathrooms and ran away for a smoke.
Ask a silly question eh.......
20 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
I love that they were dressing as that fuck nut Iris Robinson.
She was probably livid, too.
medbh: I laughed for ages after......oh and I saw a couple of devastatingly bad Iris robinsons.......so funny.....
we should have a gay pride parade here, sugar! lord, knows, this town has a ton of closet queens! xoxox
I would have said the exact thing. ;-)
WTF lad, bring back terrorism, ghey pride, St patrick's day parades, rape increased by 50% you really know things are doon the shitter (not up the shitter) since the Troubles ended at least with bigotry and the odd bomb things were more normal.
I just Googled what Iris Robinson said about gays. All I could think was, bloody hell, she's an abomination. But she probably can't be cured. There's more chance of a gay person getting "cured" of gayness than she has of being cured of being a moron.
The Gay Pride Parade in Seattle goes right past my apartment. And yes, they are colorful. But I could do without a half hour of Dykes with Bikes. Loud, and I swear some of those motorcycles cost more than my first home.
It might have helped if you hadn't been wearing your leather chaps.
savannah: I'm surprised you don't already......
boxer: that makes me feel better......we are too innocent....
old k: bwahahahaha what a charmer!
sam: or hate filled bigot.....
silverstar: the parade in Belfast is a bit of a school project in comparison to most countries.....
bbb: who said i wasn't? eh? oh god now there is a hideous thought.....
Innuendo? InYOURendo!
sheepo: yeoooooooow!
The one day you forget to wear your ballet tights.
mj: but I was wearing my tutu!
haha, did you see the huge banner with a picture of iris robinson on it and underneath it said "get 'er bucked!" ...i giggled
BYW: NO! And I'm raging! Bwahahahahaha
Ah you stepped right into that one.
I was listening to one of the dire phone in shows about it all and some man was complaining about all the nasty gays and why couldn't they be gay in private 'cause he didn't want them shoving it down his throat.
Hee hee!
Iris brought so many people together in shared disgust at what she had to say. Going home, I saw the piles of youngsters heading back on Ulsterbuses to Derry and Enniskillen and I felt so proud of them for making the trip to show their support for some basic human rights. Oops, getting a bit soap box there. I'll just scuttle home and rant in my own place.
sharon: no no, rant away.....as I said numerous times at work on saturday, it's a sign of progress, so lets have more not less....!
Too funny.
Raging I missed the festivities, but so pleased at the huge turnout!
Now to scrub that leather chaps image of the back of my retina. I like my waiters in full attire and my homosexuals flaming (to paraphrase Homer Simpson).
eguinan: it was a good day out by all accounts. Homer, is there anything he doesn't know.....?
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