Falling down....
I fell at work on Friday night. Not a big dramatic crash bang wallop of a fall but rather a stumble followed by a wobble followed by a cry of, "bollocks" which ended up with my ass in the air and face on the floor. It seems I have lost all my previously earned ballet skills. And the ability to walk.
Not cool.
Not cool at all.
I managed to right myself before the old couple who were paying their bill hobbled over to help me up. That would have been unbearable. I bounced up despite the pain in my back and wrists as quick as I could. Guests really don't approve of fat little lads lying sprawled on the restaurant floor. I too am against such positioning, it's not professional.
I jumped up and slumped myself over the bar to catch my breath and do a quick check of my vital functions - eyesight check, no blood loss check, no repositioning of bones check. All was okay. I looked up to see my work colleagues, my friends, my sisters in arms, my comrades doing all in their power to stifle their laughter.
Didn't last long though.
They fell, not as I had fallen obviously, about laughing. This went on for minutes. And when they finally managed to catch a breath and regain their cool work chum number 2 said, "Awh you looked like a toddler. Did you break your boo boo?"
So I stared the week off being an "old man" and now I'm a toddler.
12 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
Knock that drinking at work on the head ffs.
The only way to rebound is to laugh it off, Manuel. I once was serving a table when co-workers pointed out that my skirt was above my ass as I moved from the table. Not a classy look at all.
As one who has spent an inordinate amount of time in the prone position from a fall, you have my empathy. At least you didn't sprain your ankle, which I usually managed.
I've always loved the PeeWee Herman response;
"I meant to do that."
file a claim regarding the unsafe workplace that made you fall, collect an obscene amount of money from the restaurants' insurance firm, retire to a beachfront resort, and send mocking post cards to FORMER colleagues.
oh. wait. you're not in the United States. Nevermind. Get your whinging ass back to work...
A well placed banana peel could provide sweet payback.
We've all done it! I agree with Melissa, a banana peel could be your key to the last laugh here!
I don't think banana peels work as well in reality as in Tom & Jerry everyone.
Just beat the sh!t outta one of them, they'll be too afraid of you to make fun then.
Everybody falls once in a while, it's embarrassing but it happens. Falling and knowing that you're falling- it's one of the worst feelings, isn't it?
Last time that happened to me I took out a table or two like bowling pins.
Chicks dig scars.
This was a missed opportunity to repost that pic of you belly-up on the floor.
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