
Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Victory is ours!

The shady little loophole that let shady restrauteurs do shitty shady things with waiters tips is to be closed so says John Hutton, the business secretary.

And about time.

From the Scotsman Newspaper
He said: "I am really pleased to announce we have decided to change the law so tips received by staff must be paid on top of the national minimum wage, not as part of it. Customers who leave a tip want it to go to staff. They don't expect it to be used to subsidise owners paying the minimum wage."
Those shady fuckers that are still stealing their waiters money to pay them with need to stop doing it now and not wait to be forced to do so by law. Get it done. Also part time commenter and full time waiter "Belfast Plate Carrier" did a radio interview about tipping last week. I'm hoping to have a copy of it in the next day or two and will post it when I get it. The wanted someone else to do it but that someone else is far to pretty to appear on radio. Pfft!


In other news...

Waiter from Waiter Rant has de-cloaked to reveal his true identity.

These bad waiters made me laugh. Legends.

Glass in the tuna isn't cool.

11 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

T cup said...

god i didn't realise they did that with tips that's shocking and so mean. was that just in the north or do they do it all over ireland

Anonymous said...

Congrats- too bad that won't change here in America.

Jenny said...

Woot! Take that you tip stealing thieves.

Thanks for the link regarding Waiter Rant - I've read his blog for about a year and it's nice to put a face with the "voice."

savannah said...

hurray! that's fantastic news, sugar! i'm with bethanythemartian, too bad it ain't happening here! xoxox
(btw, waiter looks almost as i had imagined him - i saw him with dark hair)

(additional parenthetical statement: i have a new macbook - happy dancing - i've posted a couple photo booth effects pics)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure practically nobody was aware of that. I think it would also be a good idea if legislation was brought in so that where the tips went (i.e. to the house or to the staff) had to be printed on the menus. That in itself would be sufficient for many establishments to change their practice, especially ethnic restaurants.

Manuel said...

t dog: mainly a uk thing rather than ireland.....

bethanythemartian: fight fight's the only way

boxer: and what a face it was eh. Not what I expected at all....

savannah: photo booth is vids!

bbb: actually that very bit was rejected by the government, idiots. We actually state it on our menus. Which is nice......

Megan McGurk said...

You're more handsome, Manuel.
And I hope your book beats his in sales.

Anonymous said...

One small step for chains, One giant leap etc.....

It's a positive step in the right direction.
Sad thing is that most of the big chains are owned by shareholders, who will always have friends in higher places than the workers, so I can't see it changing across the board too soon.

Manuel said...

maxi: the law says there huh.....

Anonymous said...

Fair enough, you'll still hear stories of it being ignored!

Anonymous said...

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