
Wednesday 30 July 2008

All training should involve whiskey.....

So whiskey tasting before shift then.

There's a novel idea.all gone

Out of the group of about ten only two of us had to work afterwards. This was harsh. A tear escaped from the corner of my eye as they all headed of to the nearest bar to continue with the whiskey sampling. No doubt beer and wine would be consumed in large doses as well. The lushness of the whiskey and it's rich history long since forgotten by the time they hit their fifth round and they're asking for Jägerbombs and ordering wine by it's alcohol content rather than by grape.


I can be so bitter some times.

You know when you have to go to such training sessions there is always one guy who never shuts up? He asks a thousand questions and makes lots of pointless points and remarks despite there being an unwritten rule about asking questions. (ie. you don't so that everyone gets away quicker!) The guy who gets shot dirty looks and evokes huffy sighs every time he opens his mouth. The guy who even the trainer gets bored with and has to ask, "anyone else?" ? Yeah that was me. The longer the training went on the more whiskey I got to drink the less time I had to spend with actual customers.

Well what would you do?

The training/tasting itself was jolly good fun unlike most training. Most training is patronising and pointless, especially when you know everything. Do I know everything? Probably not but I can bullshit like a champion when backed into a corner.

We were focusing on Kilbeggan Whiskey today, Ireland's only independent whiskey distillery. And I have to say the chaps from the distillery did a great job. I mean it really is hard to dislike anyone who is pouring you whiskey for free.

We sampled the Kilbeggan itself, lush caramel like flavours and smooth to taste. Then we hit the Tyrconnell single malt. This was a little bit harsher to me but you could detect the fruit like tones and honey like flavours to it. Again it was lovely stuff. But for me the gem in the bunch was the Connemara Peated Single Malt. It was like drinking a turf fire. The aroma of the peat was captivating and enticing before you even touched it to your mouth. Magnificent stuff though when it did. The flavours were explosive to say the least. The room burst into chatter and amazement at it. Not one to knock back quickly but rather one to be sipped and enjoyed as you wisely stroke your beard. You will need a beard to drink this stuff oh and an Aran sweater too. It is a five time gold medal winner at the International Wine and Spirt Competition. And it is easy to see why.

Delightful stuff, so step away from the Bushmills and Jamesons for a moment and try these, you really will thank me for it.

I wish there was training everyday, I want to learn.........and drink whiskey.

19 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

Megan McGurk said...

Pure class, Manuel.
A fine review of the water of life tasting.
So how did your shift go?
Beat on any guests?

Jenny said...

I'd be bitter too! What a big tease... tasting whiskey and then having to go to work.

I hope you got great big tips while they had great big hangovers.

See? I'm VERY bitter.......

Anonymous said...

A few years ago the Paddy Powers people were doing similar 'tastings'. I didn't realise at the time that it was a promo thing and I kept choosing the Jack Daniels as the best tasting.

They weren't impressed. But what could I do? Tell them I preferred the watery auld piss they were pushing?

Manuel said...

medbh: you really should try the connemara medbh, you'd love it. The shift was fine, better than the aftermath from wine tasting....

boxer: actually it was avery lucrative night......!

enda: isn't paddy powers a bookies? eh?

Anonymous said...

I used to ask for water and ice with whiskey but now a bucket would be more useful.

Manuel said...

bbb: a bucket? you're doing it wrong...!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm... no time to comment intelligently. need to pour a drink... lucky pup, even though you had to work! did you get paid?

Heidirific said...

I have to agree with you on the Connemara. We discovered it (well, were shown in) while living in Dublin and are thrilled that it has made its way to the U.S. Your post makes me want to go open the bottle and have a sip...

Blondefabulous said...

I know what you mean about the "Know-It-All" who just loves to ask a million questions, not so much for the knowledge, but just to toot their own horn. Bastards....Had one just like that in a wine tasting course we had to take at our restaurant.... thought he knew all there was to know and finally the woman giving the class told him "STFU or leave so I can teach." It was hard not to laugh when we were all getting tipsy anyway!

heather said...

and for those of us not equiped for growing beards?
how should we drink this wonder whiskey?

The Mistress said...

I'm making a shopping list.

Anonymous said...

Is Cooley now called Kilbeggan? Connemara is special & the only one of it's type in Ireland, more like a scottish single malt.You might also like Ardbeg from Islay.
Midleton very rare is very nice but very bloody expensive at about €10 a shot in Dublin.
Here's a nice long list to get started on.

....yes I do have a beard

Manuel said...

daisyfae: paid?oh hell yes.......

heidirific: do it, do it know! oh and welcome.....

blondie: fucking know it alls eh.....

heather: you must try heather, try......or stroke the chaps beard beside you.....

mj: cool......can I go with?

anfearbui: yeah Midleton is a bit special........and so is your beard....

Unknown said...

Plenty peat around here... run a bit of cat pee through it and we're good to go. Have you the empties handy?

*strokes unshaven chin*
*lights pipe*

Shieldmaiden96 said...

This is how all trainings should end.

Manuel said...

conan: winker.......hehehehe

shieldmadiesn96: I don't normally like the office but that's not bad...

heather said...

oh yeah, that will go over ~so~ well with the husband! lol

(i'd try but with my luck i'd end up with hairy boobs instead. yikes!)

Margaret said...

I was at a coffee training thing once upon a time and there was a gobshite there who kept asking about Civet coffee and Jamaican Blue Mountain. Asked about each one about 4 separate times... You'd think he'd have realised they don't do it after the first time they said it.

Anonymous said...

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