The elevated pfft......
It's performance review time again at restaurant chez moi.
Goody fucking goody.
Oh how I love performance review time. I used to get really rather irate about the whole thing. You'll be surprised to hear, unless you know me that is, that I don't take criticism very well. Many a huff has been thrown and quite a few chairs knocked over during performance reviews in the past. They always pull me for an apparently temperamental temper. Buttons to that, I've no idea where they get these notions from.
I used to get all worked up but now I'm tremendously ambivalent. Meh, I'll sit there, smile politely, nod gently, sign it when finished, and then carry on in my same old way. I'll probably reign in the terror rages for a week or two but after that it's back to normal.
Still it's not easy to resist the urge to pull the stabbing fork from my bag and let loose. Lets consider last years "highlight",
"Manuel is a perfectionist and needs to stop seeking perfection in everything from customers, to the food, to his work colleagues."
Oh is that fucking right then is it. I would have considered this to be a positive trait but there you go!
I'd write more about why being a perfectionist is a great thing and why you want your waiter to be one but this one handed typing is right royal pain in the...well in the one good arm I actually have. I have all this rage I need to get out out but I cant......grrrrrrrrrr!
23 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
Are you harnessing your inner Hulk?
Do as you say: grin fuck them and then carry on as you like.
medbh: more bulk than hulk.....grin fuck it is.....!!
upload an audio file of you roaring with rage to express your anger perhaps?
b: that sounds like a two handed job.....maybe tomorrow...
You mean waiters don't like performance reviews? Who'd a thunk it?
maxi cane: it's a shocker ain't it..?
Typing with one hand...I know you said your shoulder was sore but did I miss a post where you became an amputee or something or are you telling us you're busying yourself knocking one out?
Don't answer if you haven't got a bloodied stump.
Mhmmm, good at job, expects others to be. Yep, I'd say you were a fine candidate for a talking to.
Seriously, every time I hear/read about other folk's jobs I offer up a small prayer to whatever deity I don't believe in that week and say thank you for letting me work from home and alone-well except for Puddy, but she's ancient and rather quiet.
bbb: i'll bloody stump you......
fmc: swapsies?
fmc: tips are good and you get to work a nice twelve hour day like today! AND you get all the free dilute juice you can eh free juice!?
"tremendously ambivalent" - sounds like my entire working life.
Try smoking more - it kills the stress, and its good for you too.
I'm sure it's nary a bit of consolation but I'm probably putting in a 12/14 hour day myself today. Of course I"m still in jammies though, although I'm getting the jitters from all the coffee I've managed to brew up.
But no tips! Boo.
Hmmm, arm not working...
Not seeing LMM for a week...
Performance Review time...
I'm seeing connections here...
in my old job I broke two phones by bashing it back into the cradle when "annoyed." My manager told me I needed to care less about my job.
That's when I decided to work for myself.
(Conan's comment made me spit coffee out.)
Manny, they say like it's a bad thing.
I go away for one minute and I'm off your "links list"? Hmmmmm...I thought we were tighter than that, Man.
Great post. Nice job as usual.
- Dennis
Jeebus, they PERFORMANCE REVIEW where you work? I think most of the places by me consider you all right if they don't find you in the DSM-IV.
I mad e a nice comment and it disappeared.
Got to love those performance reviews... In my old place, they'd tell you that you were brilliant and then go on to explain that they couldn't give you the top grade and related fat bonus because they only had so much money in the pot to divy up. But really, you've outperformed yourself this year and we value your contribution, couldn't do it without you... Would love to know what the people did to get the top grade/bonus. Or maybe that's going to a dark place...
Jen in previous comment must've worked at same place as me - lip service rewards are shit! - SHOW ME THE MONEY!
sheepo: smoking more? good grief I couldn't cope with any more....
fmc: I forget sometimes that other people work hard really....I AM that self centered....
conan: bad man...very bad man.....
boxer: don't encourage him.....
muddy: It was a shocker eh......
dennis: HE LIVES! Link will be restored promptly....
kimberly: they just love paperwork to be honest......
blondie: pfft, word of the day...
jen and quickie: I get the top grade and then get nowt for it, the fuck is that all about.....
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