Waiter seeks friends
I don't know why but I've delved into the sad and peculiar world of social networking sites. I'd done rather well in avoiding such places for so long but now I feel like I'm missing out on something. Maybe I am maybe I'm not. But either way I cant stand having few "friends", it bugs me so and makes me look, well, a bit sad n lonely. So if you are on myspace, Last.fm, or Facebook find me and make me your friend.
I should say that there is every chance I will get bored with these in a month or two but who knows....
Also loving the Guardian's food/drink blog
Word of Mouth.
Also loving the Guardian's food/drink blog
Word of Mouth.
10 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
Its a loada shite Manuel - I was addicted to facebook for a few months then it got very boring very quickly.
dont do it man! lame, lame, lame....
I feel like I'm too old for it, Manuel.
Really? Sit On My Facebook? What's with the move to the dark side, dude?
Common Law wants to be your friend. And so will my sister who is in love with you.
I probably shouldn't have said that. Really, I'm going to be in big, big trouble.
What's Facebook?
plus.... you'll not be bored in a few months... you'll be bored in few weeks.
oh.my.gawd! i did that so i could see some birthday pictures...every time i go back to my page i find requests...i feel so terrible about not really using it...and people have been so kind to add me as a friend! (i'll be right over and add you, ok? but you have to add me, too!)
I think I'm bored with it already......honestly
It won't let me be your friend on MySpace because I only know your public email address.
This is not a great start to social networking. It's funnier if you network and then are anti-social. I love anti-social networking. I'm friends with everybody, and friendly with nobody; let's make love.
eolai: That's so what i'm gonna end up doing......
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