Remember my post from last week about the automated restaurant in Germany?
You do remember don't you?
Good grief it was only eight days ago.
Anyway an anonymous commenter has been there....
You do remember don't you?
Good grief it was only eight days ago.
Anyway an anonymous commenter has been there....
"I've seen this gaff
I even saw plates get stuck in the runways
Its like a big train set with sliding plates
I even saw the brush they used to push a plate along with when it got stuck
15 metres above my head"
Brilliant! You spend millions of Euros on your swish fancy pants restaurant that's gonna do away with us waiters and it takes a 3 Euro brush to keep it moving. I'd say my job is safe for another decade or two, if I survive that long........
22 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
If you get replaced by an automaton, you can live off the sales from your badges.
mj: no I cant, apparently......
a broom????? some people have more money than brains, sugar! xoxo
(3 of your badges will be worn by los angeles bloggers next week!)
Must move some funds into my paypal account. Then we'll haggle a little.
Spill the beans Manuel, what's the deal with the 2 deleted comments?
Surely someone didn't insult you more than Knudsen?
Bollocks, the above comment was from Dave by the way.
savannah: send photos!
dave: haggle? haggle? Pfft! Blogger was arsing about with comments this I had to test n delete.....that is all......
Doesn't surprise me, these computer systems are always dodgy. That's probably what they're doing at Terminal 5 too to keep things flowing. Prodding the baggage belts with brooms and if that doesn't work, giving them a good kick.
nick: I'm pretty sure they haven't figured the broom thing out a t5 least a week away from that.....hahahahaha
You can just picture the chef at the other end - fag hanging outta his mouth, hairy back showing under his sweat-stained vest, pudgy belly rolling over his trousers, muttering strange and interesting curses while poking the machine with the brush...
Is it a clean broom, or just the dirty one from the kitchen? Honestly......I bet it's the dirty one.
When I read Sheepsworrier's comment about a "fag hanging outta his mouth", I had to think a in the States that takes on a whole different meaning!
Whatever could you mean blondefabulous - Manuel can be constantly seen sucking on a fag in the alley behind the restaurant, in his house, and occasionally in the middle of a crowded street...
Sometimes he even does it infront of children...
Disgusting habit there Manuel.
Won't that put straw in the food?
How do you send something back?
Too bad about your badge sales but I do all my online shopping here now.
So you're trying to tell us your boss doesn't give you a push up the arse with a broom now and then?
Gimmicks never last; for many reasons. Although I do love those sushi restuarants that run the plates of sushi around on a conveyor belt and the customer picks up the food as desired. Except for the time some kid put his binky in a plate of calamari.
No way, human waiters are here to stay. I like the human touch. Who wants a machine delivering them their food? "Waiter, waiter there's a wing-nut in my soup!" I don't think so.
I sent the below comment to the management of the Plough/Barretro in Hillsborough.
Any views on children and dining?
I am dropping you a line to advise you your restaurant/complex has provided me with my most disappointing dining experience in years.
After an important family event I, my wife and two children decided to visit your restaurant after reading many good reviews. We traveled 15 miles to eat lunch on Fri 18th April.
On arriving we read the menu at the Plough, were suitably impressed and took our seats to order. At that point a rather abrupt waitress advised us that children were catered for next door and we needed to move there - Cafe Retro. I asked if the menu was the same and was advised it was 'under the same ownership'.
On arrival in Barretro we discovered the lunch menu consisted of sandwiches, pasta, burgers and two very basic specials.
While these uninteresting dishes were delivered to an acceptable standard they were nowhere near the level of food we expected or was being offered in the restaurant we were excluded from and certainly of no note worth traveling miles for.
After hearing good reviews about a family friendly restaurant I can honestly say we won't be back and will advise others to stay away as clearly family friendly means a lesser quality of food at the Plough/Barretro.
Hopefully you can learn that just because people have children they shouldn't be denied access to the decent menu choices offered to others.
anonymous m: Ill deal with this in a proper post later this week if that's okay.....
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