Regular reader/commenter Sheepworrier is going out for dinner this weekend. He has a question...

"Quick question to all - is it ridiculously cheesy to ask a restaurant for roses (or whatever) to be set on a table before arrival if it isn't an anniversary / proposal etc?
All the sheep say cheesy - just wondering the wider opinion..."
So what say you?
24 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
I say no.....but go to the shop yourself and get the roses and leave them in. if not they will charge the hell out of you for them and some waiter will have to go and get them on their break and they wont really care and will come back with flowers nicked from Botanic gardens......just saying....
Surely a waiter wouldn't give a fuck? They'd be falling over themselves to serve that table and get the near certain tip. No?
And sheepy, roses are cheap, which is fine if it's a bit of rough. If you care though why not go for something obviously expensive like orchids?
The flowers idea is nice but I wouldn't go for roses, especially if this is a first date. Roses are a bit cliched and don't require much thought. She may well have received roses before more than once. Something quirky would be better - something she'll never forget.
I'd choose them myself, take them to the restaurant the day of the date, and I'd maybe stick a lollipop or something in for fun too.
Much more personal and, as Manuel says, the restaurant won't stiff you for "extra services."
Have a great time, Sheepworrier!
Manuel: Haha, thanks for the post.
BBB: Point taken - orchids it is.
Sam: Cheers.
Oh christ, I've built this up waaay too much now...
it is what it is... and a restaurant is there for you and your good time. if you have been there before and they remember you, than i wouldnt hesitate... if you want something special though, dont half ass it! nothing says im an asshole like recycled flowers or some ghetto shit laying on the table, want to impress your date? impress her/him then with a personal touch!!
sheepworrier, on the orchids... that was just a suggestion. Ask a woman, I'm no botanist. Ask a florist. Ask anybody but me, my knowledge begins and ends with "roses are cheap" and a cliché at that.
If this is a first date, roses may send the wrong signal. Too formal, too fast! The orchids are classier, but a nice spring Gerbra daisy or two, set in a short vase is a good way to start off.
Sheepo, if the restaurant put you at a small table for two you may end up having an intimate tête-à-fleur rather than a tête-à-tête. So buy accordingly
I once had a romantic American insist (and pay dear for)putting yellow roses on all the tables for his wife's anniversary.
I thought it cheese like, she thought it wonderful.
If it's a first date, flowers on the table may freak her out a little. That being said, a general rule of thumb is that a woman will always appreciate visible effort shown on her behalf- so don't worry about the cheese factor. Doesn't matter what type of flower, but if you go for roses make sure you have them cut off the thorns ;)
personally i would say that 2 or 3 gerber daisies on the table is still friendly and flirty, and not seriously romantic.... and also a very safe bet. but do go buy them yourself and bring them to the restaurant. asking the waitstaff to do so is asking for a lot of trouble....
But Triffids say it so much better.
sheepworrier will be answering all these.....
Definitely cheesy. But, what do I know? It'd probably get him laid.
I would prefer the flowers delivered to me the next day so that I could enjoy them at home. I would feel like a stoke asking to take them home from the restaurant.
Roses, orchids or daisies, makes no difference to me.
Have you considered a copy of GTA IV in place of flowers?
I need to leave the house.
ellie: "a stoke"......brilliant old school saying.....
well, would the restaurant also mind picking up my laundry and a few cartons of milk too?
No? OK then, BYO Flowers.....
But note to Sheep; REALLY nice gesture and I hope it all goes very well for you.
Sheepy, I would have the florist deliver what you choose to the restaurant. It'll save you time and trouble.
Also, the roses are too serious or traditional.
I would go for tulips myself.
They're seasonal and cheerful.
you said "anniversary/proposal" - if it's either, you should really know by now what her favorite flower is...
not cheesy, but sweet. and it doesn't need to be a lot of flowers - a single stem of something she likes, with a handwritten note on it - dropped off at the restaurant before you both arrive so it can be at the table? the effort will get you more than laid...
Awww Sheepy I think that's very sweet. I personally would go with something like gerberas as has already been suggested for a first date. Something that's fun and says "I like you" and not "I love you and I'm going to ask you to marry me tonight".
Good luck with it. Hope she appreciates such a thoughful gesture.
"Guilty", not cheesy.
Definitely own up to whatever it is you've done before geting to the restaurant. It could save you a big tip.
Oh bugger, I knew this would spiral outta control...
Thanks for all the advice folks, really appreciate it - the courting habits of young(ish) norn iron people will now be changed forever!
I'll keep yous updated.
As a small aside, when I was a teenager the boyfriend of the time took me out for dinner on my birthday. He gave me my birthday present at the table, which happened to be a hippy dippy silver ring of some sort.
The waiter spotted it, and assumed we had just got engaged. There were flowers, champagne, cake brought out. Christ on a bike.
We played along. What else can you do?
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