
Saturday, 8 March 2008

You cant make me go back...

Back to work today after a great week off

Oh there'll be tears,
and tantrums.

But I'm back and they'll just have to deal with it!

Going back to work is a nightmare in three stages

who's been touching my tables?

Shite, I will have to wash and shave again. Each run of the razor over my beardy face will cause a little tear to trickle down my smooth but raw skinned face. It will be months before I can enjoy a satisfying beard stroke again. Pulling my uniform on will be like getting dressed for a funeral, sad, long, sombre and with plenty of dramatic sighing. LMM will hug me and clasp my hand and whisper, "It's's ok.....I'm just a phone call away...." (No, no I wont - LMM)

Going back to work angers me.

I'll be stomping about for an hour or 3 looking for problems that don't exist and rearranging things that are just fine where they are. I probably wont speak save for a few mutterings of an exasperated, "For fuck sake" and no doubt several exclamations of, "You take a fucking week off......" Ah the joy.

The overlords like to make changes when I'm off work, changes they know they cant get away with when I'm prowling like a Friesian Cow. So that'll take another hour of my time.

In the end comes the acceptance...

But that could be Tuesday maybe Wednesday....

13 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

The Mistress said...

A Friesian Cow?

Then you're used to a lot of bull.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to a party later. I've a feeling everyone will get very hungry just around 10. Just as well I know a little place where the service is always friendly and they don't mind hungry drunks looking for 3 courses late on.
Some of them like a wee drooly nap in between courses too, one has been know to wet herself when drunk ....more than once. Course if she's sick first then that doesn't happen.

Welcome back.

Anonymous said...

But surely cows are placid creatures, Manuel, happily chewing the cud and gazing at the other cows - I haven't seen any raging at non-existent problems. But a bull mauling any adjacent irritating diner - yes, that's more like it....

savannah said...


lorraine@italianfoodies said...

ha ha I do the exact same thing, lots of huffing and puffing and then reluctantly accept everything went smoothly without me!!

Jenny said...

tip-ees for you Mauel.....

I'm sure your customers will be grateful.

Anonymous said...

Is this what it sounds like when the cows prowl?

Manuel said...

mj: boom boom.....

bbb: I very fucking dare you....

nick: not when you poke em with big sticks.......

savannah: there wasn't......!!!

lorraine: yes it's very annoying that......I prefer stories of pain and woe and "we can't live without you...."

boxer: they didn't seem to care to be honest......

Sam: haahahahahahahaha brilliant..

Joanna Cake said...

I hate going back to work after time off - particularly getting up early in the morning. Grrrrr!

Anonymous said...

I guess I can see how you symbolize a cow with this post. Again, I guess. Cash cow?

Flirty Something said...

welcome back and happy first blog birthday

Manuel said...

cakey: It was stinking.......and I started at 4pm!

Upset: No I just like cows.....

Flirty: Awh shucks....thanks....

Anonymous said...

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