Music for a Saturday Night
Ah another Saturday night approaches. If I was off these are the tunes I would be singing into my hair brush (if I owned or even required one) as I changed into my dancing clobber. (Your what now? bwahahahaha -LMM)But I'm working so in order to help these fine tunes reach their destiny I'm sharing them with you so that you can play and sing-a-long and love. Don't worry bout work.....fighting with wiseguys......and competitive moms......I'll be fine....
14 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
how cool is that, sugar? i might have to come back and do a mix tape at 3.30inthefuckingdarkmorning when i can't get back to sleep! well done on the selections, too! xoxxo
Savannah: how much fun is that!?!!! I love that thing, I only put five songs on just to see if it worked.....Toots and the Maytals? Just brilliant....
this is geek-a-rific! but it would only play the first song all the way through, with just teaser-nuggets of the others...
totally going to have to waste some time making a mix or two!
oh this is a super cool link and new thing to waste HOURS screwing around with .... thank you?
And nice music!
It's 4:30 am here on the wet coast of Canada.
Thanks for the morning wake-up.
daisyfae: i did not know it was doing that.....hmmmmmmm
boxer: ta ta......
mj: mudhoney for breakfast? brilliant......
i did it! i have no idea what my selections say about my music tastes in the morning, but it waqs damn fun, sugar! oh yeah, toots and the maytals was delish!
savannah: over in a mo for a nosey......
Manuel, you know how to kick out the jams.
Oh, that's a loverly toy. Won't embed with Wordpress though. And how long does it take them to start spamming?
medbh: mc5....quality
bbb: mr positive eh.....
Motor city burnin', baby!!
Love it.
Zippy tunes! And a cool link - I used to love making mix tapes. Happy days.
That Morrissey song was the only one that grabbed me on his last album. There were a few others that got better with repetition but all in all I wish he hadn't bothered. I really, really wanted to love it though so perhaps there'd have been no pleasing me. Morrissey's one of these people of a time, for me. I loved The Smiths. I don't want that messed with in my head. How sad is that? How old is that?
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