
Sunday, 23 March 2008

Breathing deep and counting to ten......million.

Having consulted with my huge legal department (LMM) I have decided to hold off for 24 hours before retelling the events of Saturday night.

this picture accurately depicts my mood...

Apparently I have to let my "hot head" subside a bit as I cant afford to get sued or lose my job. What ever. You shall have to wait until tomorrow to her about the rudest, nastiest, most condescending table ever. You will be agog at the balls of some people, you will swear out loud, you will laugh, you will cry, you will learn to love Manuel a little more....

But to make it up to you let me share a little slice of what life is like here in the North of Ireland. Read this, paragraph four. Tremendous......

20 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

savannah said...

OH.MY.GAWD!!! a red bag i will be laughing inside my head all night!

(can i just tell you how excited i was to see a post for sunday up BEFORE i went to bed, sugar?)

breathe deeply...and slowly...and count backwards for a gazillion and LISTEN to LMM! we can wait, ok, i can wait...btw, change all the names, descriptions, in fact...tell a fairy tale wink, wink...know what i mean?

Niall said...

sounds rough dude. i look forward to it. hang in there karma will fix it

Anonymous said...

Can I just assure you it wasn't me. I have an alibi.

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

I HATE suspense! Is there a 900 number I can call to get a preview?

Old Knudsen said...

All I said was get me an 'Ulster' fry ya fenian looking silky boy but oh no you took a pointy and said "NO!" in the style of big Ian which is the only thing that saved yer life.

Anonymous said...

I shall take a leg of lamb with me to all future sporting events I attend.

The Mistress said...

Was it a leg of lamb from YOUR restaurant?

Jenny said...

Oh, I'll be back then......

Doesn't sound like your table realized it was a Religious Holiday Weekend, eh?


Manuel said...

I'm saying nothing except it was scary bickies for a moment.......

Anonymous said...

that is brilliant -I got got hit in the gub with a till roll when i was at the Oval for the glens linfield game before moving to the other side of the pitch and collected about 10quid in change being pelted at my noggin.

i remember a few years ago a toaster being thrown on the pitch at the brandywell, that gave you a great incite into the Derry City fans:
'going to the game?'
'got yer toaster'
'damn right!'

but them italians probably win the 'best object thrown from the stands' award when inter fans lobbed a scooter from the top teir of the san siro

Unknown said...

leg of lamb... brilliant.

btw - look! a weekend comment from me, thats how concerned/bored i am.

fatmammycat said...

Sounds terrible. I will be here with popcorn. Vent on dear man, vent on.

Megan McGurk said...

Oh shit.
Sorry, sweetie.
People are scum.
I await your post.

ellie said...

Was it a frozen leg of lamb? That would sting a little if it made contact.

Ali said...

Teasers are mean. Shame on you, holding out like that.

Anonymous said...

Leg-o-lamb eh? Was it cooked? Maybe the guy thought they needed a little snack.

Makes me wonder what they'd do in Canada if that happened. A few years ago a fan was thrown out of the stadium for throwing popcorn on the ice. Can't imagine popcorn killing anyone, maybe slow down the players. Oh well.

And, OH WAITER, I gotta know. It's now Sunday, so..... did wise guy show up for his reservation on Saturday?????

I gotta know

Anonymous said...

Fight! Fight! Fight! Leg of Lamb! Fight! Chair! Fight! Fight! ... Huh?

Sorry your weekend was pooey, Toots. It sounds serious whatever it was.

Karen said...

Never mind the leg of lamb, I'm still laughing that the team is called Lisburn Distillery. If that isn't enough to incite the crowd then definitely the lamb would tip them over the edge.

Anonymous said...

Ha! The leg of lamb was picked up on BoingBoing:

Anonymous said...

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