The Movie is based on a book Called OIL! with the sub title "There will be blood". The Author is Upton Sinclair. So considering I suppose that The main title is OIL with an exclamation, and there will be blood, is a sub-title, then all the emphasis could be placed on the OIL!
Yeah my vote is with the WILL! On a separate note... did you see the Observer food mag yesterday. I can't say the last page was plagiarism per se, but it did seem like most of it was gleaned from your blog... might be just me though... of course the hubby being a former waiter turned manager turned "Get me the hell out of this business" store manager noted it before I even read it. He's a fan too Manuel! He doesn't even read my blog... so there you go!
Deborah: I have it in my hand! I kept rubbing my head yesterday as I read it. I did feel a bit "familiar". I wasn't sure if I should be angry or if I was just being paranoid...
not read upton sinclair, and don't get out to movies much, so i saw the end of the oscars last night and it left me scratching myself and grunting a bit...
20 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
The Movie is based on a book Called OIL! with the sub title "There will be blood". The Author is Upton Sinclair. So considering I suppose that The main title is OIL with an exclamation, and there will be blood, is a sub-title, then all the emphasis could be placed on the OIL!
stop making it worse........
There will be BLOOD. Deffinately.
Good question. If a little crude. Oil have to think about that. The answer's in the pipeline. Etc.
If it were up to Daniel Day Lewis,
I would Say the answer is
thur wil b blud.
txt spk mks me a cnt!
I've been saying There WILL Be Blood.
Because that's the point. We wait for the blood.
THERE WILL BE (pause for effect) blood...
There'll be what?
(ps pics of Nordy trip over at mine...)
medbh saves the day......the rest of you....tut tut tut
Yeah my vote is with the WILL! On a separate note... did you see the Observer food mag yesterday. I can't say the last page was plagiarism per se, but it did seem like most of it was gleaned from your blog... might be just me though... of course the hubby being a former waiter turned manager turned "Get me the hell out of this business" store manager noted it before I even read it. He's a fan too Manuel! He doesn't even read my blog... so there you go!
Deborah: I have it in my hand! I kept rubbing my head yesterday as I read it. I did feel a bit "familiar". I wasn't sure if I should be angry or if I was just being paranoid...
i had it as "there will be BLOOD?"
not read upton sinclair, and don't get out to movies much, so i saw the end of the oscars last night and it left me scratching myself and grunting a bit...
sorry. no help here....
Daisyfae: appreciated though......pfft...
Every time I go for a shite I say?
Down here it's called 'Petróleo Sangriento' which means 'Blood Oil' - so much easier!
Old K: aaaaaarrrrrgghh cant get that out of my mind.....
quickie: so much easier......
You need to get out more!!!
you need to answer your text messages
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