Rumbling on
"Manuel is a perfect gentleman..."
Well you wouldn't have expected anything else. Not my words but the words of a fellow waiter Lola (real name I'm sure) who rumbled me (ooh er missus) in The Mourne Seafood Bar on Monday. In case you missed it here is what Lola said in full...
I just want to clear something up here guys, i offered to hug manuel but he declined!! And crept sideways out the door like a crab, excuse the pun!Confirmation indeed that I am a gentleman and that we all listen to your conversations. Lola also got a wee dig back at Ginger's Belfast Plate Carrier who said....
And regarding the comment made by "belfast plate carrier", all my customers are VIPs, but unless i clone myself, i can't possibly hug them all goodbye, and serve them at the same time (while listening in on their conversations! Come on, we all do it!!)
And the juice/jus for "bendersbetterbrother": Manuel is a perfect gentleman to serve, i say no more! lol
I knew you were talking about Robin even before I clickyed the link. Love the dude to bits even though the last time he was in Ginger I had to tell him off for arm wrestling Micheal McKeegan of Therapy? fame. And i do have to point out you got the love that i provide every customer without the knowledge you'd be writing about it.Ooooohhhh
Not like MSB
Now in the last 2 days I have eaten in both The Mourne Seafood Bar and Ginger (it's been a rough week - hehehehe) and had lunch in The Spaniard. Let me tell you how I see it. Without question the best service I received during my two days of indulgence was in the The Spaniard, no question.
Friendly, warm, and genuine. It's the sort of service you cant teach. You either have it or you don't. The Spaniard has it. There wasn't any chit chat, there was proper conversation. There wasn't suggestive selling there was proper personal recommendations. I'll go back again for the Martin Millers Gin and Tonic (with cucumber), the best I've had in years. But I'll go back again and again for the service.
The food in Ginger and The Mourne Seafood Bar is amongst the best you will get anywhere let alone in Belfast. But service is my thing, obviously, and it's quite often what I remember most when I leave a restaurant. If the service has been bad, which is very rare anywhere these days, it annoys me more than if the food is bad. When it's great I just wanna ......well I just wanna hug the waiter. I don't though for obvious reasons. I normally just leave a good tip.
Belfast is really blessed with some great restaurants serving some fantastic food.
So before Lola and Belfast Plate Carrier (a name I wish I had thought of) end up dueling at dawn with waiter's friends and service cloths at the ready I will say that the service is equally as good in both place. The food is equally as good in both places. But The Spaniard beats them both for what Manuel cares about most......the love.
And in other news....
I cant thank the people who nominated Well Done Fillet for recognition in the Irish Blog Awards enough. Thank you a thousand times over. I'm
I'm nominated for....
Best Blog Post for "The customer that broke this camels back"
Best Food and Drink Blog
Best Blog
Best Personal Blog
Best Newcomer
Best Badges
Best Use of the word "Crikey"
Okay I made the last two up but maybe next year....
Also the latest RoundTable is up....
17 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
The Spaniard, fine place. I used to drink there but I can't get past the lez...lady who minds the door now, the one with the Ruskie hat and coat (cold war, circa 1980). For those people not-of-Belfast the place is about the size of the average living room...cut in half. It's usually packed to the gills and you can count the change in someone's pockets through your buttocks. On a really busy night you can even tell if they're heads or tails. That meme you had me do a few days ago had a post about The Spaniard, the one about the English soap actor.
Congrats on the awards things. I didn't nominate you but you know I wuv u all the same.
Manuel, I'm with you there. For my penny's worth Janine and her crew are the best in belfast, but I'm afraid the Spic is far too crowded for me these days (talk about being a victim of it's own success). As for Ms Lola and the prospective duel I point out that waiter's friends leave nasty wounds. I'll say now that I do look forward to experiencing once again the great service I've had at MSB in the past, even though last time I got a bit drunk, explaining to my co-diner about Ms Gillian McKeith's love of looking at poo. Rather loudly. To the extent that our 'neighbours' joined in. Good times.
BBB: Bastard.....hehehehe
BPC: Nothing clears a restaurant more than talk of poo....and Gillian McKeith...Eh where you working Wed night?
So you want your stapler back as well, right?
Manuel, you're going to need help carrying home all those awards.
This is going to be fun.
i never voted for ye manuel, and i am very very sorry, but was working darn sarf and the redirect page after tthe original vote page that the damn thing worked on was firewalled at work... i tried hacking.... actually i just tried not washing for a bit but damned if i could do it - soz n'that
Well done on the nominations Manuel - me and the herd were up all nite rigging the elections like some sort've American primary.
The Spaniard is definately one of my fav bars in belfast with brilliant and friendly staff. The only place on a par with it is The DoY, in my humble opinion.
Well done Mr Manuel Fillet, You deserve several encomiums. I didn't vote for you but then I didn't vote for anyone since I'm such a lacksadaisical blogger.
Are the servers at Ginger, gingers?
wait, this is a waiter blog?!? shit, i thought it was for waiting around... damn, fooled again.
Blogger has eaten my comment and it was the funniest comment I have written, ah well!
Congratulations on the multiple nominations.
Medbh: Stop it.....
Toast: And to think I voted for you huh....
Sheepo: cheers....yup I like the Duke too...always good craic...
Conan: it's the lack of thought that counts...
MJ: no, but the boss is....
Inner voices: no no you were right the first time...
Ellie: I had that all night last night. I was making witty comments all over the place only to be thwarted by blogger...the bastard....and congrats on yours too
Congrats on all the nominations Mr Manuel. You're gonna be unbearable if you win aren't you?
Manuel; When you were dining in Ginger on wednesday night I was busy pissing my tips up against the wall in Katy Daly's. Hope you had a good night regardless. Nevertheless I shall be suggesting to Ms Lola that we both go and eat in your gaff and judge you. Almost biblical, isn't it? Mwhahahaha!
P.S. My da was telling me bout your blog. Well done! (no pun intended) You'll have to let me tell you about an experience I (and my family) had in 27 Talbot Street sometime.
MJ, No, only one of them. I, on the other hand am blessed with a shock of gorgeous raven locks. And the grey hairs make me look 'dignified' not old.
BPC: I'm not interested in your locks.
Just send me a photo of your arse.
gypsy: I am unbearable now......ask my ex-wife!
BPC: SHITE.....I worried that something like that would happen....I'm off that day hehehehe. Your da knows a good thing when he sees it. Email me with your story...I'll post it if it's good....and MJ means it too...crikey
You deserve every one Manuel.Really looking forward to meeting you on the night..hopefully before you win so you're still in touch with the little people....xxxxxx
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