What's in a name?
Waiters eh, if we aren't spilling soup on you or forgetting to tell the chef that you are allergic to nuts we are writing about you. The internet is chock full of waiter and service industry related blogs. Some are just fucking awful I mean really really turgid whiny stuff, "...and they only left me $45.00 and my feet hurt and the chef swore at me..." and so on. Grow a set and get the fuck over yourself. But for every insecure, whiny tray jockey there are lots of great waiter blogs out there.
Ribeye from Raging Server has set up a weekly blog carnival feature called The Roundtable. It's aim is to highlight the best stories from the food & drink service related blogs out there. Raging Server is hosting the RoundTable this week with it switching to WellDoneFillet next week. So if you come across any great server related blog stories send them my way. I'll be posting the next set of stories on Sunday night/ Monday morning. There is a link at the top of the page to all the RoundTable posts so have a look and maybe you'll find some more blogs that interest you. And more importantly maybe you'll learn to love the waiters in your life a little more. Maybe you'll learn to treat them a little nicer. Hey maybe you'll learn to tip better, and that's what I'm really all about. I'm the Bob Geldof of the waiting wold, "Gimme your fucking money..."
Oh and whilst we are at it, as you all know my blog is called Well Done Fillet......that's well done FILLET, pronounced FIL-LET not FIL-LAY. Now I know this will be difficult for you Americans out there but you really must try. Over here we pronounce it FIL-LET and you pronounce it FIL-LAY, but when you are in my house you will use the former. And another thing the superbly ugly fish Turbot is pronounced TUR-BIT not TUR-BO. Stop it, it really annoys me. Good grief even the French pronounce it TUR-BIT. Don't even get me started on risotto (it's OT-TO not OH-TO). And one final thing for my Spanish speaking friends, stop sending me emails in Spanish asking me if I come from Spain/Mexico/Puerto Rico. I'm not. I'm from Belfast, we don't even have a decent Mexican restaurant anymore. For those of you who don't know I took my name Manuel from the much put upon waiter Manuel from the BBC TV show Fawlty Towers. In reality I am much more like Basil.
I hope that clears a few things up........
Oh and help make Gimme's Christmas dream come true and get Tom Waits to number 1.....do it!
Ribeye from Raging Server has set up a weekly blog carnival feature called The Roundtable. It's aim is to highlight the best stories from the food & drink service related blogs out there. Raging Server is hosting the RoundTable this week with it switching to WellDoneFillet next week. So if you come across any great server related blog stories send them my way. I'll be posting the next set of stories on Sunday night/ Monday morning. There is a link at the top of the page to all the RoundTable posts so have a look and maybe you'll find some more blogs that interest you. And more importantly maybe you'll learn to love the waiters in your life a little more. Maybe you'll learn to treat them a little nicer. Hey maybe you'll learn to tip better, and that's what I'm really all about. I'm the Bob Geldof of the waiting wold, "Gimme your fucking money..."
Oh and whilst we are at it, as you all know my blog is called Well Done Fillet......that's well done FILLET, pronounced FIL-LET not FIL-LAY. Now I know this will be difficult for you Americans out there but you really must try. Over here we pronounce it FIL-LET and you pronounce it FIL-LAY, but when you are in my house you will use the former. And another thing the superbly ugly fish Turbot is pronounced TUR-BIT not TUR-BO. Stop it, it really annoys me. Good grief even the French pronounce it TUR-BIT. Don't even get me started on risotto (it's OT-TO not OH-TO). And one final thing for my Spanish speaking friends, stop sending me emails in Spanish asking me if I come from Spain/Mexico/Puerto Rico. I'm not. I'm from Belfast, we don't even have a decent Mexican restaurant anymore. For those of you who don't know I took my name Manuel from the much put upon waiter Manuel from the BBC TV show Fawlty Towers. In reality I am much more like Basil.
I hope that clears a few things up........
Oh and help make Gimme's Christmas dream come true and get Tom Waits to number 1.....do it!
21 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
The phonics lesson was quality and acts as a necessary public service.
People mangle too many words.
Lots of Americans also incorrectly say "expresso" and it drives me batty.
Ah Medbh "expresso" is one of my pet peeves and I find it very hard not to correct people when they do it.......
What is it? Espresso?
Upseto: it's what those who don't drink espresso have.....
I hate mispronunciations, although I'm guilty of it at times. I also hate misspellings, even though I'm guilty of that too.
AGHGHGHA... EXPRESSO.... I want to kill.
As for the ones you were so kind to point all I can say is;
guilty? Sorry? Will try harder.And I love the way "you all" pronounce aluminium.
and I look forward to your Roundtable next week.
Fill-it it is unless you also cum from the upper malone who will say Fillay. I say Fillie cos I speak French and have class.
I yet again bad mouthed you on me blog, I hope you forgive me as its christmas.
OH NO..........
Renault is another one.
And Julian Simmons - pronounced T-W-A-T.
My xmas do is tonite Manuel, I'll be the belligerent arsehole who wont tip...
Black Friday...
Manuel, after you've dried your socks out after the last orders, you can count all those lovely dollars!
You who are about to go numb-in the-legs-and-the-face, we salute you!
Expresso is what girls slip in a guy's drink before having long talks with their boyfriends...it's like a woman's ruffee (oh no, not sure how to spell this:)
My favorite linguistic mix up was when someone said once to me "for all intensive purposes." Doesn't this conjure up the image of people working really hard toward some unreachable goal?
What about fillet mignon? Isn't that pronounced FIL-LAY? I must admit if I saw turbot on the menu I would have pronounced it TUR-BO but now I wouldn't :)
well done...fillit?
poo. my world has shattered around me.
so is it po-ta-toe or pote-hay-toe? fucking confusing if ask me? but were american so none of it makes any sense.
shouldnt you be working?
Dear jeebus, Manuel, I hope you survived-- unscathed-- the Black Friday onslaught.
Tips be praised.
Delurking from America to say that I just assumed "Fillet" would be pronounced "fill-it" because if it was supposed to be "fil-lay" you would have spelled it "filet".
Oddly enough, I can properly pronounce "espresso", and "nuclear" as well (for whatever that's worth), but please don't blame us all because somewhere along the line, someone in linguistic authority decided "turbot" should be pronounced like a type of automoblie engine!
Oh, by the way...I like your blog. ;)
Thanks for clearing that up darlingk!...I actually heard an Irish person order Fillay of beef the other evening..amost choked on my peteet pause.
I heard someone talk about this blog recently calling it Well done Fil-lay. It annoyed me :(
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