Enjoy WellDoneFillet Responsibly
Has anyone seen that new Hennessy Brandy advert? Makes me want to vomit. It's just so bloody tragic. Here have a look for yourself, if you can be bothered. See what did I tell you? Vomit inducing artsy pish. I'm not falling for this one bit...
The Marketing supremos at Hennessy want people who look like this to drink Brandy...

But the people that actually drink brandy look like this....

And those people just aren't cool enough for the Ad-Men. I don't think I've served brandy to anyone under 40 in the last 18 years. The thing about brandy is that it should be discovered when you are a bit older, when you have the time to enjoy it's delights. What use is brandy to coked up skinny people in lycra? None what so ever! Brandy is for those who enjoy a slower pace of life. For those who know the value of a good pair of shoes and the value of their house. What next, alcopop brandy? Some sort of brandy and Ribena mix for the kids?
The whiskey makers are at it too. Their adverts have lots of cool 30-somethings drinking their whiskey like it was water. There they are in their Aran Sweater's gathered round a a roaring fire knocking the Tullamore Dew into them with no care of the consequences. Me arse! Most people I know under 30 who drink whiskey end up throwing up, beating up, and throwing up again. Pisses me off. But not so much as the bit at the bottom of alcohol adverts that says, "Enjoy your Crazy Brew Responsibly." Ha! Bullshit.....
And whilst we are on about bullshit, journalists are at it again with the holier than thou stuff. Belfast's Sunday Life ran a story under the, in no way alarmist, headline "ULSTER COKE SHOCK." Apparently people here take coke, and they take it in the toilets of their favourite bars. Shock? I don't think so. And if I'm not mistaken they ran the same bloody story a year or two ago. Gimme a break. Now I'm not saying that the journo who cobbled together that piece enjoys a line or twelve of the Bolivian Marching Powder but I know a fair few hacks who do. They visited 10 bars and found traces of coke in 7 of them. In one bar they didn't find any drugs in the toilets but they did find traces of coke in the disabled toilets. So what were disabled punters to do whilst Columbo was swabbing the walls? Eh?
I'm feeling tired, yet again, and in the mood for a fight. Where's my whiskey....? The good story from last weekend is coming soon, honest.....
19 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
I will stick with my G&T at least Gordon's haven't got super slim young things to advertise their product, just Gordon Ramsey.
On second thoughts I wonder is 39 too young to start on the brandy?
oh you are far too young.......
Manuel you sound like you need a bit of a lie down. Are you feeling a bit tetchy today? I'm 47 and only drink wine or champagne but that's only because that's all that agrees with my tender constitution. What demographic do I fall into?
Over here that particular brand of brandy is quite the thing with Hip-Hop/Gangstah fraternity.
I know..it boggles the mind doesn't it?
Grew up on whiskey, don't touch it now. The mere smell of brandy is enough to make me want to barf.
Clearly I'm now too old for brandy. I like to preserve myself in a good red (or two).
Gypsy: A very special princess demographic......
Hangar Queen: crikey.....what next? the champagne....what you mean they do already?
BBB:Grew up on Whiskey eh..... country lad?
Mr. M's favorite Irish is the Dew. I rarely touch whiskey these days though in my 20s I had a taste for Bushmills.
You're right to say that certain drinks are age appropriate, Manuel.
red breast for me.....
Clearly, the people at Hennessy know their core market is DYING OFF, so they're desperate to create new markets.. kind of like cigarette manufacturers advertising to teens.
I stick with Vodka. Straight up. and I plan to be drinking the same, just more, when I'm older.
You really do have to laugh at all these ads targeting a different age group for their drinks.
Had a friend who worked in Advertising a few years back. She got about 7 guys including me in for a focus group and started asking us questions and our opinions on Bushmills. No way I'm drinking that unless I've got a cold and the whiskey is hot.
(I got paid and there was free booze and food, that's why I went).
Typical nite on the lash involves beer, JD & coke, vodka, and by 1.30 anything. Cider is the only thing I can't drink - it makes me slightly belligerent for some reason.
There's a lot to be said for a splash of brandy in a good, strong coffee... and it's vital for my plum pud
you need a holiday, sugar! and we still have extended family week ahead! (my favorite drink is the one that's in front of me...)
There will be a bottle of Courvoisier waiting for me after work on christmas day. Is mid-twenties old enough to start on *sophisticated* alcohol or do I have to go back to chugging white lightning and WKD in the local park in the rain again? :(
Brandy? That advert is lame. Those young adults probably can't hold down a Mike's Hard Lemonade. Bah, The older I get, the stronger my juice better get. Plus I can't be trusted with anything in a sniffer, or even glass for that matter. Just give me something in a BIG plastic bottle(jug). That's what I call aging gracefully.
Coke, like cocain?
Am I in a time machine and it's the 80s all over again?
What's next, a hit album for Duran Duran?
Oh, wait.
Did you see this, Manuel?
Boxer: It's good to have a plan......
Dave: hot whiskey good......cold whiskey is mental juice.....
Sheepo: slightly belligerent? ha
Conan: I agree......so tell me more about this pud....
Savannah: I got my schedule for next week, 4 days off in a row.......very sweet
YoYo: nice......go for it....
Waitress: classy lady.....like Bacall in many respects....
Mr DNA: Aye but we are 20 years behind here......I mean that too....
Medbh: I hadn't hahahaha
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