Who wants Leopard? Who killed the Harriers? Who saw it coming?
So what to do with Leopard? I could try and flog it. I could keep it for some future use. I could frame it and hang it above the wee mac as a reminder to backup and to read the instructions. I could, but I probably wont. So instead I'm gonna give it away. Settle down don't all rush at once. It's more of a swap deal rather than a give away. I want 2 goats in return for this Leopard. "He's on crack again isn't he?" I know that's what you are thinking. But I'm not, I'm on cough medicine but that's not related to this. If you want Apple's latest OS for £35 cheaper than it is available in the shops just buy two goats from Oxfam and the Leopard is yours. Obviously there is only one copy so let me know if you have done it (and can prove it) as soon as you do in the comments or email me. If no one wants it I shall use it as a coaster.....
Freaking wine course tonight. It's gonna be interesting as I have the cold and the only thing I can taste and smell is my own phlegm. MMMMMMMMMMMM. I'll be bullshitting like a champion tonight. Nothing new there then. I've been off work for a week now and am back properly tomorrow. Is it wrong that I hope things went tits up when I was off? Come on we all hope that they can't survive without us when we are off.
I watched Mrs Windsor's speech earlier. It's all very grand and full of pomp and ceremony. It sticks in the throat, wasting self interest bastards. There was a quality moment when Black Rod arrived into the House of Commons to summon the MP's into the House of Lords for Liz's speech. Labour MP and actual Socialist (bit of a rarity these days) Dennis Skinner shouted "Who killed the Harriers?" which caused a ripple of laughter in the middle of all the stuffiness. He was referring to the two rare birds found shot recently and for which Liz's grandson, Harry, was questioned. Made me chuckle. Mr Skinner also leads a little group of rebels who stay in their seats and don't go into hear the Monarch's speech. Nice one Dennis....
Sorry Boxer but I couldn't resist. And if you were on here over the weekend you must have seen it coming. Stripped Waiter......
I'm sort of looking forward to going back to work. I'll have something interesting to write about......
Update: Alan in Belfast has secured Manuel his goats. Let the feasting and sacrificing begin. Eh um er I mean great now some people who need some goat help can get it. Cheers Alan, that really is good work.....
17 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
stripped waiter? omg, sugar...i am impressed
hehehehe thank you Savannah......
You know I was rummaging through your blog drawers over the weekend and DID see you were ready to pop out a FIFTH. I just thought it was something you did during your drunken haze and might forget if I didn't mention it.
But you know, congrats and all.
Good name. Now go back to work.
And wear blog birth control.
Will you swap for a pair of windup hopping lederhosen?
WTF is this leopard thing? The Mac equivalent of Vista?
You could always use the disc it came on to sort out the balance on a table at your restaurant.
Or throw it up in the air, tell Harry it's a Harrier and let him blast it to cd heaven.
Boxer: Are you suggesting some sort of ConBlog? Never, I shall not be silenced.....
MJ: And then I'd have two!!!
Dave: Equivalent of Vista? Are YOU on crack? In Bill Gates' dreams. Saying that what would I know, it wouldn't work...
mmm, i could do with some leopard and chips with HP sauce right now...
Sorry, I already ate the goats.
I heard that Oxfam goat thing is a bit of a scam - allegedly they consume more resources than they produce. You got something against poor, starving people Manuel? Eh?
What do you mean am I on crack!!!?
Everyone knows this is mushie season you scoundrel!
Waiter, I'll have your well done mushroom omelette please.
Sheepo: You just have a thing for sheep eh.....goats not good enough for you....
Dave: Very true. There is a church on the Lisburn Road that gets invaded by "zombies" at about dawn in the search for shroooms man.....
what can i say... after the 3 billy goats gruff debacle, I just havent been the same...
Sheepo: I know, I know...those were rough days...
I see your game. Pass your dodgy disc onto someone else, fuck up their computer.
Next time you want to buy a new operating system just send me a cheque for £85 instead. It won't save you any money but at least you won't screw up your comp.
The latest on the birds is that they were depressed for a long time and it was a suicide pact and no one really cares. Oh a Harry was in the gazebo smoking a joint at the time.
Very nice blog. Loving it. Unfortunately not interested in Leopard, for I am a Linux man, but love the idea behind it!
OK - I'm up for Leopard. Can't find your email address on the blog (obviously not looking hard enough). Email me on alaninbelfast at gmail dot com and I'll forward on the Oxfam proof!
BBB: Very cynical Mr Ubettuutt
Old Knudsen: Royal apologist...
Jack: Welcome Jack. I used to use Linux too. But now I'm a Right Guard man hahahaha. Cheers though.....
Alan: D'oh I took it down earlier to put another link up. Done my done.....
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