yummy! but i'll skip the mint sauce, i'm more a rosemary and garlic kinda gal, sugar! (and i already voted: meat, meat and did i tell you i love meat?)
Meat eater. I'm planning to have a steak the size of my head in an hour, with a baked potato and steamed veggies. Yum. That said, I'm not a big fan of lamb, and I prefer seafood above all else. Also I'm with Savannah, mint sauce is blee.
Aw, snuggly. The only face I eat is of the seafood variety. Shrimp and lobster just look like big bugs which I don't feel guilty eating. I cooked lamb once and that shit smells. My guests loved it. Mint sauce is illegal in my house.
Ok. Would you rather eat something with a face? Or something that grows in dirt. And keep in mind the dirt is saturated with crap from things with a face. Hrmmm!
meat is just a wrong'un really.. i mean think about... there are lots of things that we do thats wrong - i think we're the only species that drinks the milk of another animal for example... and we're certainly the only species that plays golf - so in summary, no, golf is shit.
Toast: The milk thing gets to me more than the meat thing ever will. Just thinking about milk and stuff than contains milk, such as pre packed ham makes me wanna throw.....
Awwww, such a cutesy-wootsey ickle-bikle lambsy-wamsykins...
... and so delicious when coated with butter, fresh rosemary and garlic and roasted good and quick in the oven. Mmmmmmmmmmmm... pink and cuts like butter in the middle...mmmmmmmmmmmmm...
18 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
yummy! but i'll skip the mint sauce, i'm more a rosemary and garlic kinda gal, sugar!
(and i already voted: meat, meat and did i tell you i love meat?)
Meat eater. I'm planning to have a steak the size of my head in an hour, with a baked potato and steamed veggies. Yum. That said, I'm not a big fan of lamb, and I prefer seafood above all else.
Also I'm with Savannah, mint sauce is blee.
I'm a little worried about what you're planning........
Aw, snuggly.
The only face I eat is of the seafood variety. Shrimp and lobster just look like big bugs which I don't feel guilty eating.
I cooked lamb once and that shit smells. My guests loved it.
Mint sauce is illegal in my house.
Lamb is bleughhhhhhhhhh. Beef everytime for me, medium rare fillet, unless we're talking blogs
Ok. Would you rather eat something with a face? Or something that grows in dirt. And keep in mind the dirt is saturated with crap from things with a face. Hrmmm!
Despite my penchant for black pud and the like when I'm home I don't eat meat other than seafood.
Mint sauce is shit.
Angela: Not awwww but mmmmmmmmm
Savannah: I love mint sauce.....
FMC: Seafood has definitely pushed a lot of the meat off my plate recently. What is wrong with mint sauce?
Boxer: Mwahahahahaha
Medbh: Seriously people what the hell is wrong with mint sauce?
Ellie: Awh how sweet.....
Upset Waitress: Both actually......
Hangar Queen: Black pud, now you are talking! Bloody love it, no pun intended.
people, people people, what the hell is wrong with mint sauce? Savages.....
meat is just a wrong'un really.. i mean think about... there are lots of things that we do thats wrong - i think we're the only species that drinks the milk of another animal for example... and we're certainly the only species that plays golf - so in summary, no, golf is shit.
The only things with eyes I eat are potatoes.
Toast: The milk thing gets to me more than the meat thing ever will. Just thinking about milk and stuff than contains milk, such as pre packed ham makes me wanna throw.....
and golf is very very shit...
Muddy: You started all this.....
Me, wha?
I sound like one of your cab drivers now, eh?
Awwww, such a cutesy-wootsey ickle-bikle lambsy-wamsykins...
... and so delicious when coated with butter, fresh rosemary and garlic and roasted good and quick in the oven. Mmmmmmmmmmmm... pink and cuts like butter in the middle...mmmmmmmmmmmmm...
BUT - mint jelly, not mint sauce...
Flappers: Yes you! I might have to offer a veggie version of WDF, well done lentil or summat.
Conan Drumm: Sauce......
I am honoured and scared all at the same time. Rather confusing.
You are giving me the fear Manny.
Well Done Lentil?
I suppose it sounds better than Well Done Twigs and Leaves.
well done tofu?
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