If you are going to fight Donald Trump....
.......don't bloody well go to bed early! You will of course remember the story of the chap who may have been Old Knudsen's brother who refused to sell his land to Donald Trump. You should remember it but if you don't here it is again...

"This is a tremendous story from Scotland. Donald "Check my hair out" Trump wants to build a couple of golf courses, hotels, and fancy resorts in Aberdeenshire. But a fisherman who own a very large lump of land in the middle of the proposed development has said "Nae a fucking chance laddy." He has to be Old Knudsen's brother...Michael Forbes decided not to bother his lazy ass going to the council meeting last night that would decide the future of his farm and surrounding area. He decided to "go to bed early." What the fuck? Is this guy for real? He is clearly as mad as a bag of badgers! Of course the council voted to give the project the go ahead. It's hard to feel sympathy for a guy that cant stay awake past 7 in the evening to fight his case. Trump meanwhile has been telling everyone that he is actually Scottish. That doesn't make it any better. Just have a look at the beautiful land and scenery that he is going to destroy. What a carnivorous bastard. It's depressing and sickening. The area will be covered in ghastly hotels, resorts, golf courses, Range Rovers, and Pringle bloody Jumpers. But hey what do I care I don't live there, unlike Mr Forbes, the sleepy twat.
Read the story here. Fair play to the old get. Tell Trumper to get back on a plane and feck off."

clearly madder than a bag of badgers
I used to write every other day then it went up to every day, now it's twice or three times a day. Good grief that cant continue. In other news Don't Tip The Waiter is my new favourite service related blog. Check it out. The guy is funny very very funny.....
11 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
Manuel, have you no work to go to today?!!!
Fuck! I do! gotta go.......I start at2!!!!!
That's Donald "Check my ginger combover out" Trump.
He wasn't asleep. He was passed out from drink.
They had already decided the outcome, I bet Trump didn't turn up either, its bad in the 21st century that you get forced out of yer home like this.
What a fucking numptie!
It's true though about him being abit Scottish. His mammy was from Lewis. Born in a blackhouse. We keep it very quiet.
Thanks for the link, Manuel, and the exaggerated compliment.
I've read much of the content on your site (again, brilliant!) and the associated comments and, quite honestly, many of your regular visitors scare the sh*t out of this timid young lad from America.
Peace & Thanksgiving,
- Dennis
Mj: That's the one, what a bastard
Medbh: Probably.....
Old Knudsen: It's a crying shame is what it is is what it is.....
Sam: I bet if he was opening the same deal in Vietnam he would find that he had a Vietnamese granny too that bastard.....
Denis: I meant it, really quality original site......As for the riff raff that comes round here there's nothing I can do about them......a rabble and no mistake....still I love them all.....most of them are from your neck of the woods too I should add
this don't sit right with me - an offer that couldn't be refused is what springs to mind here
toast: I agree and once it's done it wont ever be the same again.......ruined for range rover set.......
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